
WOODWARD, J. Fossils of all kinds digested into a method, suitable to their relation and affinity. 8o. Lond. 1728.

Naturalis historia telluris, cum methodica fossilium in classes distributione. 8°. Lond. 1714.

Natural history of the earth; with an account of the universal deluge. 3d ed. Lond. 1723.

WORTHINGTON, W. The scripture-theory of the earth, throughout all its revolutions, from the creation to the final renovation of all things. 8°. Lond. 1773.

WULFENS, X. Abhandlung vom kärnthenschen pfauenschweifigen Helmintholith oder dem sogenannten opalistrenden Muschelmarmor. T. 32. col. 4°. Erlang. 1793. De plumbo spatoso Carinthiaco; in Lat. ex Germ.; transl. a Josepho Eyerel. T. 21. col. 4o. Vindob. 1791.

De ZIETEN, C. H. Les pétrifications de Wurtemberg; avec indication des formations de roches dans lesquelles on les rencontre. Livr. 1-10. Pl. 60. col. fol. Stuttg. 1820

[blocks in formation]




ACADEMIA RHENO-TRAJECTINA. vid. BLEULAND, J. ADAMS, G. Essays on the microscope; (with plates illustrative of the structure of various animals and vegetables). 2d ed. 4°. Lond. 1798.

ALBERS, J. A. Icones ad illustrandam anatomen comparatam. Fasc. 1-2. T. 7. fol. Lips. 1818-22.

All the plates have a reference to cetaceous animals.

ALTENA, H. L. van. Commentatio ad quæstionem (academ. Belgic.) de speciebus indigenis reptilium ex ordine batrachiorum; addita unius saltem speciei anatome. T. 4. 4°. Lugd. Bat. 1829.

D'ALTON, E. vid. PANDER, C. Die Skelete der straussartigen Vögel. T. 7. fol. Bonn, 1827.

ANATOMY. The natural history of animals, containing the anatomical description of several creatures dissected by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; translated by a fellow of the Royal Society. Pl. 30. fol. Lond. 1702.

The plan of the plates is exceedingly good, though they are badly executed. In the lower part of each plate a figure of the individual animal in its natural state and action is given and in the upper part are represented the principal points of its anatomy.

ARSAKY, A. De piscium cerebro et medulla spinali. T. 4°. Hala, 1813.


von BAER, K. E. Über Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. T. 3. col. 4°. Königsb. 1828.

Untersuchungen über die Gefaessverbindung zwischen Mutter und Frucht in den Saügethieren. T. 1. col. fol. Leipz. 1828.

BAKER, H. The microscope made easy; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1743.

BAKKER, G. Osteographia piscium: gadi præsertim Aegle

fini comparati cum lampride guttato, specie rariori; cum iconibus forma majore. T. 11; quar. 1 col. 8°. Groning.


BARCLAY, J. Explanatory references of Mitchell's engravings of the bones of man and of some of the lower animals. 2 pts. 4°. Edinb. 1819, 20.

BARKOWIUS, J. C. L. De origine et decursu arteriarum mammalium. T. 4. 4°. Lips. 1829.

Monstra animalium duplicia. T. 15. vol. 1. 4°. Lips. 1828. BARLOW, J. H. The art of hatching and rearing all kinds of domestic poultry, and game birds, by steam. Pl. 3. 8°. Lond. 1826.

BARTHOLINUS, T. De luce animalium. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1647.

BERTHOLD, A. A. Beiträge zur Anatomie, Zootomie, und Physiologie. 8°. Götting. 1831.

BISCHOFFIUS, L. W. T. Nervi accessorii Willisii anatomia et physiologia. T. 6. 4°. Darmst. 1832.

DE BLAINVILLE, H. M. Ducrotat. De l'organisation des animaux, ou principes d'anatomie comparée. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1822-3.

BLASIUS, G. Anatome animalium variorum. T. 65. 4o. Amstel. 1681.


Whoever will carefully examine these plates cannot fail to
perceive manifest traces of a knowledge of many anatomi-
cal facts, which are commonly supposed to be of
ratively recent discovery. The subjects of the plates are
distributed in the following proportions, though not in the
same order as here given:

Spinal marrow of quadrupeds, 1.

Ape, 1.

Lion, tiger, cat, bear, dog, 11.

Beaver, hare, mole, mouse, squirrel, 5.
Horse, 2.

Pig and various animals, 2.

Camel, ox, sheep, &c. 13.

Birds, 5.

Evolution of the egg, 8.

Reptiles, 6.

Fish, 5.
Mollusca, &c. 2.

Insects, 4.

Observata anatomica in homine, equo, testudine, ardea, &c. 8°. Lugd. Bat. et Amstel. 1674.

BLEULAND, J. Descriptio musei anatomici academiæ Rheno-Trajectinæ. 4°. Traj. ad R. 1826.

Icones anatomico-physiologica partium corporis humani, et animalium, quæ in descriptione musæi academiæ RhenoTrajectinæ inveniuntur. T. 24. col. 4°. Traject. ad Rh. 1825.

Icones anatomico-pathologicæ, &c. T. 18, quar. 1. col. 4o. Traject. ad Rh. 1826.

BLUMENBACH, J. F. A short system of comparative anatomy; translated from the German by W. Laurence. 80. Lond. 1807.

BOIANUS, L. H. Anatome testudinis Europææ. T. 31. fol. Viln. 1819.

BONANNI, P. Observationes circa viventia; cum micrographia curiosa, sive rerum observationibus ope microscopii recognitarum. 4°. Romæ, 1691. BONPLAND. Vid. HUMBOLDT.


De motu animalium. Ed. 2da. T. 14. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Bat. 1685.

BOURDON, J. Principes de physiologie comparée. 8o. Paris, 1830.

BRAUN, J. F. P. Systematische Beschreibung einiger Egel

arten sowohl nach ihren äussern Kennzeichen als nach ihrem innerem Bau. T. 7. 4°. Berlin, 1805.

BREMSER, J. G. Icones Helminthum systema Rudolphii entozoologicum illustrantes. T. 18. col. fol. Vienn. 1824. BREMSER, M. Traité zoologique et physique sur les vers intestinaux de l'homme: trad. de l'Allemand par M. Grundler; revu, &c. par M. Deblainville (avec un atlas de 12 pl. in 4°.) 8°. Paris, 1824.

BURMEISTER, H. Zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfüsser. T. 2. 4°. Berlin, 1834.

CAMPER, P. Œuvres sur l'histoire naturelle, la physiologie, et l'anatomie comparée. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1803. Planches pour les œuvres qui ont pour objet l'histoire naturelle, la physiologie, et l'anatomie comparée. T. 34. fol. Paris et Bourdeaux, 1803.

Anatomie de plusieurs espèces de cétacés. Publiée par son fils Adrien-Gilles Camper, avec des notes par M. G. Cuvier. 4°. Paris, 1820.

CAMPER, père et fils. Recueil de planches pour servir aux observations anatomiques sur la structure intérieure, et le squelette, de plusieurs espèces de cétacés. Pl. 53; dont 3 col. fol. Paris, 1820.

CARUS, C. G. Entdeckung eines Blutkreislaufes in den Larven netzflüglicher Insecten. T. 3. 4°. Leipz. 1827. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Zootomie. Ed. nov. T. 20. 2 v. 8°. & I v. 4°. Leipz. 1834.

An introduction to comparative anatomy; translated from the German by R. T. Gore. 2 v. 8°. and I v. 4o. of plates. Lond. 1827.

Von den äussern Lebensbedingungen der Weiss-und kaltblütigen Thiere; nebst zwei Beilagen. 4°. Leipz. 1824. Von den Ur-theilen des Knochen-und schalengerüstes. T. 12. fol. Leipz. 1828.

CHABRIER, J. Essai sur le vol des insectes; et observations sur les mouvemens progressifs de l'homme et des animaux vertébrés. Pl. 13. 4°. Paris, 1822.

CHIAIE, S. delle. Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza vertebre, del regno di Napoli. T. 68. repet. et col. 4 v. 4°. Napoli, 1823-9.

Hirudo, 1.

Clio, Planaria, &c. 1.

Cassiopeia, 2.

Siphunculus balanophorus, 1.

Aplysia, 4.

Holothuria, 4.

aplysiæforme, 1.

Doridium Meckelii, 1.

Tænia solium, 2.

Pterotrachea, 3.

Tricocephalus, &c. 1.
Actinia, &c, I.

Asterias, 4.

Echinus, 5.

Nereis, &c. 2.

Lumbricus, 2.

Pennatula, 1.

Lobularia, spongia, &c. I.

Cellepora, &c. 1.

Holothuria, tænia, &c. 1.
Zoantha, Botryllus, &c. 1.
Tubularia, spongia, &c. 1.
Doris Argo, I.

Thethys, 1.
Pleurobranchus, 1.

Nais, Nereis, Lumbricus, 4.
Ascidia, 1.

Hydra, Salpa, I.

Physsophora, &c. 2.

Beroe, Comatula, &c. 2.
Teredo navalis, 1.

Octopus, Sepia, &c. 6.

Sertularia, &c. 2.

Gorgonia, Medusa, Cellepora, 3.
Spatangus, Aphrodite aculeata, I.
Patella, &c. 1.

It should be observed that very different animals are often
represented in the same plate; and the same animal in
distant plates.

CLOQUET, H. Traité complet de l'anatomie de l'homme, comparée dans ses points les plus importans à celle des animaux. Pl. 109. vol. 1. 4°. Paris, 1826.

The plates are numbered to 112: but 73, 91, 98, 99, 104, 105, are wanting; and 25, 75, 84, are each of them repeated.

CLOQUET, J. Anatomie des vers intestinaux. Pl. 8. 4o. Paris, 1824.

COLLINS, S. A system of the anatomy of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants. Pl. 73. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1685.

The plates are very indifferent in every respect, with the exception of those which relate to the comparative anatomy of the brain the number of these, (twenty-four,) is considerable; and upon the whole they are tolerably accurate. There are no plates on vegetable anatomy.


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