(in which indeed the rakes and bullies have a great advantage over others) make a discourse of
any tolerable length, without That is; and if he 'be a very grave man indeed, without That is to fay? And how instructive as well as entertaining are those ufual expreffions, in the mouths of great men, fuch things as That, and the like of
I am not against reforming the corruptions of ' speech you mention, and own there are proper feafons for the introduction of other words befides That; but I fcorn as much to fupply the place of a Who or a Which at every turn, as they are unequal • always to fill mine; and I expect good language ' and civil treatment, and hope to receive it for the future: That, that I shall only add is, that 'I am,
ABIGAILS (male) in fashion among the Ladies,
Abfence in conversation, a remarkable instance of it in Will Honeycomb, N. 77. The occafion of this absence, ibid. and means to conquer it, ibid. The character of an abfent man, out of Bruyere,
Acrostick, a piece of false wit, divided into fimple and compound, N. 60.
Act of deformity, for the use of the Ugly Club, Ν. 17. Advertisements, of an Italian chirurgeon, Ν. 22. From St. James's coffechouse, 24. From a Gen- tlewoman that teaches birds to speak, 36. From another that is a fine flesh-painter, 41. Advice; no order of persons too confiderable to be advised, N. 34.
Affectation, a greater enemy to a fine face than the finall-pox, N. 33. it deforms beauty, and turns wit into absurdity, 38. The original of it, ibid. found in the wife man as well as the coxcomb, ibid. 'The way to get clear of it, ibid.
Age, rendered ridiculous, N. 6. how contemned by the Athenians, and respected by the Spartans, ibid.
Alexander the Great, wry-necked, N. 32. Ambition never fatisfied, N. 27.
Americans, their opinion of fouls, N. 56. exem- plified in a vision of one of their countrymen,
Ample (Lady) her uncasiness, and the reason of it, Ν. 32,
Anagram, what, and when first produced, N. 60. Andromache, a great fox-hunter, N. 57.
April, (the first of) the merriest day in the year, Ν. 47.
Aretive made all the Princes of Europe his tributa- ries, N. 23.
Arietta, her character, N. 11. her fable of the lion and the man, in anfiver to the story of the Ephesian Matron, ibid. her story of Inkle and Ya- rico, ibid.
Aristotle, his observation upon the lambick verse, N. 31. upon tragedies, 40, 42.
Arfinse, the first musical opera on the Englifo stage, N. 18.
Avarice, the original of it, N. 55. Operates with luxury, ibid. at war with luxury, ibid. its officers and adherents, ibid. comes to an agreement with luxury, ibid.
Audiences at present void of common fenfe, N. 13. Aurelia, her character, N. 15.
Author, the neceffity of his readers being acquaint- ed with his fize, complexion, and temper, in or- der to read his works with pleasure, N. 1. his opinion of his own performances, 4. The ex- pedient made use of by those that write to the stage, 51.linkwareld (in
BACON, (Sir Francis) his comparison of a well written, N. 10. his observation upon envy, 19.
Bags of money, a sudden transformation of them into sticks and paper, N. 3. Baptist Lully, his prudent management, N. 29. Bawdry, never writ but where there is a dearth of invention, N. 51.
Beaver, the haberdasher, a great politician, N. 49. Beauties, when plagiaries, N. 4. The true fecret how to improve beauty, 33. then the most charım ing when heightened by virtue, ibid.
Bell, (Mr.) his ingenious device, N. 28. Bell-Savage, its etymology, N. 28. Birds, a cage-full for the opera, N. 5. Biters, their business, N. 47.
Blackmore, (Sir Richard) his observation, N. 6. Blanks of fociety, who, N. 10. Blank verse proper for tragedy, N. 39.
Bohours, (Monfieur) a great critick among the French, N. 62.hiftorit done
Bouts-Rimez, what, N. 60.
Breeding, fine breeding diftinguished from good, Ν. 66.
British Ladies diftinguished from the Pitts, N. 41. Brunetta and Phillis, their adventures, N. 80. Bruyere, (Monfieur) his character of an abfent man, N. 77.
Bullock and Norris, differently habited, prove great helps to a filly play, N. 44.
Butts defcribed, N. 47. the qualification of a butt, ibid.
Cæfar (Julius) his behaviour to Catullus, whe had put him into a lampoon, N. 23.
Caligula, his wish, N. 16. Camilla, a true woman in one particular, N. 15. Carbuncle, (Dr.) his dye, what, N. 52.
Cenfor of small wares, an officer to be erected, Ν. 16.
Charles I. a famous picture of that prince, N. 58. Chevy-Chase, the Spectator's examen of it, N. 70,
Chronogram, a piece of false wit, N. 60.1 Cicero, a punster, N. 61. The entertainment found in his philofophic writings, ibid. Clarinda, an idol, in what manner worshiped, N. 73. Cleanthe, her story, N. 15. fict
Clergyman, one of the Spectator's club, N. 2.m Clergy, a threefold division of them, N. 21.
Clubs, nocturnal affsemblies so called, N. 9. Seve-
ral names of clubs, and their originals, ibid. &c. Rules prescribed to be obferved in the Two-penny Club, ibid. An account of the Ugly Club, 17. The Sighing Club, 30. The Fringe-glove Club, ibid. The Amorous Club, ibid. The Hebdo- madal Club, some account of the members of that club, 43. and of the Everlasting Club, 72. The Club of ugly faces, 78. The difficulties met with in erecting that club, ibid. Commerce, the extent and advantage of it, N, 69. Confciousness, when called affectation, N. 38. Conversation most straitned in numerous assemblies, Ν. 68.
Coquettes, the present numerous race, to what owing, N. 66.
Goverley (Sir Roger de) a member of the Spectator's club, his character, N. 2. His opinion of men of fine parts, 6.
Courtiers habit, on what occafions hieroglyphical Ν. 64.
Couley abounds in mixt wit, N. 62. Crab, of King's College in Cambridge, Chaplain to the club of ugly faces, N. 78.
Credit, a beautiful virgin, her fituation and equi- page, N. 3. a great valetudinarian, ibid. Cross (Miss) wanted near half a tun of being as handsome as Madam Van Brisket, a great beauty in the Low-countries, N. 32.
Death, the time and manner of our death not
known to us, N. 7. Deformity, no cause of shame, N. 17. Delight and surprise, properties effential to wit,
Dignitaries of the law, who, N. 21. Divorce, what esteemed to be a just pretenfion to one, N. 41.
Donne (Dr.) his description of his mistress, N. 41.
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