[graphic][merged small]


THIS Subject Catalogue contains the titles of the books in the Phillips Library of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Marischal College, founded, in memory of the late Dr. C. D. F. Phillips, by his widow.

Charles Douglas Fergusson Phillips, son of Robert Phillips, Captain 40th Foot, was born at Fermoy on 26th June, 1831. He graduated M.B. at Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, on 16th April, 1852, and M.D. on 8th April, 1859. In 1888 the University of Aberdeen and in 1900 the University of Edinburgh conferred on him the honorary degree of LL.D. In 1875 he was appointed Lecturer on Materia Medica in Westminster Hospital Medical School. He acted as Examiner (in Materia Medica) for degrees in Medicine, in the University of Edinburgh 1887-90, in the University of Glasgow 1895-98, and in the University of Aberdeen 1901-04. In the University of Aberdeen he founded, in 1897, the Phillips Scholarship (value about £45 per annum), vested in the Principal, the Professor of Materia Medica, the Dean of the Medical Faculty, and their successors in office, for the purpose of promoting research in Pharmacology in the University. Dr. Phillips died in London, 13th November, 1904. His principal published works are:

Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Vegetable kingdom. (London :
Churchill: 1874. Pp. viii + 584.)

[The same.] Edited and adapted to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia by
Henry G. Piffard. (New York: Wood: 1879. Pp. iv + 323.)
Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Inorganic substances. (London :
Churchill: 1882. Pp. xvi + 820.)


[The same.]
Laurence Johnson.

+ 298; vi + 340.)

and adapted to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia by 2 vols. (New York: Wood: 1882. Pp. xii

Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Vegetable kingdom, Organic compounds, Animal kingdom. (London: Churchill: 1886. Pp. xii + 1081.)

[The same.] (Philadelphia: Blakiston: 1886. Pp. xii + 1081.) Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Inorganic substances. Second edition. (London: Churchill: 1894. Pp. xiv + 898.) [The same.] Third edition. (London: Longmans: 1904. Pp. xiv + 921.)

[With M. S. Pembrey.] The Physiological action of drugs. (London : Arnold 1901. Pp. viii + 100.)

Collected papers on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (Aberdeen: University Press: 1908. Pp. viii + 270.)

With the volumes presented by Mrs. Phillips have been incorporated the books on cognate subjects in certain collections previously in the library of Marischal College, viz.: those of Duncan Liddel, M.D., at one time Professor of Medicine in the University of Helmstedt, bequeathed in 1613; Thomas Reid, M.A., Secretary to King James VI., bequeathed in 1624; John, third Earl of Bute, Chancellor of the University, presented in 1782; and Sir John Forbes, M.D., presented in 1859.

The Phillips collection is placed in a special room in the West Tower, Marischal College, in which is hung a portrait of Dr. Phillips (by J. Walker), presented by Mrs. Phillips. Portraits have been added of all the teachers of Materia Medica in Aberdeen previous to the appointment of Professor Cash in 1886. These were:

1818-60. William Henderson, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in Marischal College.

1840-44. George Dickie, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in King's College.

1844-54. William Templeton, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in King's College.

1854-60. Robert Rattray, M.D., Lecturer in King's College.

1860-78. Alexander Harvey, M.A., M.D., Professor in the University of Aberdeen.

1878-86. Alexander Dyce Davidson, M.A., M.D., Professor in the University of Aberdeen

The system of classification and notation employed in this Catalogue is a modification of that devised by Mr. Melvil Dewey, which is in use in many libraries in all parts of the world. Certain alterations have been introduced, suggested by the publications of the 'Brussels Institut International de Bibliographie,' and the whole has been adapted to the special requirements of a University Library.

It is impossible to devise a classification that will satisfy every one; but it must be borne in mind that a classification of actual books is a different thing from a classification of theoretical knowledge, and that a general agreement among librarians to adopt some one system is a practical testimony in its favour so strong as to outweigh arguments against it, arising from dissatisfaction with minor details of the scheme. The merits of Mr. Dewey's system are briefly these:1. It permits an unlimited subdivision of every class. 2. It permits an unlimited intercalation of new books among those already on the shelves.

3. It possesses a simple notation, which has acquired an international significance.

4. The notation is in a high degree mnemonic.

The modified system here used divides books into ten main classes, which are numbered as decimal fractions of the sum total of printed matter regarded as unity (1). Thus:

o denotes books of a general character, not confined to any one class.

I denotes books on Philosophy.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Each class can be subdivided by simply carrying on the decimal to as many places as may be desired. Thus :

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

[See Table A: Subdivisions of 615: infra, p. xvi.]

When the number of books in any class is great, it may be convenient to arrange them in groups according to some characteristics other than their common subject. Thus :

Divisions by Form.-Books on say General Materia Medica, as shown above, would be all marked 615, but these may differ much in the form of treatment of the subject-systematic manuals, dictionaries, essays, magazines, etc. If we insert a cipher to show that the digits following it no longer denote subdivisions of the class, we may write :

61502 Manual of Materia Medica.
61503 Dictionary of Materia Medica.
61504 Essays on Materia Medica.

61505 Magazine of Materia Medica.

61506 Transactions of a Materia Medica Society.
[See Table B: Form divisions: infra, p. xx.]

Divisions by Place.-Books on say Therapeutics, as shown above, would be all marked 6155, but these may deal with different localities. If we use brackets to indicate this further departure from our original method, we may write :

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