237. Epigram 53, p. 450. Sent to J. Wedgwood with the statement that it was composed 'while dreaming that I was dying at the "Black Bull" Inn, on Sept. 13, 1803' (Cottle's Rem. P. 467). 238. Epigram 54, P. 450. It is believed that this refers to the Lord 245. Fragment 95, p. 467. To a Child.' To Miss Fanny Boyce, afterwards Lady Wilmot Horton. First Lonsdale (the first Earl) who wronged the printed in the Athenæum, Jan. 28, 1888. Wordsworths. 239. Epigrams 64 and 65, p. 452. There is no mistaking the local colour infused into these versicles. They must have been inspired by the poet's only visit to Cologne during the Rhine tour of 1828. Julian Young met the party at the Aders's house at Godesberg, and is my authority for the far inferior No. 66. 240. Cholera cured Beforehand, p. 452. This doggerel was written with the view of amusing Coleridge's pupil, Joseph Henry Green, during the epidemic of 1832. 241. Fragment 62, p. 460. Written after Coleridge had parted company with William and Dorothy Wordsworth on the Scotch tour of 1803. See Recoll. of a Tour . .. by D. W., edited by J. C. Shairp, 1874; and Coleorton Letters, edited by W. Knight, 1888, i. 6-9. 242. Fragment 76, p. 462. Compare with this the following from a letter written in 1806 to W. Allston, printed in Scribner's Mag. Jan, 1892: Enough of it, continual vexations and preyings upon the spirit. I gave my life to my children, and they have repeatedly given it to me-for, by the Maker of all things, but for them I would try my chance. But they pluck out the wingfeathers from the mind.' 243. Fragment 81, p. 463. Ashley Green is the village near Bath in 6 248. Prize Ode, Appendix B,' p. 476. By the kindness of the Vice-Chancellor, and of the Registrary of the University of Cambridge, I am enabled to print from the official MS. copy Coleridge's longforgotten Sapphic Ode, for which he received in 1792 the Browne Gold Medal. Nothing has hitherto been known of it except the few stanzas which Coleridge printed as a note to his portion of the Joan of Arc of 1796-the lines to which the note is appended being that which became 1. 438 of The Destiny of Nations (p. 78). These stanzas will be found in 'Note 102.' Coleridge's success proved very gratifying to his family as well as to himself, and he received from his elder brother, George, the following congratulatory lines, which I am permitted to print here by the courtesy of the representatives of the writer : IBE HÆC INCONDITE SOLUS. Say, Holy Genius - Heaven - descended beam, Why interdicted is the sacred Fire Why Genius like the emanative Ray Wakes all created Nature into Day- Now speak in Melody-now weep in Tears. The distinguished scholar who did me the kindness to revise the proofs of the Prize Ode, considers that it is scarcely worthy of Coleridge, and is also likely to create an unfair impression as to the standard of such exercises among those who do not realise the wide difference between the academic conditions of 1792 and those of a quarter of a century later. It is necessary to keep this in mind, but the Ode, with all its sins on it, has an historical as well as a personal interest. It no doubt represented fairly enough the undergraduate standard of scholarship in pre- Porsonian days, seeing that it won the prize in a wide competition, and that in the same year Porson placed Coleridge among a selected four to fight for the Craven Scholarship, in succession to himself, along with such prize-boys as Samuel Butler, Keate, and Bethell. Butler gained the Craven, but if not the rose, it is worth remembering that Coleridge lived near it, and did not waste all his time at the University on current politics, as is commonly believed. But one emendation has been made in the text of the Ode-yevovтaι (1. 85) having been substituted for the unintel ligible yevovvra of the MS. It is true that the substituted word is not itself metrically permissible, but it is probably what Coleridge wrote, meaning, 'Your daughters taste justice' (i.e. its blessings). It may be as well to mention that the accentuation is not Attic, but Aeolic, as is fitting in a Sapphic ode. See Note 102.' A translation of the four stanzas of the Ode therein quoted, was printed in The London Magazine for October 1823. It was signed "Olen," the pseudonym of Sir Charles A. Elton, Bart. I may here give a fragment which, though hardly admissible to the text, is worthy of preservation. In his Beaten Paths (1865, ii. 117), T. Colley Grattan describes a night ramble about Namur with Coleridge, when the latter was making his Rhine tour of 1828 with Wordsworth and Dora. 'He took me by the arm, and in his low recitative way he rehearsed two or three times, and finally recited, some lines which he said I had recalled to his mind, and which formed part of something never published. repeated the lines at my request, and as well as I could catch the broken sentences I wrote them down immediately afterwards with my pencil as follows: He 'And oft I saw him stray, The bells of fox-glove in his hand-and ever And anon he to his ear would hold a blade Of that stiff grass that 'mong the heathflower grows, Which made a subtle kind of melody, Most like the apparition of a breeze, Singing with its thin voice in shadowy worlds.' INDEX TO THE POEMS, ETC. [For Poems and Fragments which have no title, see 'Index to the First Lines.'] ABSENCE a farewell Ode, 15. Ad Lyram, Imitation of Casimir, 28. ADAPTATIONS, 471. Advent of Love [i.e. Love's First Hope], 193. Age, Youth and, 191. Akenside, Elegy imitated from, 31, Album, Written in an, 451. Alcæus to Sappho, 470. Ale, Song in Praise of, 445. Alice du Clos, 193. Allegoric Vision, 534. Alternative, The, 451. Always Audible, 447. 'Amelia,' With Fielding's, 20. Anacreon, An Ode in the Manner of, 19. Answer to a Child's Question, 170. Anthem for the Children of Christ's Hospital, 3. Aristophanes, Imitated from, 465. Asra, To, 171. Ass, To a young, 35, 477. Association of Ideas, 466. Author and his Friend, A Dialogue between an, 449. Authors and Publishers, 451. Autumnal Evening, Lines on an, 24. BABY BATES, To, 470. Bala Hill, On, 33. Ballad of the Dark Ladié, The, 136. Baptismal Birthday, On my, 210. Bastile, Destruction of the, 6. 'Beareth all Things,' 208, Elegy, Imitated from Akenside, 31. Epilogue to 'The Rash Conjurer,' 461. Epitaph on a mercenary Miser, 448. Experiments in Metre, 470. FADED FLOWER, The, 31. Falconer's Shipwreck, To a Lady with, 185 Fire, Famine, and Slaughter, III. Apologetic Preface to, 527. First Advent of Love ['Love's First Hope'], 193. Fortune, To, 27. Fortune, To a young Man of, 68. Foster-Mother's Tale, The, 83, 501. Fountain on a Heath, Inscription for a, 169. Founts, The Two, 196. Fragment from an unpublished Poem, 64. FRAGMENTS, 453, 459. France: an Ode, 124. French Revolution, To a young Lady with a Friend in Answer to a Melancholy Letter, Lines to a, 43. Friend, To a young, on his proposing to Friend together with an Unfinished Poem, To a, 37. Friend who died of a Frenzy Fever, Lines on a, 35. Friend who asked how I felt when the Nurse Friend who had declared his Intention of writ |