Sonnet to a Friend who asked how I felt when the Nurse first presented my Infant to me, 66. Sonnets on Eminent Characters, 38. Sonnets on receiving news of the Birth of a Southey, Sonnet to Robert, 42. Southwell, Robert, Adaptation of, 473. Spring in a Village, Lines to a beautiful, 24. Starling, The Death of the [Catullus], 29. Stripling's War-Song, The British, 141. Answer, 182. Sun, Spots in the, 450. Sunset, A, 172. Supper, Written after a Walk before, 44. TALLEYRAND to Lord Grenville, 151. Tea-Kettle, Monody on a, 12. Tears of a grateful People, 188. Tell's Birth-place, 142. Thimble, The Silver, 51. Nature's Thought suggested by a View of Saddleback in Cumberland, 175. Three Graves, The, 85. Time, Real and Imaginary, 187. Time-piece, Inscription for a, 181. To—, 64. Tombless Epitaph, A, 180. Tombstone, The two round Spaces on the, 157. INDEX TO FIRST LINES An asterisk (*) indicates that the verses are now printed or collected for the first time. A BIRD, who for his other sins, 195. A blessed lot hath he, who having passed, 81. 473. A green and silent spot, amid the hills, 127. A lovely form there sate beside my bed, 207. A low dead Thunder mutter'd thro' the night, A maniac in the woods, 456. A mount, not wearisome and bare and steep, 67. Ah! cease thy tears and sobs, my little Life! 44. All thoughts, all passions, all delights, 135. An evil spirit's on thee, friend! of late! 447. An Ox, long fed with musty hay, 133. *And this is your peculiar art, I know, 468. III. *And with my whole heart sing the stately song, 457. *And write Impromptus, 454. *Are there two things, of all which men possess, 171. As Dick and I at Charing Cross were walking, 445. As I am rhymer, 452. As late each flower that sweetest blows, 23. Away, those cloudy looks, that labouring 'BE, rather than be call'd, a child of God,' 145. Beneath the blaze of a tropical sun, 174. *Bowed spirit, 457. *Bright clouds of reverence, sufferably bright, 469. Britons! when last ye met, with distant Broad-breasted rock-hanging cliff that glasses, *CALL the World Spider; and at fancy's touch, 465. Child of my muse! in Barbour's gentle hand, 207. *Est meum et est tuum, amice! et si amborum Eu! Dei vices gerens, ipse Divus, 463. FAREWELL, parental scenes! a sad farewell! 15. Fie, Mr. Coleridge!—and can this be you?' 191. *Fear thou no more, thou timid Flower! 158. 466. For she had lived in this bad world, 455. χρυσὸν ἀνὴρ εὑρὼν, ἔλιπε βρόχον· αὐτὰρ ὁ χρυσὸν, «Friend, Lover, Husband, Sister, Brother ! 171. 463. DEAR Charles! whilst yet thou wert a babe, I Dear native Brook! wild Streamlet of the Dear tho' unseen! tho' hard has been my lot, 203. Friend of the wise! and Teacher of the Good! GENTLY I took that which ungently came, 208. 83. Desire of pure Love born, itself the same, 644. afar, 47. *Dim specks of entity, 455. *Discontent mild as an infant, 455. Do call, dear Jess, whene'er my way you come, Do you ask what the birds say? The Sparrow, Doris can find no taste in tea, 444. EACH Bond-street buck conceits, unhappy elf! Each crime that once estranges from the virtues, Earth! thou mother of numberless children, the Edmund! thy grave with aching eye I scan, 35. Ere the birth of my life, if I wish'd it or no, 182. |