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A.M., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., AND M.R.I.A.,

One of the Eight Associates of the Imperial Institute of France-Officer of the Legion of Honour-
Chevalier of the Prussian Order of Merit of Frederick the Great-Honorary or Corresponding
Member of the Academies of St. Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Turin, Copenhagen,

Stockholm, Munich, Göttingen, Brussels, Haerlem, Erlangen, Canton de

Vaud, Modena, Florence, Venice, Washington, New York, Boston,

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Ergo vivida vis animi pervicit, et extra

Processit longe flammantia monia mundi;

Atque omne immensum peragravit mente animoque.

LUCRETIUS, Lib. i. 1. 73.


Nicolas Facio de Duillier attacks Leibnitz-Leibnitz appeals to Newton--He

reviews Newton's " Quadrature of Curves," and accuses him of Plagiarism

-Newton's opinion of the Review-Dr. Keill defends Newton as the true

inventor of Fluxions, and apparently retorts the charge of Plagiarism on

Leibnitz, who complains to the Royal Society-Keill explains his defence-

The Royal Society approves of his explanation-Leibnitz calls Keill an

upstart, and begs the Royal Society to silence him-The Society appoints a

Committee to inquire into the claims of Leibnitz and Newton-The Com-

mittee report to the Society, who publish the result in the "Commercium

Epistolicum"-Instigated by Leibnitz, John Bernoulli attacks the Report,

and asserts, in a private Letter to Leibnitz, that he was the first inventor

of the new Calculus-Leibnitz circulates this Letter in a Charta Volans,

and gives up Bernoulli as the author of it-Keill replies to this Letter, and

attacks Bernoulli as its author, who solemnly denies it to Newton-Leibnitz

attacks Newton in a Letter to the Abbé Conti-Newton replies to it-The

Controversy excites great interest-Leibnitz urges Bernoulli to make a

public declaration in his favour-Bernoulli sends to Leibnitz the celebrated

Letter "Pro Eminente Mathematico," on condition of his name being kept

secret-Leibnitz and Wolf alter this Letter improperly, and publish it in

such a form that Bernoulli is proved to be its author-Bernoulli is annoyed

by the discovery, and endeavours, by improper means, to evade the truth-

The Abbé Varignon reconciles Newton and Bernoulli-Death of Leibnitz-

Newton writes a History of the Calculus-General view of the Controversy,

and of the conduct of the parties,

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