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" ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. "
The Edinburgh annual register - Pagina 15
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The Analectic Magazine...: Comprising Original Reviews, Biography ..., Volume 9

1817 - 608 pagina’s
...his benevolent works is traceable to no more dignified a source than the teat of a cow. ART. IV. — Conversations on Political Economy; in which the Elements...explained. By the author of" Conversations on Chemistry." 12mo. pp. x, 464. Price 9s. Longman and Co. 1816.— To be republished by M.Thomas, — From the Eclectic...
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The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany, Volume 2

1816 - 836 pagina’s
...Assistant Judge in the 24 Pergunnahs, Bengal Establishment. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. IBs. I« Is. Conversations on Political Economy ; in which the...explained. By the Author of Conversations on Chemistry. 12mo. 9s. bds. TOPOGRAPHY. l.ysons's Britannia, containing Cumberland, with numerous engravings of...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 15

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray IV, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1816 - 686 pagina’s
...the Minutes of Evidence taken verbatim before the Select Committee of the House of Commons. 8vo. 7s. Conversations on Political Economy; in which the Elements...explained. By the Author of ' Conversations on Chemistry.' 12mo. 9s. • ' •' Correspondence of M. Fouchfe, Duke of Otranto, with his Grace the Duke of Wellington....
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The Augustan review, Volume 3

1816 - 676 pagina’s
...Commons to be printed. To which are subjoined, an Addenda, and a digested Index. 8vo. 1 5s. boards. Conversations on Political Economy ; in which the...Science are familiarly explained. By the Author of " Con. versations on Chemistry." 12mo. 9s. boards. THEOLOGY. An Apology for the Ministers of the Church...
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The Eclectic Review, Volume 6

1816 - 662 pagina’s
...Religion too, very probably, if you had not conferred with flesb. and blood.' pp. 34, 35. Art. VIII. Conversations on Political Economy ; in which the...Science are familiarly explained. By the Author of " Con" versations on Chemistry." 12mo. pp. x, 464. Price 9s. Longman and Co. .816. IT is not so easy...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], Volume 6

1816 - 654 pagina’s
...Religion too, very probably, if you had not conferred with flesh and blood.' pp. 34, 35. Art. VIII. Conversations on Political Economy ; in which the...Science are familiarly explained. By the Author of " Con" versiUions on Chemistry." IVmo. pp. x, 464*. Frice 9s. Longman and Co 816. IT is nut so easy...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 86,Deel 2;Volume 120

1816 - 838 pagina’s
...quarter, being the usual mode of payment." The pamphlet well deserves very lerious consideration. 73. Conversations on Political Economy, in which the Elements...that Science are familiarly explained. By the Author nf " Conversations on Chemistry." OF this excellent Work, it would be a decisive but very inadequate...
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 4

Tobias Smollett - 1816 - 674 pagina’s
...Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1814, and the outlines of the new bill. ART. XXIX. — Letters on the Corn Trade, containing Considerations on the Combinations of Farmers, and the Mono* poly of Corn, with Remarks on the Trade, SfC. By JOSEPH STORKS. Fry, London. J. and A. Arch....
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

1816 - 692 pagina’s
...tion of Moscow • 3JO Companion to the Ball Room, by Thos. Wilson 431 Corn Trade, Letters on the, containing Considerations on the Combinations of Farmers, and the Monopoly of Corn, &c. by Joseph Storrs 95 Constant's,. M. Benj. de, Adolphe, Anecdote tronvl dans Ics papiers d'uu Incouiiu,...
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Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1817 - 334 pagina’s
...9/. Medium 4to.; IS/. 13». Imperial 4to ; or, with Indian Paper Proofs of the Plates, 2T/. Boards. CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements...explained. By the Author of " CONVERSATIONS on CHEMISTRY." The2d Edition improved, in One large Volume, 12mo. 9s. Boards. Works published in the Course of July...
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