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Thomson (tom'son), Richard.
Thomson, William McClure.
Thoreau (thōrō), Henry David.
Thornbury (thôrn'buʼri), George Walter.
Thorpe (thôrp), Rose Hartwick.

Thrale (thral), Hester Lynch (Salisbury).

Thucydides (thū sid' i dēz).
Tibullus (ti-bul'us), Albius.
Tickell (tik'el), Thomas.
Ticknor (tik'nor), George.
Tieck (tek), Ludwig.
Tighe (ti), Mary Blackford.
Tillier (til-yea'), Claude.
Tillotson (til'ot son), John.
Tilton (til'ton), Theodore.
Timbs (timz), John.
Timrod (tim/rod), Henry.

Timothy Titcomb (tim'o thi tit'kom).

See Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Tincker (tink'er), Mary Agnes. Tiruvalluvar (ti-rö-val-lö-vär). Titcomb (tit'kom), Timothy. See Holland, Josiah Gilbert.

Tocqueville (tok'vil); Fr. pron., tokvēl'), Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de. Tolstoi (tol'stoi), Count Lyeff Nikolaievitch.

Tooke (tök), John Horne.
Topelius (tō-pā'lē-ös), Zacharis.

Toplady (top la di), Augustus Montague.
Tourgee (tör zha'), Albion Winegar.
Towne (toun), Edward Owings.
Townsend (toun'zend), Edward W.
Townsend, George Alfred.



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Trench (trench), Richard Chenevix.
Trevelyan (tre vel'yan), George Otto.
Trollope (trol'up), Anthony.
Trollope, Frances (Milton).

Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. Trowbridge (tro'brij), John Townsend. Trumbull (trum'bul), John.

Tuckerman (tuk'er man), Henry Theodore.

Tullock (tul'ök), John.

Tupper (tup'ér), Martin Farquhar. Turgenieff (tör gän'yef), Ivan Sergeyevich.

Turner (ter'nér), Charles Tennyson.

Twain (twan), Mark. See Clemens,

Samuel Langhorne.

Tyler (tiler), Moses Coit.

Tyler, Royall.

Tyndall (tin'dal), John.

Tyrtæus (tér-te'us).

Tytler (tit'lêr), Alexander Fraser.

Tytler, Patrick Fraser.

Udall (u'dal), Nicholas.

Uhland (ö'länt), Johann Ludwig.

Ulbach (öl'bäk), Louis.
Ulfilas (ulfi-las).

Upton (up'ton), George Putnam.
Urquhart (érch'ärt), David.
Usher (ush'er), James.

Valaoritis (val-a-ō-ri'-tis), Aristoteles.
Valdes (väl däs'), Armando Palacio
Vámbéry (väm'bā-rē), Arminius.
Vanbrugh (van brö'), John.
Van Dyke (van-dike'), H. J.
Varzolf (vär-tsolf), Ivan.
Vaughan (vân), Henry.

Vauquelin (vök'lan), Jean de la Fres


Vaux (vâks), Lord Thomas.

Vazoff (va-zôf'), Ivan.

Vedas (vā'daz).

Vedder (ved'er), David.

Vega Carpio (vä’gä kär′pē ö), Lope Felix. Vere (ver), Sir Aubrey de. See De Vere, Aubrey.

Vere, Aubrey Thomas de. See De

Vere, Aubrey Thomas.

Vere, Max. Schele de. See De Vere Max. Schele.

Verestchagin (ve rest cha'gin), Alexander Vasilyévitch.

Vergil (ver'jil). See Virgil.
Verhaeren (vér-ha'ren), Émile.
Verlaine (ver-län'), Paul.
Verne (vern), Jules.

Vernon Lee (ver'non le). See Paget,

Verplanck (vér plangk'), Gulian Crommelin.

Very (ver'i), Jones.

Viau (vyō), Théophile de.

Viaud (vyo), Louis Marie Julien.
Victoria (vik-tō'ri-a), Alexandrina.

Vidal (vē däl'), Peter.

Vigny (vēn-yē'), Alfred Victor, Count de.

Villari (vēl lä'rē), Pasquale.

Villemain (vēl-man'), Abel François.
Villon (vēl lôn'), François.

Vincent (vin'sent), Frank.
Vincent, John Heyl.

Violet White (vi'o let hwit). See Stan

nard, Mrs. Henrietta V.

Virgil (vér'jil), Publius Vergilius Maro.

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Vogue (vō-gü-a'), Eugène Melchior, Vicomte de.

Voisenon (vwäs-non), Claude.

Volney (vol'ni; Fr. pron., vēl nā′), Constantin François Chassebœuf.

Voltaire (vol tar), François Marie
Arouet, de.

Vondel (von'del), Joost van den.
Voss (fos), Johann Heinrich.
Wace (was), Robert.

Wagner (väg'ner), Wilhelm Richard.

Wakefield (wak'feld), Nancy Amelia Woodbury (Priest).

Walford (wâl'ford), Lucy Bethia Colquhoun.

Walker (wâ'kėr), James Barr.

Wallace (wol'as), Alfred Russel.

Wallace, Horace Binney.

Wallace, Lewis.

Wallace, Susan Arnold (Elston).

Wallace, William Ross.

Waller (wol'ér), Edmund.

Walpole (wol'pōl), Horace.

Walton (wâl'ton), Izaak.

Walworth (wâl'worth), Clarence Alphon




THOMSON, RICHARD, an English antiquary, born in 1794; died at his apartments at the London Institution, January 2, 1865. Little seems to be known of his early life. "He rendered," says the Gentleman's Magazine, "in a very unassuming way, essential service to literature. He had held the office of librarian to the London Institution since August 13, 1834. He took an active part in the preparation of the admirable Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, and his thorough acquaintance with the books under his charge was only equalled by his readiness to take any amount of trouble to assist those who had occasion to consult them." This catalogue was chiefly the work of Mr. Thomson, who was occupied in its preparation from 1835 until 1852. It was published in four royal octavo volumes, and contained an excellent biographical and historical account of the Institution. Edward Edwards, in his Memoirs of Libraries, pronounces this immense work “one of the best productions of its kind extant." Thomson's first work, published in 1820, was A Faithful Account of the Processions and Ceremonies Observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England. This was followed in the same year by a curious work, limited to fifty copies, entitled The Book of Life, a Bibliographical Melody Dedicated to the Roxburghe Club. His next work, The Chronicles

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