



Treatment of Lunatics-State of the Lunacy Laws-Mr. Robert Gordon—

First Important Speech in Parliament-Diary-Letter from Lord

Bathurst - Appointed Commissioner in Lunacy - Investigation into

State of Asylums-Efforts in Literature-Work for India-Bishop

Heber-With the King -Works of Charity-Forgiveness-Scientific

Pursuits-Family Affairs-Astronomy and Sir James South-Catholic

Disabilities Foreshadowings of Future Career-Self-depreciation and

Despondency-Robert Southey-Elected Member for Dorchester-

Marries Emily, Daughter of the Fifth Earl Cowper-Successfully Con-

tests Dorset Election Expenses in 1831-Correspondence with Duke

of Wellington-Petition Against the Dorset Election -Pecuniary

Embarrassments-Letter from Ernest, Duke of Cumberland-A Second

Triumph-Letter from Mr. Follett-Letters from Southey-Condition

of the Working Classes-State of the Times-Sir Robert Peel's Policy

--Cotton Supply and Manufacture-Progress of Inventions-Condition

of the Lancashire Operatives-Child-Jobbers and Child Labour-The

Apprentice System-Outline of Early Factory Legislation-Michael

Thomas Sadler, M.P. for Newark-Newark Disfranchised-Mr. Sadler

Loses his Seat in Parliament-Lord Ashley becomes Leader in the

Factory Agitation-The Parting of the Ways-Correspondence with

Lord Morpeth-Pays Tribute to Mr. Sadler and other Labourers-

States his Views on the Factory System-Explains Principles on which

the Agitation shall be Conducted-Letter from Mr. J. R. McCulloch-

Opposition of Master Manufacturers-Address of the Operatives of

England and Scotland-Report of Commission of Inquiry-Introduces

Bill to Limit Hours of Labour "for Women and Young Persons"

to Ten Hours a Day-Opposition of Lord Althorp-Bill Defeated, but

Principle Established that Labour and Education should be Combined. 90

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