

Industrial Co-operation Conference,
New York, 237, 293-conscription,

Council, A National, 233,

Council for the Building In-

dustry, 233, 464.



Courts Act, 233, 458.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Ingleby, C. M., The Shakespeare
Controversy,' 236, 230 note.

Ingoldsby, Thomas, 226, 550. See

Movement in India, 227, 297- Ingres, J. D. A., paintings, 239, 267.

Reconstruction, 226, 295–317.
Scientific Research, 224, 520-

system, controversies, 241, 441.
Industries, dislocation caused by the
war, 225, 314-organisation, 328
-co-operation, 329.

Industry, The Economic Future
of Women in, 232, 73–89.

and Employment, The Effect
of the War on, 223, 266–281.

The Problem of Modern,
237, 275-297.

and Trade, The Effect of a
Capital Levy on, 233, 42-61.

and Trade, English and
German Banking in Relation
to, 226, 532-547.

[ocr errors]

Innes, Cosmo, Lectures on Scotch
Legal Antiquities,' 225, 443.
Inoculation against typhoid fever,
224, 159,

Insanity, cases of, 232, 298-treat-
ment, 298-300.

Insect pests in New Zealand, methods
to exterminate, 240, 104.
Instituto Nazionale di Credito per le
Co-operative, 235, 437.

Insua, Alberto, stories on the in-
vasion of France, 228, 175.
Insurance Act, 238, 284.

Intellectual Status of Theological
Belief, The, 241, 124-141.

Intelligence Department, 235, 129.
Intemperance, Female, 233, 122–



Iñes de Castro and Pedro of International,' founded, 234, 335.

Portugal, 224, 356–378.

Infant mortality, 225, 128; 228, 470
-principal causes, 471.


Labour Office, The, 235, 191–

Relations, 238, 163-179.

'Inflexible,' H.M.S., 223, 299, 605,
607-at the Falkland Islands, 300.
Inge, Rev. W. R., Dean of St. Paul's,
Patriotism,' 224, 71-'True and
False Ideals of Progress,' 227, 10-
'The Indictment against Chris-
tianity,' 229, 27- The Philosophy Ionia, State of, 239, 177.

Internment Camp, The Psy-
chology of an, 231, 396-408.
'Invincible,' H.M.S., 223, 299, 607-
at the Falkland Islands, 300-
sunk, 241, 113, 121.

[blocks in formation]

Irak under Turkey, 232, 401-411-Irish-Americans, hostility to Eng-
during the War, 411–423.

Ireland, seditious newspapers, ex-
tracts from, 223, 149, 150-Home
Rule, German propangada in the
United States, 454-Amending
Bill, 557, 559-Suspensory Bill,

Parliament of, under Grattan's
Constitution, analogy between the
Scottish Parliament, 225, 452-454
-proposed reduction of expendi-
ture, 522.

agricultural policy, 227, 187-
191-control of the railways, 192
-outbreak of rebellion, 231, 236,
285-geographical conditions, 562
-relations with Great Britain,
562, 563, 566.

Sinn Fein and Germany,
230, 214-235.

and Federalism, 232, 445-470.

National Land Bank founded,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

land, 230, 91.

[blocks in formation]

Rebellion of 1641'..239, 27.

Republican Army, policy of
'frightfulness,' 236, 161.

Volunteer,' extract from, 226,
249, 255.

Irishman, resemblance to the Ana-
tolian character, 229, 60.

'Irishwomen, A Call to,' 230, 235.

Irle, F., Die Herero,' 229, 372.

Rome, and the Republicans, Iron and Steel Industry of Great
240, 404-419.

Sinn Fein outrages, 241, 189—
Home Rule Bill, 190-Land Acts,
435-Disestablishment of the
Church, ib.-Home Rule, 436.

To-day, 242, 361-375.
Irische Blätter, review, 230, 228-
extract from, 229.

Irish Act of 1920..242, 366.

Britain, 227, 542-United States,
543-Germany, 543-557.

Iron-ore industry, 228, 412.
Irving, Washington,
book,' 229, 357.

The Sketch-

'Is Germany Guilty?' 234, 313.
Isaacs, Sir Rufus, Lord Chief Justice
of England, 241, 374. See Read-

[blocks in formation]

of the, 233, 288-303.

Isaacs, S. H., 'The True Boundaries Italian Settecento, Some Aspects

of the Holy Land,' 231, 321.

Ischl, meeting at, 239, 3.

'Isis,' origin of, 228, 345.

Islam? A Revolt of, 223, 66–77.

and the War, 229, 489-515. -, League for the Liberation of, 239, 188.

Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, division of the Sudan, 223, 3-characteristics, 226, 29–31.


Kemal Bey, Albania and the Albanians,' 228, 140-advice to the Sultan, 150-at Cettinje, 152— interview with Prince Mirko, 153 -journey to Valona, 154-attends the national congress, 156— elected President of the Provisional Governnent, ib.-receives the Duc de Montpensier, 158attends the Conference in London, 159-returns to Valona, 161, 166— appeal to the Powers, 161-views on the choice of Prince William of Wied, 162-President of the Committee of Public Safety, 167.

Ismet Pasha, Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish army, 239, 171 note. Isotopes, 241, 324.

Istria, population, 229, 182.

Isvolsky, Alexander, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 225, 169-Memoirs of, 236, 402, 406-characteristics, 407, 414-negotiations with Count Aehrenthal, 408-relations with Nicholas II, 413—policy, 415, 417-report of the interview at Reval, 237, 161.

Italian Art, 239, 258.

Crisis, Dramatis Persona of the, 224, 248-265.

Italiana, La Politica Estera,' 227, 369.

Italo-Turkish war, 224, 420.

Italy, The Attitude of, 223, 78-86..

campaign against Tripoli, 223,

69, 249.

German Methods in, 224,


Motor Industry, 224, 180economic position, 201-cost of the war preparations, 202-declaration of war against Austria and Germany, 275; 234, 358, 362— strategical character of the frontier, 224, 276-278-value of the participation of the Navy in the war, 291. and the Adriatic, 224, 327-


military operations against Austria, 224, 585; 226, 239, 580; 227, 232, 250; 228, 262-266, 537539; 229, 276; 230, 246-248; 231, 253-255, 266; 234, 368,

character of philosophic speculation, 225, 295-the Luzzatti societies, 381.

number of schools in Turkey, 227, 158-agricultural policy, 185. the Foreign Policy of, 227, 369-388.

work of the navy, 227, 473-475. the liberation, 229, 76, 78, 82. and the Southern Slavs, 229, 176-204.

Defeat of the 2nd Army, 229, 278-retreat to the Piave, 280number of prisoners, ib. note, 283capture of Asiago, 282-San Marino occupied, 283.

The Ideals and Aspirations of, 230, 131-144.

[blocks in formation]

Italy, readjustinent of commercial Italy, submarine tonnage, 237, 186

relations, 231, 49-amount of
exports and imports, 50-export
trade to the Central Empire, 51-
53 fruit and vegetables, 51-53,
56-wine, 53-oil, fowls and eggs,
54-trade with England, 55, 57-
organisation of production and
collection, 58-transport, 59-61-
sale, 61-Banca Commerciale, 83,
87-forcing the Piave, 254.

Italy, result of railway nationalisa-
tion, 232, 153, 174-Royal Com-
mission on, 155-shipping losses,
473, 475, 476-note circulation,
497-Public Debt, 499.

result of the capital levy Bill,
233, 61.

ratifies treaty with Germany,
235, 2-relations with Austria-
Hungary, 74.

Co-operative Labour in,
235, 430-440.

result of the plebiscite, 236,
212-architecture, 377-new terri-
tories, 418-relations with the
Tri-une Kingdom, 419, 420.

-, Treaty of Uccialli, 237, 36-
-defeat at Adowa, 38.

Fascism and its Political
Influences in, 237, 134-154.


Universities, life of the stu-
dents, 238, 122-lectures, 123-
examinations, ib.

a Literary Shrine in, 239,

the Fascisti organisation, 239,
109-relations with Jugoslavia, 113
-position of equality, 115-foreign
relations, 116-need for economy,

Air Force, 240, 77—transition
of Irredentism to Fascism, 308.

relations with Greece, 241, 1-4;
242, 335, 343-with Serbia, 241, 294
-troops occupy Fiume, 296-claim
to, 296-299-negotiations with
Yugoslavia, 302, 308-conference
at Rapallo, 303-renounces Dal-
matia, 303, 310-evacuates it, 306,
308-agreement with Yugoslavia,

-, foreign policy, 242, 338.
'Ittihad' Club, 234, 431.

Ivanoff, General, defeats the Aus-
trians, 224, 579.

Ivory, Lord, on the jurisdiction of
the Church Courts of Scotland, 233,



'J'Accuse, 224, 502, 506; 228, 176. Jack, J. C., The Economic Life of a Bengal District,' 227, 297.

[ocr errors]

Jäckh, Prof., Das grössere Mitteleuropa,' 227, 108, 158, 159.

Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall, 'The Life and Letters of Stopford Brooke,' 229, 526, 531.

Jackson, Andrew, President of the United States, 223, 163.

John, Journey from India towards Europe,' 232, 342.

Stonewall, principles of war, 233, 108.

W. W., 'Reform or Revolution in the Church of England,' 229, 439.

Jacobs, A. J., ' Neutrality versus Justice,' 231, 212, 223.

", Dr Joseph, 'Jewish Contributions to Civilisation,' 233, 402 note.

Jadot, Lambert, member of the Belgian Commission, 225, 199. Jaffa, German settlement at, 226, 415-trade, 419.

Jaffé, Edgar, 'Das englische Bankwesen,' 231, 81.

Jaggard, William, 'Shakespeare Bibliography,' 237, 1.


Jagow, Herr G. von, Foreign Secretary, on the Armenian question, 233.398-Ursachen und Ausbruch des Weltkrieges,' 234, 339. Jähns, Max, books on firearms, 226,

453 note.

Jamaica, cotton trade, 237, 196. James VI, King of Scotland, method of appointing the Committee of the Lords of the Articles, 225, 442. Henry, 226, 60–74.

in his Letters, 234, 188-202-I. The Friend, 188-194II. The Man of Letters, 194–202. 'The Letters of William

James,' 236, 24.

Rev. T., Essay on the Honey Bee, 241, 291.

[ocr errors]

Prof. W., Essays in Radical Empiricism,' 229, 140.

The Letters of William, 236, 24-41.

Jameson, Dr, raid, 235, 38-life of, 241, 78.

Jammes, Francis, La Brébis égarée,' 237, 340.

Janina, incident at, 241, 2–4.

Jannaway, F. G., 'Palestine and the Powers,' 226, 411.

Janson, Lieut.-Gen. A. von, 'Der Ueberfall über See als Feldzugseinleitung,' 227, 99 note.

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