[blocks in formation]

Mansart, J. H., style of his archi- Marivaux, P. C., Marianne,' 232,
tecture, 236, 370-372-Place des
Victoires, 375.

Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor, 226,

Manzikert, battle of, 226, 493.

Mapleson, J. H., manager of Her
Majesty's Theatre, 242, 286.
Maranelli, C., 'Italiani e Slavi nel
problema Adriatico,' 229, 176.
Marcet, Mrs,Conversations on
Political Economy,' 224, 544.
Marchmont Hall, founded, 234, 157.
Marcion, on the anger of God, 239,


Marcus Aurelius, references to bees,
241, 276.

Mare, Walter de la, 'True Blue
Broadside of '14'..224, 404.

the Work of, 238,

Marett, Dr, Threshold of Religion,'
223, 477.

R. R., The Interpretation of
Survivals,' 231, 445-Primitive
Relationships, 234, 161.
Marghiloman, M., Finance Minister,
mission to Paris, 226, 396.
Margoliouth, Prof., Cairo, Jeru.
salem and Damascus,' 223, 543

[ocr errors]

Margutti, Baron, on the meeting at
Ischl, 239, 4 note.

Marienwerder, district of, 236, 219,

Maritz, S. G., career, 225, 96-rela-
tions with the Germans, 97, 100-
terms of his agreement, 101-
rebellion, 103-flight, 105.
Maritza, battle of, 226, 503.


Markham, Sir Clements, President
of the Hakluyt Society, 236, 90.
Marks, Geoffrey, Reservation' on
the Income Tax Commission, 239

Marlborough, Duke of, four victories
233, 106.

Marne, the, battle of, 223, 87, 91,
101, 132, 283; 225, 174; 232, 357.
From Waterloo to the, 229,

Marriott, Sir James, on the case of
the Vryheid,' 236, 110.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Marsh, Lieut.-Col. W. Lockwood,
'A History Aeronautics,' 240, 74.
Marshal Shipping Company, case,
240, 257.

Prof. A., protest against naval
expenditure, 223, 121- Principles
of Economics,' extract from, 228,
68, 71- Industry and Trade,' 235,
413; 237, 275.

Dr, preface to the Wiltshire
Visitation, 224, 66.

Marsupials or pouched mammals,
234, 94.

Martens, F. de, Recueil des Traités,
224, 418 note, 419 note.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Mathews, Elkin, ‘Shilling Garland,'
232, 139.

Mathy, Commander, Commanding
L13..236, 272, 274, 276.
Matthey v. Curling, case, 240, 254.
Maubenge, fall of, 223, 88.
Maude, Sir Stanley, forces the passage
of the Tigris, 227, 584-589-
capture of Baghdad, 233, 116, 120;
234, 417.

Maughan, Cuthbert, 'British Oversea
Commerce in Time of War,' 223.
252- The Shipping Problem,' 225,
464-Shipping Prospects,' 232,


Maupassant, Guy, character of his
heroines, 232, 328-sense of hu-
mour, 330.

Marx, Karl, forecast on England, 229, Maura, Señor, on the policy of

412-doctrine, 235, 157-on the
merits of the Paris Commune, 165
-views on capitalism, 237, 97—
'Das Kapital,' 242, 8.

[ocr errors][merged small]

neutrality, 228, 172 note-ap-
pointed President of the Council
of Ministers, 232, 130 charges
against, 131-religious views, 132
-policy, 133.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Mason, D. M., protest against naval Mayflower,' the, voyage, 234, 259.
expenditure, 223, 121.

Masson, David, 'Life of Milton,' 229,


Matabele War, 241, 80-Rebellion,

Mathew, Lord Justice, inquiry into
the position of Irish Evicted
Tenants, 241, 371.

Mayhew, Henry, 'Criminal Prisons
of London,' 230, 37-' London
Labour and the London Poor,' 234,

Maynooth seminary, founded, 240,

Mazzei, Filippo, career, 233, 296.

Mazeppa, rule of, 239, 321.


Mazzini, Giuseppe, on the solution of
the Dalmatian question, 229, 194.
M'Bride, Major, views against enter-
ing the British army, 226, 245-
hatred of England, 250.
McAdoo, Mr, Director-General of the
Railroads, 232, 186-on the West
Indian Islands, 237, 192.

McCarthy, Justin, 'Ghosts at Bou-

logne,' 224, 409.

McCulloch, Mr, on war expenditure,
227, 162.

McDougal, William, An Introduc-
tion to Social Psychology,' 224, 73
-member of the Committee on
Alcohol, 231, 64 note-- The Pagan
Tribes of Borneo,' 234, 175.

[ocr errors]


Mecca, Sherif of, refuses to endorse
the Jehad, 229, 498-revolt against
Turkish rule, 501.
Medieval England, New Light
on, 236, 350-365.

Magic, 240, 291–307.

Mediterranean, the, growth of piracy,
230, 278.

Medley, D. J., Constitutional His-
tory,' 225, 422 note, 426 note.
Meier, Ernst von, 'Französische
Einflüsse auf die Staats- und Recht-
sentwicklung Preussens,' 231, 36.
Meiklejohn, R. S., member of the
Belgian Refugees Committee, 225,
195 note.

McFadyen, J. E., The Messages of Meilhac, Henry, character of his
the Psalmists,' 230, 18.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

plays, 237, 335.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Men, opposition to the employment Merissa, or native intoxicating beer
223, 15.

of women in their trades, 232, 84-
claim of 'Equal pay for equal
work,' 87-case of piece-work, 88.

Mendel, Gregor, result of his ex-
periments on peas, 228, 48.
Mendeléef, D. I., arrangement of
the elements in their atomic
weights, 241, 313.

Menelik, Abyssinia Under, and
After, 237, 33–52.

Menger, Prof. Anton, Right to the
Whole Produce of Labour,' 242, 13.
Mensheviks, the, 235, 170.
Mental Disorders and War, 232,

Healing, 238, 252–264.
Invalids, A War Hospital for,'
232, 297 note.


and Manual Work,' 223, 486

Mercantile Marine, services of the,
228, 119, 132-relations with the
Navy, 120, 128, 139-work of the,
128-method of organisation, 133
-armed cruisers, 134-one of the
main fighting forces, 232, 471—
share in effecting the change from
war to peace, 472-losses, 473,
476, 477.

Merchant Service Guild, 228, 121.

Shipping Act of 1906..238, 284.
'Mercier, Cardinal, Pastoral Letter
of,' 225, 130.

[ocr errors]

Merriman, Prof. R. B., on future re-
lations with Great Britain, 227,
141-The Rise of the Spanish
Empire in the Old World and the
New,' 231, 345 et seq.

Merry Devil, The,' authorship of
the play, 237, 14.

Mesmer, methods of healing, 238, 254.
Mesopotamia, military operations in,
225, 553–555; 226, 230, 235; 227,
583-590; 228, 539; 229, 287;
230, 249; 234, 414.

[ocr errors]

Turkish Rule and British
Administration in, 232, 401-423
I. Irak under Turkey, 401-411-
II. Irak during the War, 411-423
-III. Agricultural Development
Scheme, 416-423.

administration, 234, 421-
unrest in, 437.

River Control in, 237, 68-84.
Mesopotamien, das Land der Zu-
kunft,' 227, 158.

Messines, battle of, 223, 99, 254, 258;
228, 529.
Metastasio, Pietro, Ode to Nice,'
233, 290.

[ocr errors]

Metaxakis, Meletios, Chief Secretary
of the Holy Synod of the Patri-
archate of Jerusalem, 231, 121—
elected Metropolitan of Athens, ib.
Metchnikoff, Prof., Director of the
Pasteur Institute in Paris, 233,

Charles A., Spirit Experi- Metternich, Prince, Memoirs,' 223,
ences,' 233, 99.

Meredith, George, friendship with
Lord Morley, 229, 215-criticism
on, 540; 234, 196-character of
his poetry, 240, 135-epigram on
Matthew Arnold, 241, 143-lines
on bees, 287.

Vol. 243.

222 note, 223 note; 231, 8-policy,
224, 469-friendship with Disraeli,
226, 528.

and the Entente Cordiale,
233, 253-271.

-, dispatch to Count Apponyi
233, 258-264.



Mexican War, of 1849. .223, 171, 175.

Mexico system of railway policy, 232,


and World Reconstruction,
238, 145-162.


Meyer, J. J., Hindu Tales,' 236, 324.

Prof. Kuno, acts as secret agent
to Germany, 230, 221-founds the
German-Irish Society, 228.

Dr S., Die Radioaktivität,
241, 311.
Meyerson, M. Emile, De l'Explica-
tion dans les Sciences,' 241, 135
note, 136.


M'Guire, James K., The King, the
Kaiser and Irish Freedom,' 229,
268 note.

Miall, Bernard, 'New Chapters of
Bismarck's Autobiography,' trans
lated by, 237, 256.
Mice, experiments on, 240, 243.
Michael, Hugo, 'Die verlorenen
Bücher des Ammianus Marcellinus,'
230, 38.

Michelet, M., on English patriotic
arrogance, 224, 73.

Michels, Prof. R., on the Italian

Metal Factories, 237, 276.

Michiel, Giustina Renier, casino, 233,

Microphone, the, function, 242, 401.

'Microseisms,' causes of, 241, 95, 100.

Microsporidiosis, disease of, 231, 501
--symptoms, 504.

Middleton, Admiral Sir Charles, First
Sea Lord, 223, 203-report on the
stock of masts, 236, 104.

John Page, Cyprus under
British Rule,' 227, 401.

[blocks in formation]

Mijatović, C.,

[ocr errors]

Serbia of the Ser-
bians,' 232, 340.

Milan, Socialist Party Congress at,
237, 153.

King of Serbia, policy, 223, 445
-invasion of Bulgaria, 230, 167.
Milbanke, Arabella, proposals of
marriage from Lord Byron, 237,

Mile-a-minute' weed, 238, 242.
Miletič, Dr, The Greek Atrocities
in Macedonia during the Græco-
Bulgarian War,' 229, 579.
Milićević, V., essay on Obradović,
232, 340.

Military Commission of Control,
Inter-Allied, results in Germany,
242, 417-character of the German
Note, 420-proposal to withdraw,

Service Act, 225, 571, 578–580;
226, 229; 227, 231; 230, 154.
in England, Compul-
sory, 225, 416-437.
Militia, first use of the word, 225, 425.

Mill, John Stuart, on compulsory
military service, 225, 418-study
of botany, 227, 441- Principles

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