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Iwan, Handbuch,' 223, 330.

Müller-Gultenbrunu, Adam,' Es war
ein Biscluf,' 223, 327.

'Mundy, Peter, Travels of,' 236, 80,

Munitions of War Bill, 1917..224,
284; 228, 205, 215-of 1915..209,

Ministry of, work, 234, 249.
Munro, Sir Charles, on the value of
the Navy, 227, 111.

Prof. H. A. J., 'Criticisms and
Elucidations of Catullus,' 223, 27.

[blocks in formation]


229, 110-' Germany, England
and the United States to be future
allies,' 227, 276.

Münz, Sigmund, 'A Literary Shrine
in Italy,' 239, 40.

Murphy, Mr, on the 'Lusiad,' 224,


Sir Shirley, Medical Officer of
Health, report, 240, 42.
Murray, Prof. Gilbert,
Prof. Gilbert, 'German
Scholarship, 223, 330-extracts
from his translation Sophocles,'
224, 315- The Trojan Women,'
315-317- Euripides and his Age,'

Sir James, A New English
Dictionary,' edited by, 240, 179.
John, 231, 1-25.

'John Murray III,' 231,
1-'The New Letters of Byron,'
edited by, 237, 430.

Mrs, marriage, 231, 7—charm
of her personality, 8.

Lieut.-General Sir J. W., posi-
tion on the War Council, 227, 513-

Rev. R. H., 'The Idea of Pro-
gress,' 234, 100.

Major Stewart, 'The Reality
of War,' 242, 56.

Murri, Romolo, 'Un Programma di
Pontificato,' 227, 477.

Murry, John Middleton, 'The Works
of Paul Claudel,' 227, 78-

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Music of Wildflowers, The, 227, Mutschmann, H., 'Place-Names of
Nottinghamshire,' 228, 347 note,

'Musical Journal,' extract from, 242,

Mussavet' party, 234, 430-flight,


Mussolini, Signor, leader of the Fas-
cisti, 237, 153; 239, 109-Prime
Minister, ib.-foreign policy, 111-
116-hostility to Great Britain,
112 on the Eastern question, 116
-reforms, 117-119-relations with
the Vatican, 119-policy, 241, 307.


Mutual Guarantee, proposed Treaty
of, 241, 5.

Myers, Denys P., 'Notes on the Con-
trol of Foreign Relations,' 230,

Prof. F., Science and a Future
Life,' extract from, 227, 11-
'Mind and Work,' 237, 293.

Myngs, Sir C., funeral, 235, 227.



'Nacht am Rhein, Die,' letter in the, National
240, 318.

Nagpore, National Congress at, 236,

Nâlang, Sacred Body of, 227, 67,
70-influence, 68.

Napier, Lord, mission to China, 233,

Naples, earthquake at, 241, 90, 105.
Napoleon I, Emperor, ruthless
methods, 224, 75-invasion of
Austria, 278-policy, 394; 225,
272-downfall, 224, 415-order
to arrest Englishmen, 420-First
Consul, 226, 128-wish to be buried
in France, 228, 282-character of
his diplomatic methods, 230, 296.
Napoleon and the British Navy
after Trafalgar, 237, 238–255.

III, Emperor, on the Spanish
Succession, 227, 390-conversa-
tions with Bismarck, 393-foreign
policy, 395; 239, 277-279-rela-
tions with Queen Victoria, 232, 5–7
-declared Emperor, 234, 223.
Napoleonic wars, 223, 278; 229, 80.
Narfon, Julien de, 'La Séparation
des Eglises et' de l'État,' 227, 477.

Narimanoff, Comrade, at the Baku
Congress, 239, 191.

Nasr-ed-din Hodja, stories of, 229,



Union, 235, 177.


Art-Collections Fund, forma-

tion, 224, 345, 348.

Churches and National Life,
229, 335-356.


Debt, Our, 227, 160-177.

Farmers' Union, proposals, 242,

Gallery, The Trustees' Re-
port on the, 224, 344-355.



Gallery Loan Act (1856)..224,

Government, character, 227,

Health Insurance Act, 240, 186,
188-cost, 198.

Insurance Act, 228, 469, 482;
234, 242.


for Unemployment, 240,

Liberal Federation, meeting,

223, 120.

Life and National Education,
228, 444-464.

Physical Laboratory, 224, 528;
225, 346.

Register, 224, 560.

Relief Fund, work of the, 225,
112-organisation, 114-payment
of allowances, 117, 118.


National Service, 224, 555-565.

advocates of, 225, 573.

Union of Women's Suffrage
Societies, work of the, 225, 115,
119, 121.

Unity, 241, 433-452.

Wages Board, policy, 235, 181.
Nationalisation of mines, demand,
236, 184, 186.

Nationalism, ideal of, 223, 78.
Nationality, principle of, 224, 81.

Nations, League of, 229, 571, 573-
575; 231, 203; I, 207-227; II,
228-238; 241, 1-8, 174.

Native, How Germany treats
the, 229, 372-396.

Races, The Government of,
230, 303-318.

Natives, flogged by Germans, 229,
377, 379, 383, 385–392.
'Nativity, The,' Ode to, 224, 34-37.

Natural Selection, theory of, 240,

[blocks in formation]


586; 230, 198-work of the, 223,
253; 224, 586; 228, 119-blockade,
587-putting to sea, 588-sub-
marine attacks, 589–592.

Navy, British, cost of the, 224, 212;
232, 560.

influence of command of

the sea, 224, 288.

strength of the Fleet,

223, 116; 224, 290, 586.

'Sham Dreadnoughts,'

226, 339-supposed inactivity, 341.
and Its Work in the War,
227, 95-112.

relations with the Mercantile
Marine, 228, 120, 128, 139-Air
Service, 125-substitution of liquid
fuel for coal, 127-workshop or
repair ships, ib.

the old, 233, 190-reforms, 192,
194, 200-condition, 196-spirit,

in the War, 234, 119–131.
and the Washington Con-
ference, 237, 177–187.

British, and Napoleon,
after Trafalgar, 237, 238–255.
and Airships, 242, 184-

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Navarrete, Don José, 'Las Llaves del Neame, 'Oriental Labour in South

Estrecho,' 230, 183.

Navy, British, number of ships lost,
223, 113-115; 224, 288-291, 589-
expenditure on, 223, 120; 224,

Africa,' 235, 246.

Neapolitan Revolution of 1799
and Eleanora Fonseca, 235, 353-

[blocks in formation]

Near Eastern Conference, in London, Neville, General, commanding the

235, 406.

and Middle East, German
War Literature on the, 227,

Neigebaur, J. F., Beschreibung der
Moldau und der Walachei,' 226,
393 note.

'Neither Hot nor Cold,' extract from,
242, 229.

Nekludoff, A.,

Diplomatic Remini-
scences,' 236, 405; 240, 393.

Nelson, Lord, funeral, 225, 515-
Battle of the Nile, 235, 361-at
Naples, 369.

Nemanja, Stephen, founder of the

Serbian monarchy, 226, 494.

Nemours, Duke of, elected king of

the Belgians, 229, 326.

Nerves, result of the war on, 224,

Netherlands, number of telephones,
236, 308.
Neuilly, Treaty of, 235, 395, 403, 405.
Neumann, Major G. P., 'The Ger-
man Air Force in the Great War,'
240, 74.

Neurasthenia, symptoms of, 232, 292.
Neuropathic diathesis,' 228, 44-46.

Neutral countries, note circulation,
232, 497.

[blocks in formation]

New Zealand, navy, 223, 122 note;
227, 125 views on a closer union,
227, 125-result of an Imperial
Parliament, 126-declines to enter
the Commonwealth, 127-number
of representatives, 128-disadvan-
tages of a written constitution, ib.
-spirit of the people, 130-visits
of Prime Ministers to London, 131
-future trade relations, ib.-pay-
ment of income tax, 132-benefits
of educational exchange, 133–
advantages of cheaper cables, 134.
democratic republic, 236,
132, 136-number of telephones,


Samoa under, 238, 235-

Problems of Acclimatisa-
tion, 240, 93-106.
Newbolt, Sir Henry, The Vigil,'
224, 408- Admirals All,' 232,
139-lines from, 241, 265.
Newfoundland Fishery Arbitration,
238, 176.

Ships, Enemy goods in, 224, Newman, Cardinal, secession, 236,


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