[blocks in formation]

tural Co-operation in Germany,' Socialism, result of the policy, 242,
Labour in 220.

424- Co-operative

Italy,' 235, 430.

Smith-Lever Act of 1914..228, 316,
318-321, 324-329.

'Socialist,' origin of the term, 242,

Congress, at Brussels, 228, 177.

[ocr errors]

at Jena, 228, 179.

Labour Party in Glasgow, 234,

Smuts, General, Defence Bill, 225, 92
-on the result of the Boer War,
229, 87-tribute to General Botha,
235, 50-in favour of the League.
of Nations, 292, 295-memoran-Society Journalism,' 239, 99.
dum, 238, 17.

Smyrna, population, 239, 164-
occupied by Greeks, 165-167-
handed back to Turkey, 176

massacres, 179.

Smyrna-Aidin Railway, 228, 499.
Smyrna-Cassaba Railway, 228, 499.
Smyth, Ethel, operas, 242, 292.
Snorri, version of the story of Skadi,
239, 331.
Snowden, Philip, advocacy of
Socialism, 239, 417.

Mrs Philip, Through Bol-
shevik Russia,' 235, 157—on the
position of women in industry,
238, 338.

Snuff-taking, custom, 237, 26.
Social Democratic Party, 234, 329.

Legislation, result, 239, 410.
Socialism, the policy of the Labour
Party, 229, 426, 433-influence on
Labour, 551; 234, 328, 332.

economic doctrines of, 230, 326.

233, 184; 234, 242; 239, 414,

views on, 237, 276-278-ideals
of Justice and Freedom, 279.
meaning of the term, 241, 438.

Its Origin and Meaning,
242, 1-20.


Söderhjelm, Henning, 'Det röda
upproret i Finland,' 231, 149.
Soissons, Count de, 'The Jews as a
Revolutionary Leaven,' 233, 172,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Slavs, the Northern, 224, 466, 480 Smith, Geoffrey, experiments on a
independence, 481.
male crab, 240, 236.

the Southern, 224, 330, 466—
relations betwcen, 338, 340, 471-
policy, 342-creation of a State,

and Italy, 229, 176–204.
Slesvig question, 236, 217-219, 221.
Slosson, P. W., The Decline of the
Chartist Movement,' 236, 70.

Slovenia, political parties, 236, 422.
Slums, clearance schemes, 240, 37,
40-43, 51-cost, 43.

Sir George Adam, ‘Syria and
the Holy Land,' 231, 318.

Hoke, on the rights of neutrals,
226, 204-206-Smith-Lever Bill,
228, 324.

H. D., ' War Help Societies, a
short catalogue of the leading,'
225, 112.

John, General View of the
Agriculture of the County of
Argyle,' 233, 153-'the Se-baptist,'
234, 272.

[ocr errors]

Small-holding system, 227, 325, J. A., Philosophy and Theism,'
policy of extending, 226, 136–143.

Smartt, Sir Thomas, Unionist Leader
in South Africa, 225, 108.

Smiles, Samuel,' Self-Help,' 234, 235.
Smillie, R., member of the Belgian

Refugees Committee, 225, 195 note
-on nationalisation of mines, 232,

Smith, Adam, The Wealth of
Nations,' 225, 321; 227, 167; 231,
282 on the value of gold and
silver, 228, 62-meeting with
Williams, 231, 282-on the im-
portance of defence, 240, 74.

-, A. H., 'A Catalogue of Seulp-
ture in the Department of Greek
and Roman Antiquities,' 234, 22.

Mr Justice A. L., in the Parnell
Commission, 239, 101; 241, 371.

Constance, at the Washington
Conference of the International
Labour Office, 235, 199 note.

C. B., on the working of the
Smith-Lever Act of 1914..228,


225, 291.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Vincent A., A History of Fine
Art in India and Ceylon,' 223, 512,

Sir William, friendship with
J. Murray III, 231, 15.
Smith-Dorrien, General Sir Horace,
in command of the II Corps, 232,
353-relations with Lord French,
ib.-battle of Le Cateau, 355-
obligations to General Sordet, 356.

Garnet, The French Drama Smith-Gordon, Lionel, 'The State and

of Manners,' 237, 333.

Vol. 243.

Agriculture,' 227, 178-Agricul-


[blocks in formation]

tural Co-operation in Germany,' Socialism, result of the policy, 242,
Labour in

424- Co-operative

Italy,' 235, 430.

Smith-Lever Act of 1914..228, 316,
318-321, 324-329.

Smuts, General, Defence Bill, 225, 92
--on the result of the Boer War,
229, 87-tribute to General Botha,
235, 50-in favour of the League.
of Nations, 292, 295-memoran-
dum, 238, 17.

Smyrna, population, 239, 164-
occupied by Greeks, 165–167—
handed back to Turkey, 176

massacres, 179.
Smyrna-Aidin Railway, 228, 499.
Smyrna-Cassaba Railway, 228, 499.
Smyth, Ethel, operas, 242, 292.
Snorri, version of the story of Skadi,
239, 331.

[blocks in formation]



Mrs Philip, Through Bol-
shevik Russia,' 235, 157-on the
position of women in industry,
238, 338.

Snuff-taking, custom, 237, 26.
Social Democratic Party, 234, 329.

Legislation, result, 239, 410.
Socialism, the policy of the Labour
Party, 229, 426, 433-influence on
Labour, 551; 234, 328, 332.

economic doctrines of, 230, 326.
233, 184; 234, 242; 239, 414,

views on, 237, 276-278-ideals
of Justice and Freedom, 279.
meaning of the term, 241, 438.

Its Origin and Meaning,
242, 1-20.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Sommerfeld, Dr Arnold, Atomic Soviet Republic, foreign relations,
Structure and Spectral Lines,' 241,


'Song of the Plow,' 236, 114, 126.

Sonnino, Signor, views on foreign
policy, 224, 255-character of his
political views, 260; 227, 384
temperament, 224, 260-policy,
261-demands territorial compen-
sation, 262.

Sorel, Albert, 'Histoire diplomatique
de la Guerre franco-allemande,'
227, 393 note-views on absolutism,
229, 229- Essais d'histoire et de
critique, Metternich,' extract from,
233, 261 note-'L'Europe et la
Revolution Française,'
from, 241, 160.


Sorley, Charles Hamilton, Marl-
borough and Other Poems,' 230,

Sosnosky, Prof. Theodore von, 'The
Last of the Habsburgs,' 235, 60

'The German and Austrian Alli-
ance,' 239, 1-'The New Pan-
Germanism,' 240, 308.
Soudan, withdrawal of Egyptian
troops, 226, 38.

-, reconquest, 239, 80.

Sound of Big Guns, The, 226, 216-

of a Great Explosion, 228,
South American Institute, German,
230, 82-84-letter from, 83.
Southborough, Lord, 'Views of the
Government of India upon the
Reports of his Committee, 234, 68

Southey, Robert, Ode on the war of
1812-1814..229, 366- Thalaba,'
241, 243-character of his letters,
242, 199.

238, 172-exclusion from the
League of Nations, 175.

relations with Turkey,
239, 171-treaty with, 172, 183-
creation, 189.

Soviets, Congress of, 235, 169-
system, 171.

'Soziale Praxis,' extract from, 224,

Spa, Conference of, 242, 441.

Space and Time, Einstein on, 233,

Spagnolo, E., 'Il Giappone: nel
presente e nell' avvenire,' 234, 409.
Spain and Germany, 228, 169-183.
and Gibraltar, 230, 182–189.
The Empire of, 231, 345–358.
Spanish-American War, cost, 232,


[ocr errors]

Succession, War of the, cost,
227, 161-question, 390, 393.
Sparrow, W. Shaw, The Fifth Army
in March 1918'..239, 256 note.
Spaulding, E. G., 'The New Realism,'
229, 121.

'Spectator,' the, 225, 245, 247; 237,
18; 238, 399; 239, 98.
Spedding, Rosamund F., 'The Rural
Prosperity of France,' 227, 314.
Spee, Vice-Admiral Count von, his
defeat of Admiral Cradock, 223,
298-engagement and defeat off
the Falkland Islands, 298-303, 607.

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Spencer, second Earl, First Lord of Staël, Mme de, on the German
the Admiralty, his definition of the
responsibility of his position, 223,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Stanley, Macedonian Dressing

Station,' 234, 391-393.

character, 224, 86- Delphine,'
225, 518.

Stafford House, collection of pic-
tures, 240, 368.

Susan, Marchioness of, char-
acter, 225, 501-advice to her son,
502, 509.

Marquis of, character, 225, 501.
See Gower.

Stambolisky, M., Peasant Govern-
ment, 235, 404.

Spender, Harold, David Lloyd Stamp Act of 1763, result, 224, 436,

George,' 238, 286, 304.

J. A., The Egyptian Problem,'
237, 415-Life of Sir H. Campbell-
Bannerman,' 241, 349.

Spengler, Oswald, Der Untergang
des Abendlandes,' 233, 250; 235,

Spinoza, B. de, character of his
writings, 233, 177-precept of,
242, 456.

Spiritualism, Modern, 233, 82-

Spithead, naval reviews at, sound of
the guns, 226, 217.

Spitta, Philipp, Johann Sebastian
Bach,' 239, 369.

Sport, sums spent on, 241, 334.

and Sportsmanship, 242,


Sprenger, Dr, on the value of Meso-
potamia, 223, 234.

[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Stanford, Sir Charles V., Music and
the War,' 223, 393.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil A.: In Stanmore, Lord, 'Sidney Herbert:

Memoriam, 230, 57-69.

Squire, the, position in the country,
241, 331.

Lord Herbert of Lea,' 241, 254.

Stanyan, Abraham, Ambassador to
Constantinople, 241, 208, 209 note.

J. C., 'To a Bull-Dog,' 230, Stärk, W., 'Commentary on the


Psalms,' 230, 4.

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