[blocks in formation]

Council of the Empire, proposed for- Craig, Sir James, correspondence with
mation, 229, 22–25.

Councils, Internal, need for, 235,

Country-side, The, and Land-
owners, 242, 107–122.
Courier,' the, 227, 358.
Courthope, Prof. W. J., Life in
Poetry, Law in Taste,' 232, 306.
Courtney, Lord, 'Nationalism and
War in the near East,' edited by,
225, 164—on the death duties, 239,


Covent Garden Theatre, 242, 285.

Cowan, T. W., 'Bee-keepers' Re-
cord,' 231, 500.
Cowell, Prof.,
flowers, 227, 449.
Cowper, William, extracts from 'The
Task,' 235, 54 note, 55 note, 56

interest in wild-

Cox, Sir Percy, Chief Political Officer
to Mesopotamia, 232, 401-ad-
vance on Baghdad, 413—influence,
414, 419.

Coxe, Mr, Memoir of the Life of Sir
R. Walpole,' edited by, 241, 198,

Cozens-Hardy, Mr, on the creation
of a peerage, 224, 54.

Crabbe, George, allusions to wild-
flowers in his poems, 227, 444-
446-character of his poetry, 236,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

D. Lloyd George, 237, 211-policy
on the Irish boundary question,
242, 372.

W. J., The Oxford Shake-
speare,' 236, 225.

Craigie, Dr W. A., A New English
Dictionary,' edited by, 240, 179.
Cramb, J. A., Germany and Eng-
land,' 224, 491, 494 497-' The
Origins and Destiny of Imperial
Britain,' 492-494; 225, 436.
Crammond, Edgar, The Economic

Position of the Allied Powers,'
224, 193, 516-Retrenchment
and Thrift,' 225, 519-' British
Finance during and after the War,'
230, 190- The Economic Position
of Great Britain,' 232, 489.
Crane, Stephen, life of, 242, 258.
Crass, Herr, views on the superiority
of German powder, 226, 82.
Craven, Mrs, Récit d'une Sœur,'
237, 382.
Crawford, Marian, Arethusa,' 233,

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cricket, Post-War, English, 238, Cromer, Earl of, 'Modern Egypt,'


Crile, Dr G. W., 'The Origin and Nature of the Emotions,' 232, 292 note.

Crime and Punishment, 239, 5870.

Crimean War, 224, 150, 420; 225, 437; 226, 515; 229, 84; 241, 266; cost, 224, 207; 227, 161; 232, 490.

223, 1; 226, 24 note-report on the Sudan, 223, 16-pledge to the Sudanese, 19-'Abbas ii,' 531 note'Modern Austria,' 224, 463-' East and West,' 226, 21-' Ancient and Modern Imperialism,' 22-Chairman of the Dardanelles Commission, 227, 511-on the influence of diplomacy on peace, 229, 237— Financial Member of Council, 237, 234-administration of Egypt, 415, 425-policy in the Sudan, 239, 80.

Criminal Appeal, The Court of, Cromwell, Oliver, on foreign policy,

230, 342-360.

Cripple Children, Schools for, 234,


Critic and Esthetic, 242, 123–144. 'Critica, La,' periodical, 235, 270— extract from, 278.

Letteria, La,' essay, 235, 271.

Criticism, theory of, 235, 277.

226, 472-discipline of the army, 241, 260.

Cross Channel Air Transport, Committee on, 240, 89.

-, Lord, Home Secretary, measures dealing with insanitary houses, 240, 39, 40.

Crosses, stone, date of, 228, 113.

Croatia, political parties, 236, 422-Crowe and Cavalcaselle, History of

agrarian question, 423-Peasant Party, 425.

Croatia-Slavonia, autonomous province, 224, 337, 339.

Croats, the, relations with the Serbs, 224, 340, 471, 480. Croce, Benedetto, Philosophy of the Spirit,' 225, 295.

The Philosophy of Benedetto, 231, 359–377.

[blocks in formation]

Painting in Italy,' 239, 270.

Crozier, W. P., 'The Theory and Practice of Marshal Foch,' 231, 239.

Cruise, Mr,The Origin and Nature of Dignities or Titles of Honour,' 224, 49 et seq.

Cruiser-raiders, case of, 237, 185.

Cruisers, construction of armed, 228, 134.

Crusaders, various nationalities, 230, 121.


Cryolite, use of, 224, 524.
Ctesiphon, battle of, 225, 235.
Cubism, 234, 375, 384.

Culbertson, Mr, Commercial Policy
in War-time and after,' 237, 285.
Cumano, Marcello, Vademecum,'

226, 454.


189-characteristics, 264-on the
co-operative movement in India,
370 Monasteries in the Levant,'
226, 32 note-the partition of
Bengal, 100-on the charges
against the Royal Flying Corps,
227, 204 note on the Indian cotton
duty, 530-on railway construction
in Turkey, 228, 490.

Cunning, John, in the Elberfeld Cushny, Prof. A. R., member of the
Company, 232, 22.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Committee on Alcohol, 231, 64

Cust, Lionel, 'A History of Eton
College,' 229, 294-essay on the
works of H. Eworth, 235, 213.
Custance, Adm. Sir B. N., opinion
of Adm. von Tirpitz, 237, 357-
'The Whitehead Torpedo in War,'

Admiral Sir R., The Ship of
the Line in Battle,' extract from,
223, 303.

Customs tariff, 228, 417.

Cuxhaven, aerial raid on, 223, 298,

to Kiel, 226, 325–332.

Currie, James, Director of Education Cyanide industry, 224, 524.
in the Sudan, 223, 21.

Curtler, W. H. R., The Enclosure

and Redistribution of our Land,'
235, 258 note.

Curtis, Lionel, 'The Problem of the
Commonwealth,' 226, 266–269;
227, 141; 232, 462 note-use of the
word ' Commonwealth,' 226, 267
note et seq.-' Letters to the People
of India,' 230, 410; 236, 42-
advocacy of Imperial Federation,
235, 305.

Cyprus under British Rule, 227,

character of the British ad-
ministration, 229, 70.

trade, 230, 129.

Church of, 231, 116, 121.
Convention, 237, 396.
Czecho-Slovakia, Treaty with, 235,
19-alliance with Jugo-Slavia, 393.
population, 238, 25.

William,' Botanical Magazine,' Czechs, number in Bohemia, 224,
230, 460.


Curzon, Marquis of, on the peril of Czernin, Count Ottokar, 'In the

War, 224, 286-Chairman of Com-
mittees, 345; 225, 472, 476; 230,
153-tribute to Belgium, 225,

World War,' 234, 357-memo-
randum to the Emperor Karl, 239,
12, 14,

[blocks in formation]

D'Abernon, Lord, member of the Dames, M. Longworth, 'The Late

Committee on the National Gallery,
224, 345-Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Alcohol, 231, 63-pre-
face, 64, 74.

Dahl, Michael, portrait of Addison,
225, 241 note.

German Colonies in Africa,' 231,
462- The Book of Duarte Bar-
bosa,' edited by, 236, 76.

Dane, Sir Richard, work of re-
organising the Salt Administration
in China, 226, 169.

'Daily Chronicle,' extract from, 223, Danielli, G., 'La Dalmazia,' 229,


'Daily Mail,' the, 239, 83, 104, 108.
'Daily Telegraph,' the, 227, 357,
359; 239, 97.

'Daily Trade Record,' of New York,
article in, 226, 206.

Dalberg, Rudolf, Die Entwerthung

des Geldes,' 231, 97.

Dale, H. H., member of the Com-

mittee on Alcohol, 231, 64 note.

Dallimore, Mr, on the Pepys Com-
mission, 236, 98 note.


Danish Agreement and the Feed-
ing of Germany, 225, 267–290.

Duchies, question of the, 227,
393-396, 399.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, Laudi,' 230,
139- La Nave,' 139, 141-takes
possession of Fiume, 241, 300-
'Statuo della Reggenza del Carnaro,'
305-refuses to recognise the Ra-
pallo Treaty, ib.

Dante, Aligheri, compared with
Tasso, 224, 23.

Dalmatia, Slav population, 224, 339, Danube, the, boundary between

474; 229, 191.

[blocks in formation]

Rumania and Serbia, 228, 358.

Commission, 226, 394.
Danubian Federation,' 234, 216-


Danzig, population, 232, 250.
Dardanelles, the, attack on, 223, 596,
604-607; 224, 194, 279–282.
Dardanelles, The, 224, 108-123.

,the, plan of operations, 224,
280, 295, 581-585-casualties, 561.



Dardanelles, the, expedition against,

225, 185, 237; 233, 422-427; 237,


Dascovici, N., 'La question du Bos-
phore et des Dardanelles,' 225, 184

Dardanelles Report, The, 227, Dasent, A. I., John Thaddaeus

Commission, 234, 252.
Dartiguenave, President of Haiti,
238, 161.

Darwin, disturbances, 238, 118, 195
-railway from, 188, 192-tem-

Delane,' 227, 353.

G. W., assistant-editor of the
'Times,' 239, 93.

[ocr errors]

Daubeny, Prof., Journal of a Tour
through the United States and
Canada,' 229, 366.

perature, 189-employment of Daudet, Alphonse, 'Le Nabob,' 226,
Chinese coolies, 192-cost of run-
ning a steamer, 194.

Charles, doctrines, 223, 42-

marriage, 224, 550 delicate


Léon, Hors du Jong allemand,'
231, 90 note.

health, 551-literary works, ib. Dautremer, Joseph, The Japanese

children, 552-theory of natural
selection, 227, 17; 230, 463; 240,
243-Descent of Man,' 227, 21;
228, 377-voyage in the 'Beagle,'
230, 454-friendship with Lyell
and Hooker, 455, 463-publica-
tion of 'Origin of Species,' and
Earth-worms,' 231, 12-trans-
lation of his books into Serbian,
232, 334.

Emma, marriage, 224, 550-
children, 552-letters, 553-cha-
racter, 554.

Sir Francis, Life and Letters,'
of his father, 224, 553.

Empire and its Economic Condi-
tions,' 226, 152.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Sir George, letter from his Davies, E. F.,
father, 224, 552.

Major Leonard, Chairman of

the Professional Classes War Re-
lief Council, 225, 119-' On the
Statistical Enquiries needed after
the War in connection with
Eugenics,' 227, 28.


William Erasmus, death, 224,

'The Finances of
Great Britain and Germany,' 226,
542 note.

Emil, The Case for Railway
Nationalisation,' 232, 153.

William, character of his
poetry, 226, 382.

[ocr errors]

Davignon, Henri, German Methods
of Penetration in Belgium,' 225,

Darwins, Allens, and Wedg- Davis, H. W. C., The Political
woods, 224, 540-554.
Thought of Treitschke,' 223, 348;


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