

Enemy Countries, The Economic
Condition of, 223, 370–392.

Enfield, R. R., The Agricultural
Crisis,' 242, 295.

"Engineer, The,' extract from, 225,

Engineers' strike, result of the, 228,

England, increase in the cost of food,
224, 455.

The Censorship and its
Effects in, 225, 148-163.

Compulsory Military Ser-
vice in, 225, 416-437.

The Arts in Early, 228,

The Place-Names of, 228,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

charge against, 234, 305.

refusal to co-operate in the
Bagdad Railway, 235, 313.

Mediæval, New Light on,
236, 350-365.

and Venice: An Historical

Parallel, 241, 58–68.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Englishmen, characteristics, 231, 402,

'Englishwoman's Domestic Maga-
zine,' 237, 55, 66.
Enlistment, effect of, on employ-
ment, 223, 271-estimate of the
sources, 277.

scheme of deferred, 225, 569.
En-Nasir, Sultan of Egypt, his ad-
ministration, 223, 541-charac-
teristics, ib.

Entente Cordiale and Metternich,
233, 253-271.

Enver Pasha, career, 223, 249-on
the Dardanelles campaign, 227,
523-letter to the Soviets, 239,
184-186-at the Baku Congress,


The Church of, As It Is, Epimenides, a Cretan Prophet, 231,

242, 227-246.

Opera in, 242, 278–294.

English, A. E., system of Guaran-
teeing Unions in Burmah, 225, 381.

Agricultural Workers, 235,


Country Life, The Decay of,
241, 329-341.

- Dictionary, The, 240, 164–182.

379-personality, ib.-visit to
purify Athens, 380, 387-semi-
divine origin, 381-one of the
Seven Wise Men, 382-views of
German scholars, 383-of English,
ib.-reforms, 385-387-a scientific
investigator and a philosophical
thinker, 388-Prof. R. Harris'
identification of an Epimenidean
fragment, 389-poem 'Minos,'
391-393-the true spirit of Hellen.
ism, 394.


[ocr errors]

Eppstein, Baron von, Fürst Bis-
marcks Entlassung,' 237, 258.
Epstein, M., The Early History of
the Levant Company,' 230, 257.
Erivan, 238, 64-population, 65-
Gyök Jami,' ib.

Ernle, Lord, 'The "Golden Ass" of
Apuleius,' 234, 41- English Agri-
cultural Workers,' 235, 256-
'English Farming, Past and Pre-
sent,' 237, 330; 242, 110-'Byron's
430- Victorian
Memoirs and Memories,' 239, 215
-meeting with Prof. Huxley, 224
-introduction to the Emperor
Frederick, 228-' Our English Vil-
lages,' 241, 23-The Poetry of
Byron,' 229-'Mrs Carlyle and
English Letter-writing,' 242, 193.
Errington, Dr, Archbishop-co-ad-
jutor, 236, 393-deposition, 394.
Erzberger, M., Erlebnisse im Welt-
krieg,' 239, 1.

[ocr errors]

Escott, T. H. S., Old and New in.
the Daily Press,' 227, 353-' The
House of Rothschild,' 231, 430.

Esher, Viscount, scheme of War

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Euridice,' the first surviving opera
of Europe, 242, 280.

Euripides, reference to bees, 241, 274
-character of his plays, 242, 52.
Europe, The Reorganisation of,
235, 1-20.

population, 235, 238.

Central, Monarchism in,

237, 113.
European Policy, 1897-1914'..234,

Euxine, the, trade, 224, 109, 114.

240, 264.

Office reorganisation, 225, 253-Evans, Anne, definition of humour,
'Lord Beasonsfield,' 234, 1—
"Studley Royal,' 237, 219—' A
Great Ambassador,' 239, 307.

Essad Pacha, Minister of War and
first General of Albania, 228, 164
-bombardment of his house, 165.

Sir Arthur, discoveries at
Cnossus, 226, 2-Les Slaves de
l'Adriatique,' 229, 176.


Joan, Magical Jewels,' 240,

Essays and Addresses in War Evan-Thomas, Rear-Admiral, com.
Time,' 237, 412.

and Reviews,' 236, 28 note,

29 note, 30 note, 38, 40.

manding 5th Battle Squadron,
at the battle of Jutland, 241, 112,

Essen, Admiral von, naval policy, Evelyn, John, 'Sylva,' 236, 93 note,

227, 465-death, 467.

Ethics of Prussian Statecraft,

230, 280-302.

94 note, 96, 101-sketch of, 238,
322-references to bees, 241, 282.

Evening Star,' the, 239, 97.

[blocks in formation]

235, 272.

Exchequer, the, 236, 352-Chancel- Expression, meaning of the word,
lor of, 354.
Expeditionary Force, inadequate Eyck, van, Hubert and Jan, The
number of the, 223, 131.
Adoration of the Lamb,' 236, 244.

225, 335.

increase in the numbers,' Eye-witness,' extracts from, 223,
99, 100, 293.



Fabian Research Department,' How
to Pay for the War,' 227, 36 note.

Society founded, 234, 329.

'Fabliau de Coquaigne,' 227, 340.

Fabre, Emile, character of his plays,
237, 346.

Factories, industrial research in, 224,

Faguet, Emile, 'Politiques et Moral-
istes,' 233, 174.

'Falaba,' the, case of, 224, 246.
Falkenhayn, General Erich von,
General Headquarters,' 233, 411-
429-military policy, 234, 359-364
-memorandum, 361-removed,


Falkland Islands, naval engagement,
223, 298-303, 577, 607-609.

Fallières, M., President of the French
Republic, 227, 391.

Famagusta harbour, 227, 420.

Family Allowances, 242, 73-87.

Fanchille, Dr, on the Armed Neu-
tralities, 236, 107.

Far East Questions and the
Washington Conference, 238,

Faringdon, Lord, member of the

[blocks in formation]

Shipping Control Committee, 225, Farren, Miss, portrait, 227, 55.

[blocks in formation]

Farrer, R. J., Kelantan Adminis- Feetham, Mr Justice, member of
tration Report for 1916'..228, 388. the Irish Boundary Commission,
242, 371.

-, Reginald, 'White Wolf in
Kansu,' 223, 353-'Some Tibetan
Abbeys in China,' 227, 59- Jane
Austen,' 228, 1.

Fascism and its Political Influ-

ences in Italy, 237, 144-154.
'Fascisti,' The Policy of the, 239,

Fashoda incident, 237, 40; 239, 80.
Faucit, Helen, character of her act-
ing, 238, 323, 324. See Martin.
Fauconberg Barony, case of, 224, 68.
Fausett, Bryan, 'Inventorium Sepul-
chrale,' 228, 97.

Favaro, Prof. Antonio, 'L'Univer-
sità di Padova,' 238, 121.

Fawcett, H. W., 'The Fighting at
Jutland,' 241, 120.

Mrs, War Relief and War
Service, 225, 111.

Fawkener, Sir Everard, Ambassador
to Constantinople, 241, 209.

Fawkes, Alfred, 'The Pontificate of
Pius X,' 227, 477-' The Genius
of the English Church,' 229, 440,


[blocks in formation]

Fehmy, Mustapha Pasha, Prime
Minister of Egypt, 226, 31.

Fell, Marian, Russian Silhouettes,'
translated by, 236, 257.

Fels, Comte, 'L'Entente et le Prob.
lème Autrichien,' 240, 313.
Felstead, S. T., German Spies at
Bay,' 234, 135.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Fender, P. G. H., 'Defending the
Ashes,' 238, 306.

Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria,
characteristics, 240, 394-396.

IV, King of Naples, marriage,
235, 355-characteristics, 356-
'King of the Lazzaroni,' 359-
entry into Rome, 361-flight, ib.
Ferrer, Francisco, founds La Escuela
Moderna, 232, 127-arrested and
shot, ib.

[ocr errors]

Ferrero, G., The Greatness and
Decline of Rome,' 230, 367 note.

Ferri, Alfonso, 'De sclopetorum sive
archibusorum vulneribus,' 226, 458
-treatment of gunshot wounds,

Fess, Mr, embargo on the export of
munitions, 226, 207.

Feuerbach, L. A., philosophy, 223,
49- Das Wesen des Christen-
thums,' 233, 183.

Fichardt, E. W., Nationalist views,
227, 137.

Fiction, The Cathedral in, 239,

Market, The, 236, 340–349.

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