

[ocr errors]


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Gleichen, Count, The Anglo-Egyp- Goldman, C. S., The Empire and
tian Sudan,' 223, 1.
the Century,' 237, 188.

Glenorchy, Lord, Ambassador to Goldoni, Carlo, anecdote of, 233,
Denmark, 241, 205.


'Globe,' edition of Shakespeare, 237, Goldsmith, art of the, in the seventh
century, 228, 105.


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Ottilie von, correspondence
with Mrs. Austin, 239, 44-trans-
lation of Torquato Tasso,' ib.-
characteristics, 45—death, 47.
Goffinet, Baron, member of the
Belgian Commission, 225, 199.

Gogol, his writings, 239, 323.

Gold Standard, The Abandon-

ment of the, 223, 409-423.

reserve, 225, 85–87.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Goltz, Marshal von der, opinion of
war, 223, 44-policy in Turkey,

'González, The Voyage of Don
Felipe,' 236, 84.

Gooch, G. P., History and Historians
in the Nineteenth Century,' 223,
340— Germany's Debt to France,"
231, 26-The Rise and Fall of
the German Empire,' 232, 364-
A New Life of Goethe,' 235, 339
-'The Cambridge History of
British Foreign Policy,' edited by,
241, 156— History of Europe,'

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Good Hope,' British cruiser, sunk,
223, 113, 118, 119, 122, 158;
224, 292.

Cape of, discovery of
the route, 230, 259; 241, 60, 63.

Goodall, A., 'Place-Names of S. W.
Yorkshire,' 228, 347 note, 351 note
-introduction, 352.

amount of production, 228, 63 Goode, Sir William, on the new
-output, 64.

Austria, 238, 27.

'Golden Ass' of Apuleius, 234, Gooderich, C. L., The Frontier of


Bough, The, 223, 464–484.

Vol. 243.

Control: a Study of British Work-
shop Politics,' 237, 291.


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Gore, Dr Charles, Belief in God'
and Belief in Christ,' criticism on,
240, 378-382, 384.

T. P., Bills to prevent travelling
on belligerent ships, 226, 208-210,

Gorell, Lord, creation of the system
of Army education, 233, 31-head
of the Staff Duties Directorate, 33.
Gorki, 'Foma Gordeiev,' 235, 115.
Görres, obituary on the Holy Roman
Empire, 231, 32-on the unpopu-
larity of the French on the Rhine-
land, 40.


Goschen, Viscount, First Lord of the
Admiralty, 223, 63-Ambassador
at Constantinople, views on Albania,
228, 140, 149 on the death duties,
239, 128.

Gosling, Harry, member of the
Belgian refugees Committee, 225,
195 note.

Gosse, Edmund, Jeremy Taylor,'
225, 249 note- The Life of Alger-
non Charles Swinburne,' 228, 229–
231; 229, 462- Portraits and
Sketches,' 228, 238-the Post-
humous Poems, edited by, 247—
'Life of Donne,' 233, 319-letter
from Henry James, 234, 196—
'Austin Dobson,' 237, 53-member
of the Pen and Pencil Club, 63—
association with A. Dobson, 63-65
- Coventry Patmore,' 240, 125.
Gotha aeroplanes, raids, 236, 280,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Gould, W. A., The Present Economic
Position in the West Indies,' 237,
Gourmont, Remy de, Le Succès et
l'Idée de Beauté, 242, 123, 132
et seq.

Government, National, cost, 232, 509.
Govone, General, Memoirs,' 227,
394 note.

Gower, Granville Leveson, created
Marquis of Stafford, 225, 500.
Grabski, Ladislaus, Polish Minister
of Finance, 241, 430.

Grace, Harvey, The Organ Works
of Bach,' 239, 377.

[blocks in formation]

Grace, The Saving, 235, 221-233. Gray, Thomas, interest in botany,

[blocks in formation]

Graetz, Heinrich, 'History of the Great Britain, relations with the

Jews,' 233, 405.

Graham, Duncan, at the meeting of
the Scottish Miners' Federation
at Ayr, 232, 443.

Sir James, his views on the
supremacy of the First Lord of the
Admiralty, 223, 59.

Colonel J. J., ' On War,' trans-
lated by, 242, 56.

Stephen, 'The Children of
the Slaves,' 235, 251.
Grahame-White, Claude, ' Commercial
Aeronautics,' 229, 154.
Grain Growers' Grain Company, 235
88-90-' Guide' founded, 90, 99.
Grammont, Duc de, policy in the
Franco-German war, 227, 389.

Grant, J. A., his views on the reason
for men not enlisting, 223, 141.

Madison, The Passing of the
Great Race,' 235, 235.

-, Ogilvie, on the habits of the
pheasant, 241, 12.

Grantham, Thomas, at the Embassy

of Vienna, 241, 200. See Robinson.
Granville, Castalia, Countess, 'Lord
Granville Leveson Gower,' edited
by, 225, 500.

Correspondence, The, 225,


Life of Lord,' 232, 10–12.
Granville-Barker, Harley, 'The Heri-
tage of the Actor,' 240, 53.
Graves, Capt. Robert, 'It's a Queer
Time, 230, 398-'Fairies and
Fusiliers,' 400.

Gray, Ezio M., 'L'Invasione tedesca
in Italia,' 224, 147, 148-' The
Bloodless War,' 231, 87.

United States, 223, 154, 458; 230,66
-amount of trade with Germany,
223, 383-with Austria-Hungary,
389 with Turkey, 391-produc-
tion of music, 396-rivalry of
Germany, ib.-employment of
foreign musicians, 402-superiority
of orchestras, 403-beauty of the
language, 404-need for the en-
couragement of the art, ib.—prob-
lem of publication, 406-adoption
of the moratorium, 409-advance
in the rates of wages, 455-
charges against, 549-method
of Colonial administration, 460
-voluntary system of recruiting,

character of patriotism, 224,
87-anti-militarism of the working-
class, 89-motor industry, 178,
189-192-economic relations with
the Allies, 203-estimate of the
national wealth, ib.-resources of
the Overseas Dominions, 204-
production of staple articles, ib.
-value of investments abroad,
205, 219-position of the Banks,
206-gold reserve, 207—the first
war budget, ib.-yield of Income
and Super tax, 208-Revenue re-
turns, 209-expenditure, 210, 213,
221-estimated cost of the war,
211, 215-cost of the army and
navy, 212-issue of War Loans,
213-215-result of the withdrawal
of men from production, 215-
foreign trade, 216-219-influence
on the cost of Local Government,
220-amount of the National Debt,
221-the need for a system of
national organisation, 283-in-
crease in the output of munitions,
284-criticisms on the Munitions
and Registration Bills, ib.-result


of the voluntary system, 285-tone
of the Press, ib.-value of the
Navy, 288-treatment of enemy
aliens, 425--stable finance, 512-
conditions of industrial scientific
research, 520.

Great Britain, loyalty of Canada, 225,

7, 11, 14-gold reserve, 85-87-
policy in the Near East, 170-
economic dependence on foreign
supplies, 323-commercial union
with the Dominions, 325-amount
of income, 519, 545.


to Turkey, 228, 296-298-the Con-
sular service, 298, 308-number
of foreign banks, 306-want of
adaptibility, 310-use of a foreign
agent, 311-carelessness in exe-
cuting orders, 312-defects of the
commercial traveller, 314-want
of foresight, 384, 386—commercial
rivalry with Germany, 403, 412-
the Bagdad Railway negotiations,
487-528-position in the Persian
Gulf, 513, 518-negotiations with
Germany, 522–527.

need for a system of cheap Great Britain, emancipation of serf-

credit to farmers, 226, 150—
policy in Rumania, 392-construc-
tion of a railway, 394-Bank of
Rumania, 397 torpidity of
traders, 398-value of the imports,
399-indifference to the oil in-
dustry, 402-control of Egypt
and the Suez Canal, 411, 428–
commercial interests in Palestine,

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Anglo-Palestine Company,
421-sympathy with the Jews,


number of schools in Turkey,
227, 158-need to organise the
food supply, 179-agricultural
policy, 181, 186, 195-use of
agricultural motors, 195-ploughs,
199 tractors, 200-number of
acres under cultivation, 318-
agricultural workers, 318, 322-
population, 321, 328-adoption of
Free Trade, 322-position in com-
merce, 329-relations with Italy,
375, 383, 387-iron and steel
industry, 542-competition with
Germany, 543-creative inven-
tions, 544-criticism of methods,
545-output of iron, 547, 551-re-
construction of Associations, 555-
policy of international agreement,
556-relations with Ireland, 562,


falling-off in the export trade

dom, 229, 405-development of
capitalist production, 407—manu-
facturers and profiteers, 408-class-
war between capital and labour,
ib.-fall of Capitalism, 409-Co-
operative Communism, 412-bank-
ing system before the war, 481-83
-maritime commerce, 484.

The Economic Position of,
232, 489-518.

relations with China, 233,
15 acquisition of Wei-Hai-Wei,
19-treaty of alliance with Japan,


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ratifies treaty with Ger-
many, 235, 2.

-, hostility of Ireland, 236, 155-
157-policy, 169-171-number of
telephones, 308.

-, position, 237, 181-navy dis-
armaments proposal, 181-184-
total tonnage to be scrapped, 182
-strength of the fleet in 1924..183
-submarine tonnage, 186 note-
withdraws from the Brussels Sugar
Convention, 192-trade with the
West Indies, 197-199-mail service,
200-Articles of Agreement with
Ireland, 214-number of acres
under arable cultivation, 321-fruit
and vegetables, ib.-returns of live
stock, 322.

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relations with Greece, 242, 335.
Greathouse, Charles H., Historical
Sketch of the United States De-
partment of Agriculture,' 228, 315.
Greece, war against Turkey, 223,
241; 239, 170, 174, 178, 213-
relations with the Balkan States,
223, 427-policy, 437, 447-hos-
tility to Bulgaria, 437-influence
on Indian Art, 509.

diplomacy of the Allies, 225,
185-187; 228, 268-appeal from
Serbia to fulfil her treaty obli-
gations, 225, 220-policy of neu-
trality, 223, 226-agreement with
the Allies, 227—treachery to Serbia,


relations with Italy, 241, 1-4,
227, 380, 386.

abdication of King Constan-
tine, 228, 268-the boundary,
362-364, 368.

- and the Balkan Settlement,
229, 576-584.

moral standard of the Franks,
230, 130-territory assigned to,
170-loss of Monastir, 172.

reform of the Church, 231,
120-views of Meletios Metaxakis,
121-' A Draft Constitution for the

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