[blocks in formation]

Greenwood, George A., England Griffith, Arthur, articles on the

To-day,' 238, 344.

Sir Hamar, result of his policy
in Ireland, 236, 162, 171.

M., member of the Committee
on Alcohol, 231, 64 note.

Greg, W. R., Essays on Political
and Social Science,' 234, 235.
Gregory of Nazianzus, lines on bees,
241, 275.

[blocks in formation]

Grey, C. G., Editor of The Aero-
plane,' 227, 203, 210 note, 212 note.

'Resurrection of Hungary,' 229,
239, 245-the creator of the policy
Sinn Fein, 239-character, 237, 208
-death, 238, 396-characteristics,

Griffiths, Percival, on the ill-treat-
ment of natives by the Germans,
229, 392.

Grimm Dictionary, 240, 178.

Grodno, evacuated, 224, 575.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Grotefend, E. L., Die Edelherren
von Boldensele oder Boldensen,'
227, 342 note.

Lord, of Fallodon, criticism on
his foreign policy, 223, 147; 241,
186-opposition to the Union of
1814..223,221-memorandum on a
blockade, 224, 229, 242-failure to
understand the policy of Germany, Groves, General, on the military
225, 165-attitude towards the aeroplanes of Germany, 242, 449
Balkan States, 169, 183-on the note.

Grotius, Hugo, on International Law,
229, 235.

policy of Germany in the Balkan Grueneisen, V. de, 'Le Portrait,' 234,
States, 179-tribute to Belgium,

189 characteristics, 261-views


Modern Settings: being versions
of the Greek Anthology by various
writers,' edited by, 224, 324-326-
"The Place-Names of England,'
228, 333.

on a policy of blockade, 268, 278-Grundy, Dr G. B., Ancient Gems in
member of the War Council, 227,
513-policy in the Balkan States,
228, 353-on the Bagdad Railway,
512, 523-foreign policy, 237, 155
et seq.-on the need for economy,
239, 140-relations with W. H.
Page, 311.

Grierson, H. J. C., 'Poems of Lord
Byron,' Preface to, 241, 250.

William Voris, on the system of
bribery payments in the Elberfeld
Co., 232, 22-24-work on chemi-
cals, 33.

Sir James, commanding the II Gsell, Paul, 'Anatole France and his
Corps, 232, 353-death, ib.

Grievances and Aims of Labour,

229, 541-558.

Circle,' 239, 141.

Guardian,' the, spirit of the crew,
235, 229.

[blocks in formation]

Guerre, L'Europe au Cours de Gunkel, Hermann, Psalmen,' 230,
la, et la Question Polonaise,
230, 474-503.

[blocks in formation]

Guevara, Velez de, play 'Reinar
despues de morir,' 224, 377.
Guiccioli, Countess, relations with
Lord Byron, 237, 449.

Guild Socialists, the, 229, 436; 230,
327; 233, 463; 237, 280.

Guilds League, the National, 234,

Guitry, Sacha, plays, 240, 68; 237,

Guizot, M., Memoirs,' 223, 218 note,
222 note-letters from Thiers, 228,

282, 284 on the Entente Cordiale,
233, 255-policy, 256-dispatch
from Count Mortier, 264-266.
Gumbum Abbey, 227, 62, 71.
Gummere Richard M., Matthew
Arnold,' 241, 142.

[ocr errors]


Gunnery, School of, 235, 127.

Guns, The Sound of Big, 226,

Gunshot Wounds, The Early
Treatment of, 226, 452–469.

Gupte, B. A., Hindo Holidays and
Ceremonials,' 236, 325.

Gurlt, E. J., Geschichte der Chirur-
gie und ihrer Ausübung,' 226, 452.
Gustavus Adolphus, character of his
army, 241, 261.

Guthketch, A. C., The Prose Works
of Joseph Addison,' 225, 238.
Gutteridge, H. C., Nelson and the
Neapolitan Jacobins,' edited by,
235, 353.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Haase, Herr, Imperial Union of Haig and Foch, 239, 233–257. agricultural co-operative societies,

227, 431, 435. Habibullah, Ameer of Afghanistan, policy. 229, 506-508-Malik-ulIslam, 515.

Habsburgs, The Last of the, I. The Emperor Francis Joseph, 235, 60-67-II. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 67-78-III. Karl the First and Last, 78-83.

Haigh, E. Agnes, R., ‘Child Educa

tion in India,' 229, 516. Haines, C. R., 'Recent Shakespearean Research,' 236, 225; 237,


Haiti, administration, 238, 147, 161.

Hakewell, George, on the merits of the ancients and moderns, 234, 112.

Hadjanesti, General, Commander-in-Hakki Pasha, negotiations, 228, 518,

Chief of the Greek army, 239, 178 -shot, ib.

Hadley, Arthur T., Railway Transportation Its History and its Laws,' 232, 155.


Haggard, Sir H. R., Rural Denmark and its Lessons,' extract from 225, 30- Rural England,' 242, 118. Hague Conference, 224, 224, 234, 245; 231, 211–213.

Conventions at the Peace Conference, 223, 565, 566, 576. Haidar Pasha, Port of, destruction, 235, 327.

Haifa, German settlement at, 226, 415-trade, 420.

Haig, Earl, congratulations to the troops, 230, 514.

Sir Douglas, Despatches of,

[blocks in formation]


Hakluyt, Richard, 'The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation, 230, 260; 236, 78-80-lines to the bee, 241, 279.

Society, Council of the, 236, 80, 82-publications, 83-91. Haldane, Lord, on the Expeditionary Force, 223, 131-result of his visit to Germany, 225, 166-views on army organisation, 254-his Territorial Forces Act, 435-member of the War Council, 227, 513-on the question of teaching areas, 228, 445 Life of Goethe,' 235, 340, 351-Committee on the Machinery of Government, 421 et seq.


and Relativity, 236,

relations with Lord Morley, 241, 185, 188-friendship with Lord Morley, 352-opinion of him, 354,

[blocks in formation]

Halevy, D., essay on Péguy, 225, 65 Halsbury, Earl of, on the Creation of

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

a peerage, 224, 54.

Hamber, Capt. Thomas, editor of the
'Standard,' 227, 356, 359.

Hambling, Sir Herbert, Chairman of
the Cross Channel Air Transport
Committee, 240, 89.

Hamburg Colonial Institute, 230, 74.
Iberian-American Society, 230,


Hamburger Nachrichten,' article
in, 239, 2.

Hamelius, Paul, 'The Travels of Sir
John Mandeville,' 227, 331.

Hamilton, Alexander, on contraband
of war, 236, 106-on the result of
corruption to the Constitution, 238,

Lord George, 228, 425-430.

General Sir Ian, despatch on
the Dardanelles operations, 224,
295, 583; 227, 522-on the value
of the Navy, 227, 111- A Gallipoli
Diary,' 234, 243, 251, 254; 237,
370, 374-377.

Admiral Sir R. Vesey, Naval
Administration,' 223, 56, 202.

T., Men and Manners in
America,' 229, 361.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


Hammond, J. L. Le B., Charles Harden, Maximilian, views against
James Fox,' 224, 426, 430.
war, 223, 44-on the annexation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 239, 3.
Hardenberg, Herr, opinion of the
French Revolution, 231, 36-
reforms, 37.

J. L. and Barbara,
Village Labourer,' 235, 256.

Hampshire, local place-names, 228,

Handel, G. F., compositions, 239,
374-' Rinaldo,' 242, 281, 283-
operas, 282, 283.

[ocr errors]

Hand-guns, invention, 226, 453.
Hankey, Sir Maurice, ' Diplomacy by
Conference,' 238, 168.
Hanna, Col. H. B., Can Germany
invade England?' 227, 99 note.
Hannen, Sir James, on the Parnell
Commission, 239, 101; 241, 371.
Hannikainen, P. W., Altas de Fin-
lande,' article by, 225, 349.
Hanotaux, G., 'La Guerre des Bal-
kans et l'Europe,' extract from,
226, 391-Minister for Foreign
Affairs, 227, 391-Le Partage
de l'Afrique,' 237, 39-sketch of
M. Poincaré, 240, 156.

[ocr errors]

Hanover, The Alliance of, 241,

Hapsburg Empire, result of the ruin,
239, 15.

division, 240, 311-313.

Harborne, William, grant of the right
to trade with Turkey, 230, 261—
Ambassador to Turkey, 266—
arrival at Constantinople, 267—
difficulties of his position, 268-271.

Harcourt, Sir William V., friendship

with Lady Ripon, 237, 222-
letters on International Law, 239,
93-institution of the death duties,
128-friendship with Lord Morley,
241, 349.

[blocks in formation]

Hardy, Thomas, Song of the
Soldiers,' 224, 409-war verses,
230, 384-Satires of Circum-
stance,' 236, 112- The Dynasts,'
238, 47-on the reply of Lord
Morley, 241, 180-'Under the
Greenwood Tree,' 290.

Harington, General Sir C., tribute to
the British troops, 241, 254-
personal example, 255.

Harlaw, ballad of the Battle of, 242,

Harmsworth, Alfred, proprietor of
the 'Times,' 239, 104. See North-

Harper, Rev. Andrew, Australia:
Economic and Political Studies,'
236, 21.

Prof. G. M., 'Life of Words-
worth,' 226, 116–127-criticisms on
his style, 117-blunders, 119-
natural bent of his mind, ib.

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