
No: 305, PAGE 213.
No. 306.

No. 307.

No. 308.

No. 309,

No. 310,

No. 311.

Earl of Rochester. See vol. i. p. 311.
Motto. Juvenal, Sat. vi. 178-9.

- Small-Pox. It is difficult for us to understand how terrible
were the ravages of this disease in English Society at this time.
Swift's Journal to Stella is full of references to its havoc. Inocula-
tion was introduced by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, after her
return from Turkey in 1718. See Pope's letter to Brome, July
16, 1721 (Elwin and Courthope, viii. 47).
PAGE 217. Good Nature will always, etc. Perhaps Goldsmith
was thinking of this paper when he wrote the little tale in
verse called The Double Transformation, 1765, the heroine of
which is reformed by an attack of small-pox :—

[blocks in formation]

Horace, Ars Poet. 39-40.

PAGE 218. The Examen de Ingenios of Huartes is described in
Bayle, from which Budgell probably obtained his information.
PAGE 219.
Christopher Clavius, who carried out the reform of the
Calendar by order of Gregory XIII. See Bayle.
PAGE 222. Motto. Horace, Odes II. v. 15-16.

PAGE 224. The Historian, one of the numerous imitators of the
Tatler and Spectator.

PAGE 225. Brag-table. Brag was a game of cards, ractically the
same as the modern 'Poker.'

Motto. Virgil, Æn. vi. 264-7.

Addison's Papers on Milton are from this point of greater length. The type in 'A' is closer, and there are, of necessity, very few advertisements. A larger sheet is sometimes used.

PAGE 233.

Motto. Virgil, Æn. i. 77.

PAGE 236. Motto. Juvenal, Sat. vi. 138-9.

PAGE 237. Silver fringed Gloves. Ante, page 113 (note).
Irish-Man. Cf. vol. i. p. 173.

Rosamond's Pond. Cf. Defoe's Advice from the Scandalous
Club, No. 45.

Side-Box. See vol. ii. p. 323.

Hudibras. I. iii. 311-2.

PAGE 240. Motto. Cicero, Tusc. Quæst. ii. 6.

PAGE 239.

No. 312,

PAGE 243.

No. 313,

PAGE 242. Story after Pompey. Tusc. Quæst. ii. 25.


Devotion. A long passage in 'A' is here omitted.
Motto. Juvenal, Sat. vii. 237-8.

[ocr errors]

PAGE 244. Suetonius. Mr. Locke. Of Education, §§ 69, 70.
PAGE 245. Mr. Osburn. See vol. ii. p. 337-

PAGE 246. A Story very well known. The Master is the famous Dr.
Busby. The Gentleman whose life was preserv'd' has been
identified as Col. Wake, father of William Wake, then Bishop of
Lincoln; but the Rev. Rashleigh Duke, Rector of Birlingham,
Pershore, is of opinion that the hero of the rent curtain was Col.
Robert Duke of Wiltshire. "Col. Duke was engaged with Pen-

[ocr errors]

ruddocke and Grove and others in the rising in 1655, and was No. 313.
taken prisoner and tried with them at Exeter, and with them
was sentenced to death. The original MS. of that sentence exists
now, and it bears the name of Robert Duke following on those of
Penruddocke and Grove, and the warrant is signed by Cromwell;
but the name of R. Duke, which occurs twice in the body of the
warrant, is cancelled. His life was saved, and he was banished
to the E. Indies, where he died" (Communicated to the Editor,
29th Oct. 1897).

PAGE 247. Motto.
Motto. Horace, Odes, I. xxiii. 11-12.
PAGE 249. Nicolini. Ante, vol. i. p. 313.

Hydaspes. Ante, vol. i. p. 319. It was played on Dec. 26 and
Jan. 12 (see advertisements in the issues of A' of these dates.)

No. 314.

PAGE 252. Motto. Horace, Ars Poet. 191-2.

No. 315,

PAGE 255.

Horace advises. Ars Poet. 38-40; the motto of No. 307.
Aristotle observes. Poetics, xxiv. 8.

PAGE 259. Motto. Virgil, Eclog. i. 28.

No, 316,

[blocks in formation]

PAGE 262. Motto.

Horace, Epist. I. ii. 27.

No. 317,

[ocr errors]

PAGE 265. Purl. Ante, vol. ii. p. 326.

Laced Coffee. Coffee dashed with spirits.

PAGE 266. Brook & Hellier, the famed wine-merchants, advertised regularly in the Spectator. See note on the Bumper Tavern, ante, p. 291. They intimate that "At the Bumper every Bottle of Port Wine sent out is sealed upon the Cork with the Bumper by Anthony."

PAGE 267. Motto. Virgil, Eclog. viii. 63.

PAGE 270. Motto. Horace, Epist. I. i. 90.

PAGE 271. Various Cocks. Cf. vol. ii. p. 333. The paper recalls
Hogarth's plate on the Five Orders of Periwigs.

PAGE 272.

Wear Feathers. Ante, p. 113.

An arrant Linnen-Draper. Only an Ensign in the
Train Bands.' A. Budgell may have been thinking of an
advertisement in No. 259 (A), which describes a deserter from the
Ist Foot Guards, "a Linnen-draper by Trade.”

PAGE 273. White's. See vol. ii. p. 326.

PAGE 274. Motto. Ovid, Metam. vi. 428-9, 431.

PAGE 276. Mr. Waller. Of the Marriage of the Dwarfs,' ll. 1-6 :—

Design, or chance, makes others wive;

But Nature did this match contrive;

Eve might as well have Adam fled,

As she denied her little bed

To him, for whom Heaven seemed to frame,

And measure out, this only dame.

PAGE 278. Lazy Club. Cf. vol. i. 316.

Motto. Horace, Ars Poet. 99.

PAGE 279. Aristotle's Rule. Poetics, xxiv, 11.

No. 318.

No. 319,

No, 320,

No. 321,

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