The Keepsake

Hurst, Chance, & Company, 1851

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Pagina 122 - COME not, when I am dead, To drop thy foolish tears upon my grave, To trample round my fallen head, And vex the unhappy dust thou wouldst not save. There let the wind sweep and the plover cry ; But thou, go by. Child, if it were thine error or thy crime I care no longer, being all unblest : Wed whom thou wilt, but I am sick of Time, And I desire to rest. Pass on, weak heart, and leave me where I lie : Go by, go by.
Pagina 101 - THE MOTHER'S LAST SONG. SLEEP ! — The ghostly winds are blowing ; No moon abroad, no star is glowing ; The river is deep, and the tide is flowing To the land where you and I are going : We are going afar, Beyond moon or star, To the land where the sinless angels are. I lost my heart to your heartless sire, ('Twas melted away by his looks of fire,) Forgot my God, and my father's ire, All for the sake of a man's desire ; But now we'll go Where the waters flow, And make us a bed where none shall know.
Pagina 186 - Why did she love him? Curious fool! — be still — Is human love the growth of human will?
Pagina 101 - ll go Where the waters flow, And make us a bed where none shall know. The world is cruel, — the world is untrue ; Our foes are many, our friends are few ; No work, no bread, however we sue ! What is there left for me to do, But fly, — fly From the cruel sky, And hide in the deepest deeps — and die ! DRAMATIC FRAGMENTS.
Pagina 3 - Beatrice. Never did I forget he was my father; He did forget . . forget . . I was his child. Clement. Passionate tears drop from unholy lids More often than from holy. The best men May chide their children; may dislike; may hate . . . Beatrice.
Pagina 189 - And dwell in it for ever—we would make Some moment of young Friendship or First-love Into a dream, from which we would not wake; We would contrast our Action with Repose, Like the deep stream that widens as it flows. We would, indeed, be somewise as Thou art, Not spring and bud and flower and fade and fall,— Not fix our intellects on some scant part Of Nature, but enjoy or feel it all: We would assert the privilege of a soul, In that it knows—to understand the Whole.
Pagina 188 - Not because life is short and some die young, But because parting ever follows meeting ; And, while our hearts with constant loss are wrung, Our minds are tossed in doubt from sea to sea, Then may we claim community with thee. We cannot live by instincts — forced to let To-morrow's wave obliterate our to-day — See faces only once — read and forget — Behold Truth's rays prismatically play About our mortal eye and never shine In one white daylight, simple and divine. We would erect some thought...
Pagina 189 - God is good — And flight is destined for the callow wing, And the high appetite implies the food, And souls must reach the level whence they spring > O Life of very Life ! set free our Powers, Hasten the travail of the yearning hours. Thou ! to whom old Philosophy bent low, To the wise few mysteriously revealed ; Thou ! whom each humble Christian worships now, In the poor hamlet and the open field ; Once an Idea — now Comforter and Friend, Hope of the human Heart ! Descend ! Descend I 1846.
Pagina 188 - ANIMA MUNDI" — of thyself existing, Without diversity or change to fear, Say, has this Life to which we cling persisting, Part or communion with thy steadfast sphere ? Does thy serene eternity sublime Embrace the slaves of Circumstance and Time ? Could we remain continually content To heap fresh pleasure on the coming day, Could we rest happy in the sole intent To make the hours more graceful or more gay ; Then must the essence...
Pagina 158 - Je voudrais etre la pervenche, Qui joue avec tes noirs cheveux, Ou ton beau miroir qui se penche, Quand sur lui tu mires tes yeux.

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