
Domestic News.

be difpleafed, your lady has had fome thoughts of staying at her fummer lodgings all the winter, and fo would difpofe of fome apartments here for the parliament feafon; and I am direted by herself to look upon the rooms, and give my answer; let me but juft fee them, child, I fhall do you no harm: fo he stepped in, and, as it were, pushed by her, going into the first parlour,


and fat down in an eaíy chair, his fervant ftaying at the door; and as the maid did not apprehend any mischief, fhe went in after him; for he did not. look like one that came with an ill defign, or to rob the house, but looked like a gentleman that could have no fuch intent; fo I fay fhe went in after him.

(To be concluded in our next.)


IN the beginning of laft Otober, Capt Huggins, of the Eliza fchooner, in his paffage from Baltimore to Naffau, fell in with the brig Hebe, from Philadelphia to Cadiz, from on board tain Tucker, and four other perfons, whom the after had taken off the bottom of the floop Polly and Betfey, of which he took Captain Saltus, Cap in the end of September. After throwing their cattle and most of the cargo overboard, the floop overfet, when the master and the remainder of the men were unfortunately drowned; those preserved and taken off the bottom were nearly ftarved to death.

Ative, from New Brunswick to Granada, in lat. 32. 10. long. 59. 14. met a fmall boat containing 5 perfons, being the crew of a French fhip, which, together with her long-boat, had funk in latitude 29---thefe miferable mariners had been 13 days in that wretched fituation, without water, with one fmall bag of biscuits, and about three gallons of wine. When put on fhore at this ifland, it was with the utmost difficulty they could be preferved from that diffolution, which would in 24 hours more have been their inevitable fate.

During the months of November and December feveral veffels were wrecked and many lives lolt on the coafts of America.

Near Thorp, in Buckinghamshire, Lady Knollis having died poffeffed is a labouring man in the 83d year of of her late husband's eftate, (upwards his age, who, partly through strength, of 4000l. a year) has given rife to and partly through practical fcience, many conjectures, refpecting the dif can at a fingle blow of his fift, knock pofal thereof; every one of which, in down a bull with more effect and cerall the daily papers, are miftated-tainty, than any other man by means From authority we declare that the of an ax. late Sir Francis left his eftate in queftion to his heir at law. Many have appeared, but at prefent two only refolve to abide the decifion, viz. the Earl of Uxbridge and the Earl of Banbury; the firft of whom niches his defcent from the coheireffes of the elder brother; and the latter from the fon of the next brother, who was the first earl of Banbury; both fons of the first Sir Francis, the treasurer and coufingerman to Queen Elizabeth.


On the 18th of October, Alexander Ruddach, Lieutenant in his Majesty's Navy, but now commanding the brig

A poor man of the name of Evans, who for many years has kept a little fchool in the Borough, was crushed to death by a cart at the end of Tooleystreet running over him.

A fcaffolding before an old houfe, near Newington, gave way owing to the rottennefs of the wall; a bricklayer and a labourer who were at work thereon, both faved themselves from death, by clinging to a cross stick,


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which fortunately remained, and upon which they hung until a ladder was put to their relief.

It is with forrow we have occafion to record another inftance of the fatal effects of canine madnefs, in the perfon of one Groveby, a labouring man, at Ballingdon, near Ipfivich, the beginning of this month, who fell a victim to that dreadful diforder. It feems this poor fellow was bit three months fince; had gone through a courie of medicine, and concluding thereby that no bad confequence would happen to him, was to have been married on that day, but on the Friday previous thereto he was feized with the hydrophobia, and notwithstanding he was bathed in a hogfhead of oil, and every other method ufed, he died as above stated.

The taxes, which Mr. Pitt defigns to take off are, firft, the late one on Malt, which had been found particularly inconvenient throughout the kingdom. The others are fome of the permanent taxes, three of which were affeffed. The firit on Carts and Waggons, as being particularly grievous to agriculture; the next which had alfo been thought oppreflive, was the tax on Female Servants; and the third, which had been judged very diftreffing to the poor, was three fail Jings per houfe on every one which had lels than feven windows.

The laft, was the tax of a half-penny per pound on candles; which exemptions no doubt would be generally felt and approved.

A fon of the late neglected and unfortunate Mr. Sutherland, who lately hot himself as the King paffed him in St. James's Park, in the early part of this month ftabbed himfelf, fo near the heart that his life was in danger for feveral days By the great profeffional skill of Dr. Hunter, however, he is likely to recover. The dreary profpect of poverty, alfo, occafioned this defperate act.

By a veffel which arrived lately, we learn, that there has been a mu

tiny on board the Pitt tranfport, bound to Botany Bay. The revolters, after much defperate efforts on their part, were fubdued by the crew, and are now double-ironed, and chained down in the hold to infure their future good behaviour.

The veffel had proceeded near half her voyage before this desperate scheme was adopted by the convicts; and fince that period, a violent fever raged on board, but which had confiderably abated when the veffel fpoke with the Pitt, from whence we have had our intelligence.

Several have died in the fmall-pox; but the number of children born are equal to the number of perfons de cealed.

On Monday the 2d ult. died at his feat at Maiden Bradley, Wilts, the most noble Edward, Duke of Somer, fet, and baron Seymour, one of his Majefty's molt honourable privy coun cil. His grace dying a bachelor, is fucceeded in his titles and estate by his next brother, the right honourable lord Webb Seymour, of Farley Houle, in the county of Somerset,

The first duke married the greatest heirefs in his day as to property, and, perhaps the richest of the day as to the honours of anceftry. She was the heiress to the ancient earls of Northumberland, and to the dukes of Newcaftle. From the former, the inherited the baronies of Percy, Lucy, Poy nings, Fitzpaigne, Bryan, and Lati mer, with the manfions of Northumberland-houfe and Sion-house. From the latter the inherited the eftates of Petworth and Cockermouth, now enjoyed by the earl of Egremont.

On Tuesday the 17th ult. died, in the morning, at two o'clock, at his houfe in Queen's fquare, Bath, the right rev. George Horne D. D. lord bishop of Norwich.-He poffeffed to the last moments thofe faculties which have long been an honour to his country, and which have been fo fuccess fully employed in the cause of religion,

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Embellished with the following elegant Copper Plates, all accurately copied from LAVATER, and drawn by FUSELI.-I. A Boy and GIRL with Candle and Moth.-2. CHRIST walking on the Sea.-3. CAIN ruminating on the Murder of ABEL.-Engraved by BARLOW.

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Printed for W. LOCKE, No. 12, Red Lion Street, Holborn; and fold by all Bookfellers and Newfcarriers in Town and Country.


PART of Ben. Row's communications will feverally appear as foon as poffible; thefe which he has promised, will be thankfully received, and appear.

F. B.'s communications are from a book which we are extracting already. Those promised, if not in the fame predicament, we fhall thank him for.

To an obvious remark, that a froft has happened, foon after I faid, "There will be no more froft;" I answer, That it will be feen from a paper, on the Truth, and Importance of Aftrology, that the World fands between two difunited, and contrary lights, though in a progrefs to union. Thefe two are Spirit and Matter. As the actions of a man's body, may be against the direction of his mind, fo may the actions of the World and its accidents, be against the mind of the World. Till these two lights are united, Aftrology, founded on one, must be erroneus in the other. B. I have anticipated the fcheme of Country Societies. If my Gainsborough Correfpondent will favour me with his addrefs, the rest of his letter will be answered privately, and the opinion requested, given. W. G.

Our Correfpondent who dates from Montrose, will find due attention paid to his letter.

We profefs our gratitude to our old friends of Domus Scientice, for their hints and good wishes: part of their late communications fhall have place; but we hope to remain excufed for making fuch alterations as we thiuk for the best.

The Question upon Theft, transmitted from Stumperlow Hall, bears fome marks of ingenuity, and may find a place at fome future day; but we have not yet, done with the nativities.

We thank T. G. for his extract from Sir Kenelm Digby, but as we are in poffeffion of the book, his labour is not fo ufeful to us as if his piece was more original.

W. W. W. Co. Durham. His Take-iu may probably be inferted at fome future Opportunity.

We fhall be glad to hear from W. W. on the fubject he mentions. His paper on the increase and diminution of the faline properties of the Sea, is only too long for our purpose. The letter frem Paris arrived too late for infertion in the prefent number.

Mr. G. can conceive an excufe for a Lady thunning to give her name in the first. inftance, but none for a man, and especially one who pretends to be a gentleman. If Mifs A. will please to write her name and place of abode, Mr. Gilbert will return her a fatisfactory answer.

B. informs a correfpondent from Montrofe, that for his Notices he has not erected a figure for any place but London; and that he confiders England, and confequently London as, a proper center to move, or obfervatory to view, the concerns and events of ALL nations: the reafon may be seen by referring to the P. S. of a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Beere in No. IV. However, as particular countries rife on his eye, he may probably fet a figure for each place or country. He has hitherto confidered them only as their fignifieators, bear in a cœleftial figure on London and Paris. PARIS is his eaft and weft houfe, LONDON.his 4th and 10th.

On receiving an addrefs, the Nativity from Swanfea will be privately transmitted by B. and no one will be refufed by B. who come forward in a civil form, and with names. To have inferted in the Magazine, the Nativities received this month, would have filled the number.

In the part neceffarily poftponed till our next, but written fome months paft.



FOR MARCH, 1792.



IF the Sun, Moon, and Planets, are allowed to belong to this fyftem; a pofition to which univerfal confent is yielded; it is an undeniable deduction, that they must have correfpondent parts in it. They exift in all, and through all; fo faith David in the 19th Pfalm, 3d and 4th verses," There is no fpeech nor language, where their voice is not heard; their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words unto the end of the world."

If fo far be acknowledged, there is autopfical demonftration of a connexion through the erratic bodies with the fixed itars, fo that every part of creation is linked together. Did the Holy Spirit fpeak unphilofophically, or ignorantly of the connexion and dependencies of his own creation, when prophecying to the inhabitants of this Planet of convulfion and grand changes? it connected them with the fame fhaking in the Powers of Heaven +" and the fall of Christianity with the "falling of the Stars?" Shallow

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reasoning and fuperfpection fay, how can the Stars fall from Heaven? I an.. fwer, how can the Stuart Family fall? or afk Mr. Burke, how a King can be hurled from his Throne, by the arm of God? When these questions are fairly anfwered in a palpable fenfe, it will not be difficult to perceive, that the stars have been fallen from Heaven for a confiderable time; their voice has not been attended to, their influence held in vulgar contempt. They were inftituted" to give light upon the earth;" but this light, becaufe fmall and glimmering, is defpifed by the Philofopher, the Prieft, the Bishop, the Diffenter, the Statefman, the Legiflators of England, With all thefe, the "Stars are fallen, and the Powers of Heaven are fhaken;" therefore, " upon all thefe are the ends of the world come."

Once, a ftar appeared in the world, of fo little fplendour, that wISE men had travelled a confiderable distance to fee its immediate correfpondent on earth, before the inhabitants of the place, where it was VERTICAL, knew any thing about it. Matth. ii. 7. They had reversed it to their Gg Antipodes,

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