
not fee from whence it came, addreffed us in this man



If you would find the goddess of grace, feek her not under one form, for fhe affumes a thoufand. Ever changing under the eye of inspection, her variety, rather than her figure, is pleasing. In contemplating her beauty, the the eye glides over every perfection with giddy delight, and capable of fixing no where, is charmed with the whole.* She is now contemplation with folemn look, again compaffion with humid eye; fhe now sparkles with joy, foon every feature speaks distress: her looks at times invite our approach, at others reprefs our prefumption; the goddess cannot be properly called beautiful under any one of these forms, but by combining them all, fhe becomes irrefiftibly pleafing." Adieu.



THE fhops of London are as well furnished as thofe

of Pekin. Those of London have a picture hung at their doors, informing the passengers what they have to sell, as those at Pekin have a board to affure the buyer that they have no intention to cheat him.

I was this morning to buy filk for a night-cap: immediately upon entering the mercer's fhop, the mafter and

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and his two men, with wigs plaiftered with powder, appeared to ask my commands. They were certainly the civileft people alive; if I but looked, they flew to the place where I caft my eye; every motion of mine fent them running round the whole fhop for my fatisfaction. I informed them that I wanted what was good, and they shewed me no less than forty pieces, and each was better than the former; the prettieft pattern in nature, and the fitteft in the world for night-caps.-My very good friend, faid I to the mercer, you must not pretend to inftru&t me in filks, I know thefe in particular to be no better than your mere flimfey bungees. "That may be," cried the mercer, who I afterwards found had never contradicted a man in his life," I can't pretend to fay but they may, but I affure you, my lady Trail has had a facque from this piece this very morning." But friend, said I, though my lady has chofen a facque from it, I see no neceffity I should wear it for a night-cap. "That may be," returned he again, " yet what becomes a pretty lady will, at any time look well on a handfome gentleman." This fhort compliment was thrown in so very seasonably upon my ugly face, that even though I disliked the filk, I defired him to cut me off the pattern of a night-cap.

While this business was configned to his journey-man, the master himself took down some pieces of filk still finer than any I had yet seen, and spreading them before me, "There," cries he, "there's beauty: my Lord Snakeskin has bespoke the fellow to this for the birthnight, this very morning; it would look charmingly in waistcoats." But I dont want a waistcoat, replied I "Not want a waistcoat," returned the mercer, then I would advise you to buy one; when waistcoats are wan

ted, you may depend upon it, they will come dear. Always buy before you want, and you are fure to be well ufed, as they say in Cheapfide." There was fo much juftice in his advice, that I could not refufe taking it; befides the filk, which was really a good one, increased the temptation, fo I gave orders for that too.

As I was waiting to have my bargains measured and cut, which, I know not how, they executed but flowly; during the interval the mercer entertained me with the modern manner of fome of the nobility receiving company in their morning gowns; "perhaps, Sir, (adds he,) you have a mind to see what kind of filk is univerfally worn." Without waiting for my reply, he spreads a piece before me which might be reckoned beautiful even in China." If the nobility, (continues he,) were to know I fold this to any under a right honourable, I fhould certainly lose their cuftom; you fee it is at once rich, tasty, and quite the thing."—I am no lord, interrupted I." I beg pardon, (cried he,) but be pleased to remember, when you intend buying a morning gown, that you had an offer from me of fomething worth money. Confcience, Sir, confcience is my way of dealing you may buy a morning gown now, or you may ftay till they become dearer and less fashionable; but it is not my business to advise." In fhort, most reverend Fum, he perfuaded me to buy a morning gown also, and would probably have perfuaded me to have bought half the goods in his fhop, if I ftayed long enough, or was furnished with fufficient money.

Upon returning home, I could not help reflecting with some astonishment, how this very man, with fuch a confined education and capacity, was yet capable of

turning me as he thought proper, and molding me to his inclinations! I knew he was only anfwering his own purposes, even while he attempted to appear folicitous about mine; yet, by a voluntary infatuation, a fort of paffion, compounded of vanity and good nature, I walked into the fame fnare with my eyes open, and put myfelf to future pain, in order to give him immediate pleasure. The wifdom of the ignorant fomewhat refembles the inftinct of animals; it is diffufed in but a very narrow sphere, but within the circle it acts with vigour, uniformity, and fuccefs. Adieu.



FROM my former accounts, you may be apt to fancy

the English the most ridiculous people under the sun. They are indeed ridiculous: yet every other nation in Europe is equally fo; each laughs at each, and the Afiatic at all.

I may, upon an another occafion, point out what is most strikingly abfurd in other countries: I fhall at prefent confine myself only to France. The first national peculiarity a traveller meets upon entering that kingdom, is an odd fort of flaring vivacity in every eye, not excepting even the children; the people, it seems, have got into their heads, that they have more wit than others, and fo ftare in order to look fmart.

I know not how it happens, but there appears a fickly delicacy in the faces of their finest women. This may

have introduced the use of paint, and paint produces wrinkles; so that a fine lady fhall look like an hag at twenty-three. But as in fome measure they never appear young, so it may be equally afferted, that they actually think themselves never old; a gentle mifs fhall prepare for new conquefts at fixty, shall hobble a rigadoon, when she can scarce walk without a crutch, fhe fhall affect the girl, play her fan and her eyes, and talk of fentiments, bleeding hearts, and expiring for love, when actually dying with age. Like a departing philofopher, she attempts to make her last moments the most brilliant of her life.

Their civility to ftrangers is what they are chiefly proud of; and to confess sincerely, their beggars are the very politeft beggars I ever knew; in other places a traveller is addreffed with a piteous whine, or a sturdy folemnity, but a French beggar shall ask your charity with a very genteel bow, and thank you for it with a smile and fhrug.

Another inftance of this people's breeding I must not forget. An Englishman would not speak his native language in a company of foreigners, where he was fure that none understood him; a travelling Hottentot himself would be filent, if acquainted only with the language of his country; but a Frenchman shall talk to you, whether you understand his language or not, never troubling his head whether you have learned French, still he keeps up the converfation, fixes his eyes full in your face, and asks a thousand questions, which he answers himself for want of a more fatisfactory reply.

But their civility to foreigners is not half so great as their admiration of themselves. Every thing that beVOL. II.


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