
Bologna's walls thus mounted in the air,

To seat themselves more surely than before.


Her safety rescu'd Ireland to him owes;

And treach'rous Scotland, to no int'rest true, Yet bless'd that fate which did his arms dispose Her land to civilize as to subdue.


Nor was he like those stars which only shine,
When to pale mariners they storms portend;

He had his calmer influence, and his mien
Did love and majesty together blend.


'Tis true his count'nance did imprint an awe, And nat'rally all souls to his did bow,

As wands of divination downward draw,

And point to beds where sov'reign gold doth grow.


When past all off'rings to Feretrian Jove,

He Mars depos'd, and arms to gowns made yield,

Successful councils did him soon approve,

As fit for close intrigues as open field.


To suppliant Holland he vouchsaf'd a peace,
Our once bold rival of the British main,
Now tamely glad her unjust claim to cease,
And buy our friendship with her idol, gain.


Fame of th'asserted sea through Europe blown,

Made France and Spain ambitious of his love;

Each knew that side must conquer he would own, And for him fiercely, as for empire, strove.


No sooner was the Frenchman's cause embrac'd, Than thelight Monsieur the grave Don outweigh'd; His fortune turn'd the scale where'er 'twas cast, Though Indian mines were in the other laid. XXIV.

When absent, yet we conquer'd in his right;

For though some meaner artist's skill were shown

In mingling colours, or in placing light

Yet still the fair designment was his own.


For from all tempers he could service draw;
The worth of each with its alloy he knew,

And, as the confident of Nature, saw

How she complexions did divide and brew.


Or he their single virtues did survey,

By intuition in his own large breast,

Where all the rich ideas of them lay.

That were the rule and measure to the rest.

When such heroic virtue Heav'n sets out,

The stars, like commons, sullenly obey:

Because it drains them when it comes about,
And therefore is a tax they seldom pay,


From this high spring our foreign conquests flow, Which yet more glorious triumphs do portend; Since their commencement to his arms they owe, If springs as high as fountains may ascend.


He made us free-men of the Continent,
Whom Nature did like captives treat before;
To nobler praise the English lion sent,

And taught him first in Belgian walks to roara


That old unquestion'd pirate of the land,

Proud Rome, with dread the fate of Dunkirk heard, And, trembling, wish'd behind more Alps to stand, Although an Alexander were her guard.


By his command we boldly cross'd the line;
And bravely fought where southern stars arise;
We trac'd the far-fetch'd gold unto the mine,

And that which brib'd our fathers made our prize.


Such was our Prince; yet own'd a soul above
The highest acts it could produce to show:
Thus poor mechanic arts in public move,
Whilst the deep secrets beyond practice go.


Nor dy'd he when his ebbing fame went less, But when fresh laurels courted him to live; He seem'd but to prevent some new success, As if above what triumphs earth could give.


His latest victories still thickest came,

As near the centre motion doth increase;

Till he, press'd down by his own weighty name, Did, like the Vestal, under spoils decrease.


But first the Ocean as a tribute sent

That giant prince of all her wat'ry herd;

And th' isle, when her protecting genius went,

Upon his obsequies loud sighs conferr'd.

No civil broils have since his death arose,
But faction now by habit does obey;

And wars have that respect for his repose,

As winds for halcyons when they breed at sea.


His ashes in a peaceful urn shall rest,

His name a great example stands to show

How strangely high endeavours may be blest,
Where piety and valour jointly go.



As needy gallants, in the scriv'ners hands,
Court the rich knaves that gripetheirmortgag'dlands,
The first fat buck of all the seasons sent,
And keeper takes no fee in compliment;
The dotage of some Englishmen is such,
To fawn on those who ruin them, the Dutch.


They shall have all rather than make a war
With those who of the same religion are.
The Straits, the Guinea-trade, the herrings too;

Nay, to keep friendship, they shall pickle you.
Some are resolv'd not to find out the cheat,
But, cuckold-like, love them that do the feat.


What injuries soe'er upon us fall,
Yet still the same religion answers all.

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Religion wheeled us to Civil war,



Drew Englishblood, and Dutchmen'snowwould spare.
Be gull'd no longer; for you'll find it true,
They have no more religion, faith! than you.
Int'rest's the god they worship in their State,
And we, I take it, have not much of that.
Well monarchies may own reilgion's name,
But states are atheists in their very frame.
They share a sin; and such proportions fall,
That, like a stink, 'tis nothing to them all.
Volume I.


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