Think on their rapine, falsehood, cruelty, 25 30 Only from honour and civility. Venetians do not more uncouthly ride, 35 As their own paunches swell above their chin. As Cato fruits of Afric did display, Let us before our eyes their Indies lay; All loyal English will like him conclude, Let Cæsar live, and Carthage be subdu'd. CONTENTS. Page. On his Religio Laici. By the Earl of Roscommon, 31 From Mr. Addison's account of the English Poets, 33 Astræa Redux. A Poem on the happy restora- 48 Page. To the Metropolis of Great Britain, the most renowned and late flourishing City of London, in its representatives, the Lord Mayor and The PORTS of GREAT BRITAIN CHAUCER to CHURCHILL. ODE DRYDEN VOLUME II. "She drew an Angel down." Page rag. Edmarito delin Printed for John Bell near Exeter Exchange Strand London Mar.1.1777 |