
Prints and the like, Colouring, etc. BQ 94-cont. 756 Moyen. Le moyen de devenir peintre en trois heures, etc. [By T. X. Vispré?] Paris, 1756. sm. 8°. 96 pp. On back-painting prints mounted upon glass. The same. Nouv. éd. Amsterd. 1772. 132 pp. frontis.

(<) 772

sm. 8°.

780 Etwas zu müssigen Stunden. n.p. 1780. sm. 8°.

44 pp.

"Man fängt an zu malen, nicht die vordere Seite des Kupfers, sondern die hintere, oder Ruckseite."

783 Bowles, C. Bowles's art of painting in water colours, with instructions for [back-] painting [mezzotint prints mounted] on glass [pp. 58-62]. 6th ed. Lond. sm. 8°. BQ 50 (~):

786 Art of painting in water colours, with instructions for [back-] painting [mezzotint prints mounted] 8th ed. Lond., R. Sayer,

on glass [pp. 58-62].

sm. 8. BQ 50 (~) :

An anonymous edition of the preceding work.

788 Smith, J. The art of painting in oil. 9th ed. [Ch. 19. The art of back-painting metzotinto prints with oil colours.] Lond. 1788. sm. 8°. pp. 87–94. (42336) 818 Art. The art of painting in water colours. [pp. 3135. Of painting on glass]. By the Author of the "Artists' Assistant." 18th ed. Lond. J. Whittle and R. H. Laurie. 1818. 8°. BQ 50 (*) :

828 Watin, J. F. L'art du peintre, doreur, et vernisseur. 10e éd. pur C. Bourgeois [pp. 149-160] [back-painting engravings]. Paris. 8°. (2518)

882 Goggs, Mrs. L. H. A guide to crystoleum painting, etc. Lond. [1882?] sm. 8°. 48 pp.


883 Caspar, A. Crystoleum . . . practical instructions with a description of émail vitre . . crayonium and terroleum. Lond. [1883.] sm. 8°. 48 pp. Crystoleum including all the improvements, etc. 11th ed. Lond. 1884. 12°. 44 pp.


906 Watin, J. F. L'art du peintre, etc. 14e éd. [pp. 106122. Back painting engravings.] Paris. 8°. (32534)

Prints and the like, Colouring, etc. BQ 94-cont. (4° Series.)

688 Parker, G. A treatise on japaning and varnishing. the method of painting mezzotinto prints, etc. [pp. 69-79.] Oxford. fol. YP 43


[ocr errors]

With second title page attributing authorship to J.

Programmes, designs for. See Printing, fine and decorative (Designs).

Projection of shadows. See Perspective: shadow projection. Pronunciation, expressing and teaching. See Phonetic alphabets; [Reading, Teaching, BE 5515;] Spelling, Phonetic. Proof-correcting. See Authors' guides; Printing, letterpress, etc.; Type-setting, hand.

Publishers' lives. See Book and stationery trades.

Publishers' marks and devices. See Printers' and publishers'


Publishing, history. See Book and stationery trades.

Punctuation. BX 66

768 B., J. [i.e. Sir J. Burrow.]

[ocr errors]

A few thoughts upon

pointing and . . perspicuity of expression. Lond. 1768. 4°. pp. 631-653.

Quill pens. See Pens, writing.

Railway Tickets, Printing and Stamping. BZ 56
876 Sonne, E. Billetdruck- und Stempel - Apparate.
Heusinger v Waldegg, E.
Eisenbahn-Technik. 2te Aufl.

8°. (32528)

Handb. für specielle
Bd. 4. pp. 184-200.

Receipts, fine art. See Arts, fine and art industries (Receipts).

Restoring and cleaning pictures. See Pictures, preserving, cleaning, and restoring.

Restoring art objects. See Art objects, repairing, etc.

Restoring books and manuscripts. See Bookbinding, practical ; Manuscripts, preserving and restoring.

Rollers, printing. See Printing-presses and press work: rollers. Romanesque decoration. See Decoration and ornament (By Styles, etc.).

Rubber hand stamps. See Stamps, hand and date.

Ruling-Machines. BY 77

851 Leischner, C. E.

Anleitung zur Liniirkunst. 3te Aufl. von H. Schad. Weimar, 1851. 12°. 130 pp. 9 pl. 25 specimens.

Sciography or projection of shadows. See Perspective: shadow projection.

Sculptors. See Artists' lives, etc.

Sculpture (Historical, Critical, and Descriptive-General) BO 09

875 Carriere, M. 2te Aufl.

AC 40:


Plastik und Malerei.
Bd. 5, obl. fol. and text. Bd. 2. 8°

887 Demmin, A. Die Bildnerei. In his Studien über die stofflich-bildenden Künste, etc. Folge 1. 8°. 84 pp. BM 14:

(4° Series.)

858 Scharf, G. Sculpture, in marble, terracotta, bronze, ivory, and wood. 44 pp. 18 col. pl. Waring, J. B. Art treasures of the United Kingdom, etc. fol. /BM 289

culpture (General Treatises) BO 05

829 Flaxman, J. Lectures on sculpture. Lond. 1829. 8°. 372 pp. 52 pl. portr.

884 Stegmann, C. von. Handb. der Bildnerkunst in ihrem ganzem Umfange. 2te Aufl. von J. Stockbauer. Weimar, 1884. 8° and 4° atlas.

Includes anatomy and casting in metals, etc,

890 Mullins, E. R. A primer of sculpture. Lond. 1890. sm. 8°. 108 pp.

Sculpture (General Treatises) BO 05-cout.

893 Uhlenhuth, E. Die Technik der Bildhauerei, ode theoretisch-praktische Anleitung zur Hervorbringung plastischer Kunstwerke. [Abschnitt iii.


misches Wissen des Bildhauers.] Wien. 1893. sm. 8°

163 pp.

(4° Series.)

680 Alberti, L. B. Treatise of statues. Fréard de Cham bray, R. A parallel of the ancient architecture, etc Lond. fol. (41592)


On measurement and proportions for statues.

Treatise of statues. 4th ed. Ibid. A parallel of

Architecture, etc.

Statues. Lond. fol.

Sculpture (Designs) BO 30

[ocr errors]

with L. B. A.'s Treatise of

pp. 59-74. (22207)

(4° Series.)

/881 Musterbuch für Bildhauer.

Eine Sammlung von

Grabmälern, Kaminen, plastischen Ornamenten, etc.
Stuttg. [1881.] fol. 4 pp. 202 pl.

Sculpture (Collections and Exhibitions—Catalogues) BO 33 854 Crystal Palace Co.

A handbook to the courts of modern sculpture. By Mrs. Jameson. Sydenham. 1854. sm. 8°. 92 pp.

Sculpture (Collections and Exhibitions—Illustrations) BO 34 889 Academy Architecture and Annual Architectural Review. Lond. sm. 4°. F 68: 889

From 1895" sculptures" forms a separate section.

1824 Worsley, Sir R.

(4° Series.)

Museum Worsleyanum; or a collection of antique basso-relievos, bustos, statues, and gems, etc. Lond. 1824. 2 v. fol.

Sculpture (Collections and Exhibitions-Reports) BO 35 781 Baretti, J. A guide through the Royal Academy. [Description of statuary.] Lond. 1781. 4°. 32 pp.

Sculpture (Collections, etc.-Reports) BO 35-cont. 873 Langl, J. Die Sculptur. Bericht. 36 pp. Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873. Officieller Ausstellungs-Bericht. Heft 75. 1874. 8°. AB 873 r

900 Michel, A.

Sculpture et gravure en médailles et en pierres fines. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1900. Rapports du jury international. Classe 9. pp. 81103. 1904. 8°. AB 900 p

Sculpture: By Locality. BO 21-29

31 Ancient Greece.

755 Winckelmann, J. J. Reflections on the painting and sculpture of the Greeks. From the German by J. H. Fusseli. [1755.] Lond. 1765. 8°. 291 pp.




Reflections concerning the imitation of the
Grecian artists in painting and sculpture.
Glasg. 1766. 12°. 158 pp.

The history of ancient art among the Greeks. From the German by G. H. Lodge. [1764.] Lond. 1850. 8°. 274 pp. 17 pl.

With engravings supplementary to German edition.

(4° Series.)

/835 Müller, C. G., and Oesterley, C. Denkmäler der alten Kunst. Göttingen, 1835. 2 v. in one. obl. fol. Grecian sculpture and mythology. A collection of plates with descriptive notes.

35 Italy.

584 Borghini, R. Il Riposo di Raffaello Borghini. In cui della pittura e della scultura si favella, de' piu illustri pittori e scultori, e delle piu famose opere loro si fa mentione; e la cose principali appartenenti à dette arti s'insegnano. [First edition.] Fiorenza, G. Marescotti. 8°. 696 pp. BQ 235:

(4° Series.)

813 Cicognara, Conte L. Storia della scultura dal risorgimento delle belle arti in Italia fino al secolo


di Napoleone. Venetia, 1813-18. 3 v. fol.


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