A Bibliographical Dictionary: Containing a Chronological Account, Alphabetically Arranged, of the Most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and Important Books, in All Departments of Literature, which Have Been Published in Latin, Greek, Coptic, Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Chaldee, Aethiopic, Arabic, Persian, Armenian, &c. From the Infancy of Printing to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. Including the Whole of the 4th Ed. of Dr. Harwood's View of the Classics, Volume 6J. Nuttall, 1804 |
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A Bibliographical Dictionary: Containing a Chronological Account ..., Volume 6 Adam Clarke Volledige weergave - 1804 |
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absque ulla Æneid Aldus Amst ancient Andr Annexed anno Antv Arabic Argent Basil beautiful edition born C. G. Heyne Cant Chaldee Christ Christian æra contains copies correct edition cura died Editio editor elegant Elzev Epistles Epistola et Lat ex edit ex recens excellent edition figuris Florent flourished Franc Francof Frid Genev Græci Greek Testament Greek text Halæ Henr Hist ibid Joan Joannis Julius Cæsar Junta Latin learned Lexicon libri Lips Lond Lugd Mediol Mombritius notis opera Opuscula Oxon Pannartz Paris Pauli Phil poet Polyglott Priapeia princ printed published quæ Quintilian rare edition Reprinted Romæ Roman Rome SALLUST scarce Scholiis SCRIPTORES Seneca Servii sine ulla sive Steph supposed Syriac Tacitus Targum TEST Theod tion translation valuable edition various readings Venet Vibius Sequester Virgil volume Vulgate Zoroaster
Populaire passages
Pagina 44 - Her soul seems to have been made up of love and poetry. She felt the passion in all its warmth, and described it in all its symptoms. She is called by ancient authors the tenth muse ; and by Plutarch is compared to Cacus the son of Vulcan, who breathed out nothing but flame. I do not know by the character that is given of her works, whether it is not for the benefit of mankind that they are lost. They are filled with such bewitching tenderness and rapture, that it might have been dangerous to have...
Pagina 199 - in the most favourable manner, and consider it a most extraordinary proof of the piety, learning, industry, and perseverance of the editors, especially Dr. Walton; yet I think it is far from that perfection of which it is susceptible. The original texts may be rendered much more correct by a careful collation with MSS. which are now more abundant than when the work was published ; the translations, which are often very faulty, may be greatly improved ; several...
Pagina 217 - Moscovii, 1712. .TES 219 secundum Matthaeum in lingua Hebraica, cum versione Latina atque succinctis annotationibus Sebastiani Munsteri ^ fol.
Pagina 244 - Gospel, relating either to faith or morals ; and all the additions, countenanced by the whole mass of manuscripts already collated, do not introduce a single point essential either to faith or manners beyond what may be found in the Complutensian or Elzevir editions. And, though for the beauty, emphasis , and critical perfection of the letter of the New Testament, a new edition, formed on Griesbach's plan, is desirable ; yet from such an one infidelity can expect no help, false doctrine no support,...
Pagina 245 - MSS. yet untouched 10,000 more were faithfully collected : some of which, without question, would render the text more beautiful, just, and exact; though of no consequence to the main of religion; nay, perhaps wholly synonymous in the view of common readers, and quite insensible in any modern version.
Pagina 139 - I have read it twice through, and it is one of the best edited books ever delivered to the world. Mrs. Grierson was a lady possessed of singular erudition, and had an elegance of taste and solidity of judgment which justly rendered her one of the most wonderful, as well as amiable, of her sex. Prefixed to this edition is a dedication to Lord Carteret, by Mrs. Grierson, in most elegant Latinity.
Pagina 95 - V. His holiness carefully superintended every sheet as it passed through the press ; and, to the amazement of the world, the work- remained without a rival — it swarmed with errata! A multitude of scraps were printed to paste over the erroneous passages, in order to give the true text. The book makes a whimsical appearance with these patches ; and the heretics exulted in this demonstration of papal infallibility ! The copies were called in, and violent attempts made to suppress it...
Pagina 238 - Palairet, and Munthe have made from the Greek classics, together with an immense number which the author's own profound erudition supplied. The different senses of the words are investigated with the utmost philological precision : they are illustrated by the principal passages of the Greek Testament; and the whole is arranged in the most perspicuous manner.
Pagina 43 - They give us a taste of her way of writing, which is perfectly conformable with that extraordinary character we find of her in the remarks of those great critics who were conversant with her works when they were entire. One may see, by what is left of them, that she followed nature in all her thoughts, without descending to those little points, conceits, and turns of wit, with which many of our modern lyrics are so miserably infected.
Pagina 201 - They who printed the work could not read, and we could not print; they helped us, and we helped them, as the blind helps the blind.