
authenticity, and are quite confirmed by cotemporary as well as subse- 1703.
quent writers on the same country. The English edition having been
translated under the inspection of the author, is probably more correct
than the French editions. It contains also several additions published for
the first time; particularly the celebrated dialogue "between the author
and Adario, a noted man among the savages."

2 *THE PRESENT STATE of affairs in Carolina. By John Ash,
Gent. Sent by several of the inhabitants of that colony, to
deliver their representations thereof to, and seck redress from
the Lords Proprietors of that province.


Bib. Am. Prim. p. 186.

3 A VOYAGE TO NEW HOLLAND, &c. in the year 1699. Wherein are described, the Canary Islands, the isles of Mayo and St. Jago, the bay of All Saints, with the fort and town of Bahia in Brazil. Cape Salvadore. The winds on the Brazilian coast. Abrohlo shoals. A table of all the variations observed in this voyage. Occurrences near the Cape of Good Hope. The course to New Holland. Shark's Bay. The isles and coast, &c. of New Holland. Their inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, &c. Their harbours, soil, beasts, birds, fish, &c. trees, plants, fruits, &c. Illustrated with several maps and draughts; also divers birds, fishes and plants, not found in this part of the world, curiously engraven on copper-plates. Vol. 3. By Capt. William Dampier.


The first volume was printed in 1697, the second in 1699.


4 NEW ENGLAND JUDGED by the Spirit of the Lord, &c. (see 1661.) In two parts. Formerly published by George Bishop, and now somewhat abbreviated. With an appendix, &c.

8vo. pp. 498.


The preface is signed Joseph Grove. At the end is the following work,

with the date of 1702:

Truth and Innocency defended against Falsehood and Envy, &c. in answer to Cotton Mather's calumnies, &c. By John Whiting. pp. 212 and Index.

5 A COLLECTION of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company for the improvement of trade and navigation. Containing an account of several attempts to find out the N. E. passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South


Seas. Together with an historical introduction, giving an account of the rise, establishment, and progress of that great body. Translated into English, and illustrated with several charts. London.

8vo. pp. 336.

6 NEWS FROM PENSILVANIA, or a brief narrative of several remarkable passages in the government of the Quakers of that province, touching their proceedings in their pretended Court of justice, their way of trade and commerce; with remarks and observations upon the whole. Published by the author of the Pilgrim's Progress (Francis Bugg.) London.

8vo. pp. 36.

7 NOUVEAUX VOYAGES de M. le Baron de Lahontan, dans l'Amerique septentrionale, qui contiennent une relation des differens peuples qui y habitent; la nature de leur Gouvernement; leur commerce, leur coûtumes, leur religion, et leur maniére de faire la guerre. L'Interet des François et des Anglois dans le commerce qu'ils font avec ces nations; l'avantage que l'Angleterre peut retirer dans ce pays, etant en guerre avec la France. Tome premier. Memoires de l'Amerique septentrionale, ou la suite des voyages de M. le B. de Lahontan ; qui contiennent la description d'une grande étenduë de pays de ce Continent, l'intérêt des François et des Anglois, leurs commerces, leurs navigations, les mœurs, et les coûtumes des sauvages, &c. Avec un petit dictionnaire de la langue du pays. Le tout enrichi de cartes et de figures. Tome second. 12mo. 2 vols.

[ocr errors]

First edition several times reprinted, and translated into German, Dutch, and English. See No. 1 of this year.

8 NOVA PLANTARUM Americanarum genera. Authore P. Carolo Plumier.

Quarto, 40 plates.


9 FILICETUM AMERICANUM, seu Filicum, Polypodiorum, Adiantorum, etc. in America nascentium icones.

rolo Plumier.


Authore P. Ca


This volume consists of 222 plates, without any text, and comprises 50 plates of ferns contained in the Description des Plantes de l'Amerique, 1693, and the 172 plates of the Traité des Fougères, 1705.

authenticity, and are quite confirmed by cotemporary as well as subse- 1703.
quent writers on the same country. The English edition having been
translated under the inspection of the author, is probably more correct
than the French editions. It contains also several additions published for
the first time; particularly the celebrated dialogue "between the author
and Adario, a noted man among the savages."

2 *THE PRESENT STATE of affairs in Carolina. By John Ash,
Gent. Sent by several of the inhabitants of that colony, to
deliver their representations thereof to, and seek redress from
the Lords Proprietors of that province.


Bib. Am. Prim. p. 186.

3 A VOYAGE TO NEW HOLLAND, &c. in the year 1699. Wherein are described, the Canary Islands, the isles of Mayo and St. Jago, the bay of All Saints, with the fort and town of Bahia in Brazil. Cape Salvadore. The winds on the Brazilian coast. Abrohlo shoals. A table of all the variations observed in this voyage. Occurrences near the Cape of Good Hope. The course to New Holland. Shark's Bay. The isles and coast, &c. of New Holland. Their inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, &c. Their harbours, soil, beasts, birds, fish, &c. trees, plants, fruits, &c. Illustrated with several maps and draughts; also divers birds, fishes and plants, not found in this part of the world, curiously engraven on copper-plates. Vol. 3. By Capt. William Dampier.


The first volume was printed in 1697, the second in 1699.


4. NEW ENGLAND JUDGED by the Spirit of the Lord, &c. (see 1661.)
In two parts. Formerly published by George Bishop, and
now somewhat abbreviated. With an appendix, &c.
8vo. pp. 498.


The preface is signed Joseph Grove. At the end is the following work, with the date of 1702:

Truth and Innocency defended against Falsehood and Envy, &c. in answer to Cotton Mather's calumnies, &c. By John Whiting. pp. 212 and Index.

5 A COLLECTION of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company for the improvement of trade and navigation. Containing an account of several attempts to find out the N. E. passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South


Seas. Together with an historical introduction, giving an account of the rise, establishment, and progress of that great body. Translated into English, and illustrated with several charts. London.

8vo. pp. 336.

6 NEWS FROM PENSILVANIA, or a brief narrative of several remarkable passages in the government of the Quakers of that province, touching their proceedings in their pretended Court of justice, their way of trade and commerce; with remarks and observations upon the whole. Published by the author of the Pilgrim's Progress (Francis Bugg.) London.

8vo. pp. 36.

7 NOUVEAUX VOYAGES de M. le Baron de Lahontan, dans l'Amerique septentrionale, qui contiennent une relation des differens peuples qui y habitent; la nature de leur Gouvernement; leur commerce, leur coûtumes, leur religion, et leur maniére de faire la guerre. L'Interet des François et des Anglois dans le commerce qu'ils font avec ces nations; l'avantage que l'Angleterre peut retirer dans ce pays, etant en guerre avec la France. Tome premier. - Memoires de l'Amerique septentrionale, ou la suite des voyages de M. le B. de Lahontan ; qui contiennent la description d'une grande étenduë de pays de ce Continent, l'intérêt des François et des Anglois, leurs commerces, leurs navigations, les mœurs, et les coûtumes des sauvages, &c. Avec un petit dictionnaire de la langue du pays. Le tout enrichi de cartes et de figures. Tome second. 12mo. 2 vols.

First edition several times reprinted, and translated into German, Dutch, and English. See No. 1 of this year.

8 NOVA PLANTARUM Americanarum genera. Authore P. Carolo Plumier.

Quarto, 40 plates.


9 FILICETUM AMERICANUM, seu Filicum, Polypodiorum, Adiantorum, etc. in America nascentium icones. Authore P. Carolo Plumier.



This volume consists of 222 plates, without any text, and comprises 50 plates of ferns contained in the Description des Plantes de l'Amerique, 1693, and the 172 plates of the Traité des Fougéres, 1705.

10 POLITICA INDIANA, &c. (As in the edition of 1648.)


Amberes. Printed in two columns, with a smaller type and on a larger page than the first edition; with a portrait of Solorzano.


1 THE HISTORY OF THE BUCANIERS of America; from the first
original down to this time; written in several languages, and
now collected into one volume. Containing 1. The exploits
and adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, Bat the Portuguese,
Sir Henry Morgan, &c. Written in Dutch by Jo. Esque-
meling, and thence translated into Spanish. II. The dan-
gerous voyage and bold attempts of Capt. Barth. Sharp,
Watlin, Sawkins, Coxon, and others, in the South Sea.
Written by Basil Ringrose, Gent. who was a companion
therein, and examined with the original journey.
Journal of a voyage into the South Sea by the freebooters
of America, from 1684 to 1689. Written in French by the
Sieur Raveneau de Lussan: never before in English. IV.
A relation of a voyage of the Sieur de Montauban, captain
of the freebooters in Guinea, in the year 1695, &c. The
whole newly translated into English, and illustrated with 25
copper-plates. The third edition.


This third edition of the history of the Bucaniers is somewhat different
from the former editions; "for whereas the style before was loose and
uncouth in divers parts thereof, the same is now rectified, and made more
correct throughout the whole body of it." Preface. It has in addition

the Journals of Lussan and Montauban, the former having been first
printed in French in 1690.

2 A NEW VOYAGE and description of the

Isthmus of America, &c. By Lionel Wafer. The second edition. To which are added, the natural history of those parts by a Fellow of the Royal Society and Davis's Expedition to the Gold Mines in 1702. Illustrated with several copper-plates. London.

8vo. pp. 283.

First printed in 1699.


printed from original manuscripts; others translated out of
foreign languages, and now first published in English. To


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