NOTICE. CIRCUMSTANCES having occurred which will interrupt for a while the continuation of this Work, it has been determined to publish that part of it which comprehends the whole of the last century by itself. With the continuation it is proposed to publish a Supplement, which will contain an account of numerous Works belonging to the last century, which have been met with since these sheets were sent to press. A general Alphabetical Index will be given at the end of the Work. Mr. RICH will be happy to treat with any public Establishment for the whole of his Collection of Books relating to America, which contains many Works not to be found in any similar collection. 12, Red Lion Square; BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA NOVA; OR, A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES, RELATING TO AMERICA, PRINTED SINCE THE YEAR 1700. COMPILED PRINCIPALLY FROM THE WORKS THEMSELVES, bi MEMBER OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY; OF THE ALBANY INSTITUTE; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, &c. LONDON: O. RICH, 12, RED LION SQUARE. NEW YORK: HARPER AND BROTHERS, 82, CLIFF STREET. |