
2313 BRETTINGHAM (M.). The Plans, Elevations and Sections, of HOLKHAM in Norfolk, the Seat of the Earl of Leicester. Impl. folio, with many fine plates (some folding) containing representations of amongst other details, Ceilings and Chimney Pieces; old calf


2314 CANDLER (Charles). Notes on the Parish of Redenhall with Harleston. Cr. 8vo., with a fine view of Redenhall Church; cloth

£ 8. d.

1 16 0



A most truthful picture of a Norfolk township, compiled chiefly from the records in the Town Chest. The Index refers to hundreds of names of persons and families who resided in Redenhall and its vicinity.

Very few copies were printed.

2315 COMPUTUS ROLLS, or ACCOUNTS of STEWARDS upon landed ESTATES during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. 14 pieces mounted and bound in 2 vols. square roy. folio, splendidly bound in russia gilt, by Riviere 1327-1507-1578 45 0 0

The contents are as follows:

WEST HARLING. Computus Thome Picot servientis Johannis de Sekford . . anno
Edwardi III secundo. A roll of vellum, written front and back, 63 by 10


anno regni regis Edwardi III tercio. A roll of vellum, written front
and back, 61 by 8 inches


Computus Ricardi Wowere servient. Johannis de Sekford anno Edwardi tercij
vi. A roll of vellum, written back and front, 73 by 9 inches
HAKEFORD. Computus Rici Wowere servient ibidem anno Edwardi III nono.
of vellum, written front and back, 413 by 9 inches

A roll


A roll of vellum,


WEST HARLYNG. Computus Johannis.. anno Edwardi III xxi.
written front and back, 48 by 10 inches
Computus Johannis Baret. . anno Edwardi III xliiii. A roll of vellum,
written front and back, 64 by 7 inches


in manerio Domine Alicie de Segforth.. anno Edwardi III xlvi. A roll of vellum, written front and back, 64 by 9 inches

[ocr errors][merged small]

a festo Sti Michaelis anno regni Ricardi II primo. Roll of vellum, written back and front, 56 inches by 10


CARLETOUN. Computus Hugonis servientis Willelmi de Curszon ibidem a festo Scti
Michaelis anno rr. E'. vto.


Written on the front and back of a roll of vellum, 52 inches by 10
Computus Philippi de Nasebourg ballivi ibidem Willelmi Appylierd a festo S.

Michaelis anno primo Henrici iiii . .

Written on front and back of a roll of vellum, 32 by 73 inches


GASTHORP. A similar roll on paper, 33 inches by 6


DEPDALE. Computus Johannis Heyward ballivi ibidem. . anno Henrici sexti xxxiii.
Written back and front on a roll of vellum, 78 inches by 10
INGHAM. Computus Recept. Johannis Fortescue militis, anno Henrici VII xxii.
A roll of paper, 78 inches by 12
NORFOLK. Moneys disbursed by Mayors of Norfolk, including charges disallowed.
A roll of paper, written on both sides, 44 inches by 6




2316 DAVIES (G. C.). Norfolk Broads and Rivers or the Water-Ways, Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia. Cr. 8vo., with illustrations; cloth 1884 2317 EASTERN COUNTIES COLLECTANEA: being Notes and Queries on subjects relating to the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridge. Edited by John L'Estrange. 8vo., all published; half calf; scarce Norwich, 1872-3 2318 EMERSON (P. H.). Wild Life on a Tidal Water. The Adventures of a House Boat and her Crew. Roy. 4to., EDITION DE LUXE, with a plan and 30 photo-etchings; ornamental binding, gilt top, uncut



One hundred copies were produced in this state, of which the above is No. 52.
This charming book, illustrated by the author and T. F. Goodall, deals principally
with animal life on Breydon and in Great Yarmouth. Appended is "Breydon past and
present, together with Notes on its Ornithology," by R. Fielding Harmer.

3 vols. in 6 parts, 8vo., COMPLETE, with plates; bds.; scarce

0 15 0

0 18 0

Norwich, 1873-87 5 5 0 Only 100 copies printed. A copy precisely similar fetched £5. 15s at Sotheby's, in November, 1896.


£ s. d.

2320 NORFOLK ARCHEOLOGY: or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the Antiquities of the County of Norfolk, published by the NORFOLK and NORWICH ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vols. I-XIII, 1847-98-General Index to the first ten volumes, 1 vol. 1891-THE VISITATION OF NORFOLK in 1563, taken by William HARVEY, edited by DASHWOOD and BULWER, 2 vols., 1878-95-NORFOLK RECORDS, edited by SELBY and RYE, 2 vols. in 1, 1886-92-PEDES FINIUM or Fines relating to the County of Norfolk, edited by RYE, 1 vol. 1881-18 vols., 8vo., with plates; sixteen vols. in cloth, the rest in parts; SCARCE Norwich, 1847-98 18 0 0 the same. Vols. I-IX, and General Index to the first ten vols.— The VISITATION of NORFOLK, Vol. I; and a portion of Vol. II—11 vols. 8vo., with plates; two vols. in cloth, the rest in parts; scarce ibid., 1847-91 10 0 0 the same. Vols. I-IV, 8vo., with plates and woodcuts; half morocco, uncut, with C. Roach Smith's bookplate ibid., 1847-55 2323 NORFOLK RECORDS: being a Collection of Record-References derived from the Official MS. Indexes preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by W. D. Selby and W. Rye. 2 vols., 8vo., sd. 2324 PALMER (Charles John). The History of GREAT YARMOUTH. 4to., with 9 plates; cloth


Norfolk Archæol. Soc. 1886-92

2325 RYE (Walter) Index to Norfolk Topography. Sm. pages; cloth


2327 2328


Great Yarmouth, 1856
4to., xxx and 416
Index Society, 1881
Hundred of North

Some rough Materials for a History of the
Erpingham, in the county of Norfolk. 3 parts, 8vo., complete; bds.

Only 150 copies printed.

1 0 0

1 12 0



Norwich, 1883-9

0 15 O

1885 0 6 0

A History of Norfolk. 8vo., 316 pages; bd., uncut
A Short Calendar of the Feet of Fines for Norfolk. Part II
comprising the Fines of the Reigns of Edward II, Edward III,
Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI and Richard III. 8vo.,
A Catalogue of Fifty of the Norfolk Manuscripts in the Library
of Mr. Walter Rye, at Winchester House, Putney. Folio, with plates
of Arms and facsimiles of drawings, etc.; bds. privately printed, 1889

0 7 6



50 0 0

2330 BAKER (J.). The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. 2 vols. in 3, roy. folio, the AUTHOR'S OWN COPY on LARGE PAPER, with the PLATES in THREE STATES (ETCHINGS, PROOFS before LETTERS, and PROOFS on INDIA PAPER), some indeed being in six or seven states, the woodcuts in the text on India paper, and the Arms throughout the work delicately EMBLAZONED in their proper COLOURS, six of them being ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; green morocco extra, gilt edges 1822-30 2331 BONNEY (H. K.). Historic Notices in reference to Fotheringay. Roy. 8vo., LARGE PAPER, with well-engraved Views, Coats of Arms, etc.; half red morocco, gilt top, uncut Oundle, 1821 0 7 6 2332 BRIDGES (J.). The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of NORTHAMPTON. SHIRE. Compiled by the Rev. P. WHALLEY. 2 vols., folio, with portrait and plates; a fine tall copy in marbled calf gilt Oxford, 1791 2333 BURGHLEY HOUSE. A HISTORY or Description, general and circumstantial, of Burleigh House, the Seat of the Right Honorable the Earl of Exeter. 8vo., gilt vellum; scarce

12 12 0

1797 0 8 0

Consisting principally of a description of the famous art treasures.
2334 FENLAND NOTES and QUERIES. Edited by W. H. Saunders, and W. D.
Sweeting. Nos. 1-39, 8vo., with plates; sd. (published at £2. 19s 6d)
Peterborough, 1889-98

A quarterly Antiquarian Journal for the Fenland, in the Counties of Huntingdon,
Cambridge, Lincoln, Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk.

116 0

2335 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NOTES and QUERIES, A Quarterly Journal devoted to the Antiquities, Family History, Traditions, Folk-lore, etc, of the County. Parts 17-48, forming vols. III-VI, 8vo,, with numerous plates and woodcuts; sd. (published at £2, 8s)


[blocks in formation]


2336 ALNWICK. A Descriptive and Historical View of Alnwick and of Alnwick Castle, Alnwick Abbey, Hulne Abbey, the Borough of Alnwick, etc. Second Edition. 4to., LARGE FAPER; with numerous views, plans, and illustrations; half russia, gilt edges Alnwick, W. Davidson, 1822


A CATALOGUE of Antiquities, chiefly British, at Alnwick Castle. Impl. 4to., with numerous plates and cuts in colours; half morocco, uncut Newcastle-on-Tyne, printed for private distribution, 1880 2338 BOURNE (Henry). The History of NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Sm. folio, fine copy, with the rare folding plan of Newcastle, old calf


Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1736 the same. Sm. folio, fine large copy, with rare folding plan of Newcastle, and the cancelled leaf 245; also 2 leaves in MS. of continuations of Mayors and Sheriff's to 1803; morocco extra; the Comerford сору


8 8 0

4 0 0

1736 12 12 0

This copy has 5 very rare extra plates and the proposals for publishing the work inserted. 2340 [ELLISON (Dr.)]. A most pleasant Description of Benwel Village, in the County of Northumberland. Intermix'd with several diver-ting Incidents, both Serious and Comical. Divided into Two Books. By Q. Z. late Commoner of Oxon. . . 12mo., calf Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1726 A huge poetical effort comprising 2286 verses written in somewhat vigorous English, 2341 FULLER (John). The HISTORY of BERWICK-UPON-TWEED, including a Short Account of the Villages of Tweedmouth and Spittal, etc. 8vo. with plan and numerous views; calf extra, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber; very fine copy Edinburgh, 1799 From the Hamilton Palace library.


2342 HARTSHORNE (C. H.). Illustrations of ALNWICK, PRUDHOE and WARKWORTH. Impl. 4to., with 92 plates of Architecture, Seals, etc.; half morocco Printed for private distribution, and presented by the Duke of Northumberland to George Smith, 1858 the same. Impl. 4to., a SPECIAL COPY with 13 ADDITIONAL PLATES, some on INDIA PAPER, mounted and unlettered; full bound morocco, with arms on side 1858 2344 A HISTORY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, issued under the direction of the Earl Percy, the Bishop of Peterborough, Maj.-Gen. Sir W. Crossman, Sir John Evans, and others. Vols. I-IV (all yet published), 4to., with numerous plates and illustrations in the text; bds. Newcastle, 1893-97 CONTENTS: I, the Parish of Bamburgh; II, the Parishes of Embleton, Ellingham, Howick, Long Houghton, and Lesbury; III-IV, Hexhamshire.

The purchaser binds himself to take subsequent volumes as they appear at £1. 11s 6d each. The complete work will consist of 12 volumes.

So far as issued, this work has taken up the portion of the history which was left untouched by Hodgson.

1 4 0



7 7 0


2345 HODGSON (J.). HISTORY of NORTHUMBERLAND, in three parts, with the first part containing the General History of the County, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 7 vols., 4to., with portrait and plates; very fine copy, russia extra, gilt edges 1820-58 42 10 0 the same. 7 vols., impl. 4to., LARGE PAPER, with numerous important MS. notes and corrections by the Rev. J. Raine, the Historian of Durham, and drawings of the Coats of Arms; bds., uncut 1820-58 50 0 0 Very scarce in this state.


2347 NEWCASTLE TRACTS. A COLLECTION of the TRACTS and REPRINTS, Poetical, Historical, Biographical, and Typographical, edited by Brockett, Fenwicke, Adamson, etc., privately printed for the LITERARY SOCIETY of NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, to which are added a number of other scarce tracts printed at Newcastle, in all upwards of 130 pieces bound in 21 vols. post 8vo., with portraits and woodcuts by Bewick; hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut

£ 8. d.

3 10 0

Newcastle, 1828-46 16 16 0 A collection formed by John Fenwicke of Newcastle-on-Tyne, very curious and in extent probably unique. 2348 NORTHUMBERLAND (C. F. Duchess of). Castles of Alnwick, and Warkworth, etc. 4to., with 39 fine views, INDIA PROOFS, with descriptive text; hf. bd., uncut 1823 2349 NORTHUMBERLAND (Duke of). PRIVATELY PRINTED MEMOIRS on the REMAINS of ROMAN OCCUPATION in the NORTH of ENGLAND. A COMPLETE SET, forming 5 vols. (3 in impl. folio, 2 in Svo.), half green morocco 1852-69 CONTENTS:-(those vols. to which a price is affixed are sold separately): 2350 THE ROMAN WALL and other Remains in the North of England, with THE WATLING STREET from the River Swale to the Scotch border, from Surveys made in 1852-54, by H. Maclauchlan. Atlas of plates in impl. folio, and text in 1 vol., 8vo.

10 10 0

1857 1 0 0


2351 the atlas of plates, separately, half green morocco 2352 EASTERN BRANCH of the Watling Street in Northumberland, from Bewclay, near Portgate on the Roman Wall, to Berwick-upon-Tweed, etc. surveyed in the years 1857-59 by H. Maclauchlan. Atlas of plates in impl. folio, and text, 62 pp., in 1 vol., 8vo. 2353 INCISED MARKINGS ON STONE found in Northumberland, Argyleshire, and other places. 32 fine large plates, with text 1869 2354 [RICHARDSON (M. A.)]. A COLLECTION of ARMORIAL BEARINGS, Inscriptions, etc. in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle on Tyne, and Chapels of Gosforth and Cramlington. 2 vols., 8vo., with woodcuts and 100 plates of Coats of Arms; a SPECIAL COPY, having many of the Arms COLOURED; half calf Newcastle, 1820 The Borderer's Table Book; or gatherings of the local History and Romance of the English and Scottish Border. 8 vols. in 4, roy. 8vo., cloth Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1846 2356 TYNESIDE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. TRANSACTIONS. 18461864. 6 vols. 1850-64


1892. Vols. I-X and XI part 1 [forming a continuation or Second
series of the precoding six vols.]

16 vols. and 1 part, 8vo., COMPLETE with 192 portraits and plates,
some coloured; the first thirteen vols. uniformly half bound in green
morocco gilt, UNCUT; the last three in numbers


1 4 0

5 0 0

1 16 0

3 10 0



2357 DEERING. History of NOTTINGHAM, The Index by R. C. CHICKEN. 4to., bds.

Only 100 copies printed.


0 10 0

2358 MARSHALL (G. W.). The Registers of Carburton in the County of
Nottingham. Impl. 8vo., half vellum
Worksop, 1888 0 5 6
2359 MARSHALL (G. W.) and C. J. S. Foljambe. The Registers of Edwinstow,
in the County of Nottingham, 1634-1758. 8vo., half vellum

Worksop, 1891
Edited by J. Potter

0 12 0

Briscoe. Vols. III-VI, 8vo., with numerous illustrations; in parts as



0 15 0

Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham, 1155-
1547. 4 vols., royal 8vo., Roxburghe
Nottingham, 1882-89
2362 ROBIN HOOD; or, a History of all the notable Exploits performed by Him
and his merry Men. 16mo., with curious cuts; hf. bd. York, 1811
out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger Books, other Manuscripts,
and Authentick Authorities. Folio, with map and plates by Hollar, with-
out the slip of Arms; a fine copy in old calf, with the bookplates of F. S.
Miller of Radway, and Ambrose Holbech of Mollington, Warwick, 1702


another edition. 3 vols., 4to., with plates; half calf neat


£ S. d.

2 10 0


12 12 0

the same. 3 vols., roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER; a very fine copy in red
morocco extra, by Walther, from the library of Sir Richard Hoare 1790 40 0 0
2366 WARD. A Descriptive Catalogue of Books relating to Nottinghamshire
in the library of James Ward. 1892-Supplementary Catalogue. 1898
-together, 2 vols., impl. 8ro., Roxburghe binding
Nottingham, privately printed, 1892-98
2367 YEATMAN. History of Nottingha mshire by Throsby, 1797. The INDEX
to Names mentioned therein, compiled for private use by P. Yeatman.
A 4to. MS. of 60 closely written pages; unbd.


0 10 0

1889 1 0 0

2368 ENGRAVINGS (9) etc. of New Buildings or Suggestions for erecting the
same. In an Impl. folio parcel

v. d.


2369 INGRAM (J.). Memorials of OXFORD. 3 vols., 8vo., with woodcuts and

numerous steel engravings by Le Keux, from Mackenzie's drawings;
morocco extra, gilt edges

2370 JEAFFRESON (J. C.). Annals of Oxford. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth


[blocks in formation]

Two pleasantly written volumes without any pretence to minuteness of detail, but
giving many little-known facts in a light and agreeable form.
2371 LOGGAN (D.). OXONIA ILLUSTRATA. With engraved title, 40 plates,
and the scarce mezzotint portrait of James Duke of Ormond, 1675—
With engraved title, 30 plates
(plate xi defective in the lettering), and the scarce mezzotint portrait of
Charles Duke of Somerset, [1688]-in 1 vol., folio, some additional
portraits added; russia (repaired), gilt edges

1675-[88] 18 0 0

2372 LYTE (H. C. Maxwell). A History of the University of Oxford from the
earliest times to the year 1530. 8vo., cloth
2373 MADAN (F.). A Summary Catalogue of Western MSS. in the Bodleian
Library, which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto Series.
Vol. III (Collections received during the 18th Century). 8vo., cloth
Oxford, 1895
2374 [SINGER (S. W.)]. Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in 1468,
LORUM. 8vo., with facsimiles in the text, plates, and valuable MS.
additions at end; morocco extra, by Hayday


0 12 0

1812 1 1 0

The author of this scarce little work carefully examines the claim of the
EXPOSICIO SANCTI JERONIMI to be considered the first book printed in England.
2375 SKELTON's Engraved Illustrations of the Antiquities of Oxfordshire, from
Original Drawings by F. MACKENZIE. Folio, with numerous engravings
in the text and many large plates; half green morocco

2376 TURNER (W. H.) and H. O. COXE.
served in the Bodleian Library.

Calendar of Charters and Rolls pre-
8vo., cloth (published at 31s 6d)

2 12 6

Oxford, 1888


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