MESSINGHAM. Florilegivm Insvlæ Sanctorvm sev Vitæ et Acta 1624 This valuable work contains the first editions of the texts comprised in it. MISSALE Vetus Hibernicum. The Manuscript Irish Missal belonging to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, with introduction, etc. by F. E. Warren 8vo. with 5 facsimile plates; cloth 1879 0 15 0 • MOORE (Thomas). Irish Melodies, with Symphonies and Accompani- 1858 220 .. 2 10 0 300 2 blind tooled 1617 another copy. Folio, one of the titles neatly mended; calf 1617 3 MOUNTNORRIS. The Sentence of the Councell of Warre pronounced against the Lord Mountnorris in Ireland the 12th Dec. 1635, with his petition to Parliament Sm. 4to. 9 leaves 1641 4 MURPHY (Denis). Cromwell in Ireland; a History of Cromwell's Irish Campaign. 8vo., with map, plans and illustrations (pub. 12s 6d); cloth Dublin, 1883 5 MUSGRAVE (Sir Richard). Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland also, a particular detail of that which broke out 1798 the second edition 4to. with maps and plans; old calf -6 neat Dublin, 1801 the same, third edition, 2 vols. 8vo., with maps, plans, etc., calf 1802 7 O'BRENNAN (Martin A.). Ancient Ireland. Her Milesian Chiefs, Kings and Princes, etc. 8vo., cloth Dublin, 1855 18 O'BRIEN (John). Irish-English Dictionary. Second edition, revised 1832 050 050 0 10 0 0 120 050 and corrected. 8vo., half calf 012 6 19 O'BRIEN (Henry). Round Towers of Ireland; or the mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaism and of Budhism unveiled. 8vo. with illustrations, calf or cloth 1834 112 0 50 another copy. 8vo. with some drawings, extra illustrations and cutings inserted; hf. calf neat All these copies have the long preface, which is sometimes omitted. 52 Dublin, 1864 The Martyrology of Gorman, Irish and English, edited and translated by Whitley Stokes. 8vo., with facsimiles; cloth H. Bradshaw Soc. 1895 This metrical martyrology, now for the first time printed, was composed in the latter part of the 12th century by an Irish Abbot, and is contained in a single manuscript transcribed, in or about the year 1630, by Michael O'Clery. 53 O'CONNOR (Charles). Chronicles of Eri; being the History of the Gaal Sciot Iber: or, the Irish People; translated from the original MSS. in the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language. 2 vols. royal 8vo. with portrait, maps, and a coloured plate; boards 154 1822 Dissertations on the Ancient History of Ireland, Dublin, 1753The Ogygia Vindicated against the objections of Sir Geo. Mackenzie, by C. O'Conor, Dublin, 1775;-in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco 1753-75 100 0 14 0 0 15 0 Heber's copy of the "Ogygia Vindicated" fetched £2. 12s6d. 1 10 0 3155 O'CONNOR (Rev. Charles). RERUM HIBERNICARUM SCRIPTORES Veteres, quibus Editor præfixit: de Fontibus Historiæ genuinæ Hibernorum, eorumque Chronologia, etc. 4 vols. 4to. with facsimiles from Irish MSS. bds. uncut Buckinghamiæ, 1814-26 3156 3157 3158 the same. 4 vols. 4to. green morocco extra, gilt edges 1814-26 With the bookplate of Henry Edward Bunbury. Columbanus ad Hibernos; or, Letters on the present mode of appointing Catholic Bishops in his native country, 7 parts-Address on the calamities occasioned by foreign influence in the nomination of Bishops to Irish Sees, 2 parts-PLOWDEN'S Historical Letter to O'Conor upon his five letters, and reply to Columbanus number v, 2 parts-in 3 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. bound, and one sewed Dublin, etc. 1810-16 Columbanos ad Hibernos; 7 parts in 2 vols. 1810-16-Historical Address on the Calamities occasioned by foreign influence, in the nomination of Bishops to Irish Sees, 2 parts in 1 vol. 1812; together 3 vols. 8vo., half green morocco, top edges gilt, UNCUT, very scarce 1810-16 3159 POYNTER (Rev. Dr.) Theological examination of the Doctrine of Columbanus (contained in his third letter) on the spiritual jurisdiction of Bishops, and the difference between a Bishop and a Priest. calf 3160 3161 8vo. 1811 BIBLIOTHECA MS. STOWENSIS, a descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts (mostly Irish or relating to Ireland) in the Stowe Library (of the Duke of Buckingham), 2 vols. and Appendix ;-3 vols. 4to. bds. Birmingham, 1818-19 Presentation copy to Sir R. C. Hoare. 3162 Lewis the same. 3 vols. in 2, 4to., portrait added; hf. russia 1818-19 the same, bound in 2 vols. 4to. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by 1818-19 Of this elaborate and valuable Catalogue 200 copies were printed at the expense of the Duke of Buckingham. Eyton's copy sold for £15. 15s. The MSS., which were bought entire by the late Earl of Ashburnham, have since his death been sold to the British Museum for £30,000. 3163 O'CURRY (Eugene). Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History. 8vo. with 26 pages of facsimiles; cloth Dublin, 1861 3164 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. Edited, with introduction and appendixes, by W. K. SULLIVAN. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth 1873 3165 O'FLAHERTY. Ogygia: seu, Rerum Hibernicarum Chronologia Authore Roderico O'Flaherty Sm. 4to. calf .. of Gorman 1685 O'GORMAIN (Maelmuire) Martyrology in verse-see O'CLERY, The Martyrology 3167 3166 O'HANLON (John). Life of St. Malachy O'Morgair, Bishop of Down and Connor, Archbishop of Armagh, 8vo. cloth Dublin, 1859 Lives of the IRISH SAINTS, with Special Festivals, and the Commemorations of Holy Persons, compiled from Calendars, Martyrologies, and various sources, relating to the Ancient Church History of Ireland. Vols. I-V. Royal 8vo., with numerous illustrations; cloth, gilt edges Dublin, n. d. (about 1872 etc.) Subscription price £4. 10s. 3168 O'HART (John). Irish Pedigrees; or, the origin and stem of the Irish Nation. Third edition. Thick 8vo. cloth Dublin, 1881 3169 O'REILLY (Edward). Irish-English Dictionary. 4to. hf. cf. Dublin, 1817 the same. New edition. 4to., bds. or half calf ib. 1821 new edition. With a Supplement by John O'Donovan. 4to. Dublin, 1864 3171 ORMOND. The Life of James, Duke of Ormond; containing an account of the most remarkable affairs of his time and particularly of Ireland under his government. 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. £2.6s), cloth Oxford, 1851 3169* 3170 cloth 1 PAPERS CONNECTED WITH AFFAIRS OF STATE during the PARNELL (Henry). Principles of Currency and Exchange, illustrated by the currency of Ireland, the high rate of Exchange between Dublin and London, and the remittances of rents to Irish absentees. Sm. 8vo. bds. 1805 046 PARNELL COMMISSION: The Work of the Irish Leagues. The speech of the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry James, replying in the Parnell Commission Inquiry. Thick cr. 8vo., cloth n. d. 026 PARSONS (Sir Lawrence). Observations on the bequest of Henry Flood, 076 PATRICK (St.). Histoire de la Vie et du Purgatoire de St. Patrice 066 8vo. calf 7 PENAL LAWS, which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland; 2 parts in 1 vol. Dublin, 1812 046 With the Seditious Note at page 229 which is wanting in subsequent Editions, and for which the Publisher was prosecuted. 8 PERROT (Sir John). THE GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND Vnder the honorable, ivst, and wise Gouernour Sir Iohn Perrot beginning 1584, COLLATION: A, a, b, c, in fours; d 2 leaves; B-S in fours; T2 leaves. Lowndes mentions a portrait, but erroneously. There is no such addition in any of the known copies. The dedication to Bevell Grenvile is signed by E. C. S., who speaks of that gentleman as his Cossin. He wrote no more than appears here (1584-88) although the title and preface both promise a continuation of the Irish history. 79 PHELAN (Dr. W.) Remains, with biographical memoir by John, Bishop of Limerick (Bishop Jebb). 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Hayday 1832 80 PICTET (Adolphe). Du Culte des Cabires chez les anciens Irlandais. 8vo. cloth 0 10 6 Genève, 1824 050 81 PLOTS, Conspiracies, etc. of Enemies of the Romish Religion, against the Princes of England, Scotland and Ireland, second edition, with the present Rebellion in Ireland, etc. sm. 4to. 46 pp. sd. 1642 82 POEMS in Irish, transcribed by Tadhg O Neasuin of Cork in 1708-20, and ascribed to O Daluidh Fionn, Tadhg Og O Higin, Donchadha Mor O Daluigh, Uiliam Og mac an Bhard, Eochuidh O Heogusa, Tadhg Dall O Higin, Muiris Og mhac Dauid (cc. Duib me Gearailt), Slan O Neasuin, Giolla Brighde O Hogusa, Philip bos Ua Higin, etc. about 90 pp. prefixed to O Neasuin's transcript of KEATING'S Tri Biorghaoighthe an Bais. 1708-20 Small 4to. MS. on paper, altogether 25() leaves; old calf 183 PRESENT STATE of Ireland; together with some remarques upon the .. With the bookplate of D. H. Kelly. 1673 184 PROTESTANTS. State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government; in which their carriage towards him is justified, etc. sm. 4to., calf 0 16 0 330 100 1691 0 15 0 £ s. d. 3185 RANELAGH (Richard, Viscount). State of his Majesties Yearly Revenue and charge in Ireland, 1669 to 1675. Folio, with some old MSS. relating to Irish Arrears inserted, old calf 1672 5 0 0 After the financial statement, the Patent of 1671 is recited, by which Charles II granted to Lord Ranelagh and others the farmership of the entire revenue and arrears of Ireland. This copy was given by Lord Ranelagh to Sir James Shaen, 1672, from whom it passed to the first Lord Aylesford. This nobleman's large book-plate is on the fly-leaf. 3186 REEVES (William). The CULDEES of the British Islands, as they appear in History: with an Appendix of Evidences. Royal 4to., sewed, 7s 6d; or, half morocco Royal Irish Academy, 1864 AUTHOR'S EDITION, with a title-page, preface, and index. Royal 4to., presentation copy to the Earl of Gosford, with an autograph letter from the author, inserted; panelled calf extra, gilt edges 3187 the same. One hundred copies printed in this form. 0 10 0 Dublin, 1864 1 1 0 A learned work on the Céli-dé in Ireland; the Céli-de or Keledei of Scotland; and the Coledei of England and Wales. 3188 REID (James Seaton). History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, comprising the civil history of the province of Ulster from the accession of James I. 3 vols. 8vo. purple calf extra, gilt edges 1853 3189 REPORT of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Irish Forfeitures. Sm. folio, half calf, scarce 1700 3190 REPORT of the Committee of the Society of United Irishmen "to enquire and report the Popery Laws enacted in this realm," Dublin, 1792; Commentary on the proceedings of the Catholics of Ireland during the reign of George III, Dublin, 1812; in 1 vol., 8vo., morocco extra 3191 REILY. The Impartial History of Ireland. . In two parts. By Hugh Reily. To which is annexed . . . the Speech and dying Words of Oliver Plunket, Arch-Bishop of Armagh... the Civil and Military Articles of Limerick. . . . By the Revd. Doctor Nary. 12mo., calf neat 1768 Reily's work gives a summary of all the battles, sieges, rebellions, and massacres. 3192 ROSCOMMON CLAIM of Peerage explained by Speeches delivered in the sessions 1827-28 before the Lords' Committee of Privileges, with decision. 8vo. hf. calf 1 1 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 1829 0 4 6 Royal Irish Academy: [FIRST SERIES], 10 vols. 1841-70. 3195 PROCEEDINGS of the ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Another set, as detailed 11 11 0 8 10 0 25 0 040 3 0 0 3199 SERMONS preached at Christ's Church, Dublin, before the Incorporated 3200 SHEFFIELD (John Lord). The Manufactures, Trade, and present state the same. 8vo. calf, fine large copy £ s. d. 1 0 0 100 1 10 0 Dublin, 1785 1785 0 10 0 3201 3203 1845 The History of the County of MONAGHAN, 5 parts, complete, forming 1 vol., folio, with front. in colours, woodcut Coats of Arms, and other illustrations; sewed, uncut 1877 3204 SHREWSBURY (John, Earl of). Third Letter to A. L. Phillipps "On the Present Posture of Affairs" (in Ireland). 8vo. bds. 1842 3205 SMITH (Charles). The Antient and Present State of the County and City of WATERFORD. 8vo. with maps and plates; calf, rebacked 3206 3207 3208 Dublin, 1746 Ancient and Present State of the County and City of CORK. 2 vols. 8vo. first edition, with map and numerous folded plates; calf gilt Dublin, 1750 the same, second edition, with additions. portrait, map, and plates; calf, 358; or, russia gilt 4 4 0 026 1 10 0 1 15 0 the same, a new (third) edition. 2 vols. 8vo. with portrait, map, and plates; half calf gilt Society of Antiquaries of Ireland: 3209 JOURNAL of the ROYAL SOCIETY of ANTIQUARIES of IRELAND, formerly the Royal Historical and Archæological Association of Ireland, founded as the KILKENNY ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A COMPLETE SET from the beginning in 1849 to the beginning of 1895, forming 24 volumes and 1 part, royal 8vo. with a great number of fine plates and woodcuts; the first nineteen vols. uniformly and neatly half bound in green morocco, UNCUT; the vols. for 1890 in half calf neat; the rest in parts Dublin, 1849-95 18 0 0 FIRST SERIES, 3 vols. 1849-55; NEW SERIES, 6 vols. 1856-67; THIRD SERIES, 1 vol. 1868-69; FOURTH SERIES, 9 vols. 1879-89; FIFTH SERIES, 4 vols. and Vol. V part 1, 1891-95. 3210 SPEARING (Joseph), Junr. The Question whether "Catholic Emancipation" is compatible with the principles of the British Constitution. 8vo. bds. 3211 SPEECHES in both Houses of Parliament on the Irish Roman Catholic Petition. 8vo. bds. 1805 3212 SPENSER. A viewe of the present state of Irelande discoursed by waye of a Dialogue betweene Eudoxus and Irenius, MS. in a fine Elizabethan hand, 63 leaves-A BREVIATE of the gettinge of Irelande and of the Decaye of the same, MS. in a similar hand to the preceding, 15 leaves2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, MS.; limp vellum, with the bookplates of Richard Towneley (1702) and W. H. Crawford About 1595 The Breviate, of which the authorship is not revealed, is a valuable statistical account in which the military forces of the chieftains are detailed. 7 10 O |