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" Paradise Regain'd. A Poem. In IV. Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton. "
Catalogue of the Literature and History of the British Islands ...: Offered ... - Pagina 542
door Bernard Quaritch (Firm) - 1899
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Catalogue of the Library of the Late Thomas Jefferson McKee ..., Delen 4-6

John Anderson, Jr. (Firm) - 1902 - 604 pagina’s
...few others slightly stained. GOOD COPY. 3062 MILTON (JOHN). PARADISE I REGAI N 'D. | A | PO E M. 1 In IV BOOKS. | To which is added SAMSON AGONISTES....Author | JOHN MILTON. LONDON, Printed by JM for John Starkty at the Mitre in Fleetjtreet, near Temple- Bar. MDCLXXI. 8vo, FIRST EDITION, bound in full sprinkled...
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Catalogue of English Literature: Comprising Early Plays, Ballads ..., Nummer 16

Rosenbach Company - 1913 - 168 pagina’s
...STATE AND THE ORIGINAL BINDING IN A REMARKABLE STATE OF PRESERVATION.. See Illustration. MILTON, JOHN. Paradise Regain'd. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author, John Milton. 8vo, PRESERVED IN THE ORIGINAL CALF BINDING, enclosed in a brown levant morocco solander case (uniform...
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Retrospective Review, Volume 14

Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - 1826 - 384 pagina’s
...the names of different venders, of the 6.) several dates of 1668, 1669, 1669. 7. Paradise Regained. A Poem in, IV. Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes....London. Printed by JM for John Starkey, at the Mitre, in Fleet Street, near Temple Bar. MDCLXXt. Octavo, pp. 103. 8. Poems, fyc. upon several Occasions. By...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors, Volume 6

John Milton - 1826 - 476 pagina’s
...variations of this kind might be pointed out. Perhaps some leaves were cancelled. •vi. Paradise Regained, a Poem in IV books. To which is added Samson Agonistes....John Milton. London, Printed by JM for John Starkey, &c. 1671. 8vo. vn. Poems, &c. Upon several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton : Both English and Latin,...
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The Retrospective Review, Volume 14

1826 - 384 pagina’s
...diffeient venders, of the 6.) several dates of 1668, 1669, 1669. 7. Paradise Regained. A Poem in IV. Bonks. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The author, John Milton. London. Printed bu JM for John Starkey, at the Mitre, in Fleet Street, near Temple Bar. MDCLXXL Octavo, pp. 103. 8....
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The Rowfant Books: A Selection of One Hundred Titles from the Collection of ...

Frederick Locker-Lampson - 1833 - 114 pagina’s
...and the title to the " Samson Agonistes " is as follows: " Samson | Agonistes, | A | Dramatic Poem. | The Author | John Milton. | | London, | Printed by...Mitre in Fleetstreet, near Temple-Bar. | MDCLXXI. | " The book is printed on thick paper. The above is a very fine copy, 'with the leaf of License, reading...
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Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, Deel 2,Nummer 2

British Museum. Department of Printed Books. Grenville Library - 1842 - 476 pagina’s
...Baskerville, 1758. 8vo. 2 vol. RM A beautiful copy in the original richly gilt binding. — Paradise Regained, a Poem in iv. Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The author John Milton. London, by JM, for John Starkey, 1671. 8vo. RM First Edition. — Lycidas, First Edition. Inserted in. Obsequies...
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Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1867 - 732 pagina’s
...Milton by Faithorne, œtat. 52, 1670. There were other Editions 5. Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author...John Milton. London, Printed by JM for John Starkey. 1671. 8vo. witha leaf preceding title, on which occurs: "Licens'd July '2, 1670." Printed on a very...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: To which is Prefixed a Biography of the ...

John Milton, Edward Phillips - 1868 - 632 pagina’s
...been cancelled. In 1671, Milton again appeared before the public as a Poet in " Paradise Eegain'd, a Poem in iv Books, to which is added Samson Agonistes....London, Printed by JM for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet Street, near Temple Bar, MDOLXXI." Paradise Regained was published in the simple and unpretending...
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The Life of John Milton: Narrated in Connexion with the Political ..., Volume 6

David Masson - 1880 - 874 pagina’s
...afterwards, and then with this title, " Paradise Begain'd. A Poem. la IF Books. To which is addt'd Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton. London, Printed by JM for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleetstrcet, near Temple Ear. ML CLXXI." On the fly-leaf at the beginning are the words, " Licensed,...
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