DOOR-KNOCKER ETIQUETTE (11 S. i. 487; ii. 17). In continuation of my reply, I have found the following reference in 'The Servants' Guide and Family Manual, with new and improved Receipts, arranged and adapted to the Duties of all Classes of Servants (London, printed for John Limbird, 143, Strand, 1830), p. 253 : "Unnecessarily loud knocking at a street-door is thought by some to give an air of style and consequence to an arrival; but the practice has been so often complained of, and carried to such extent, that the custom is somewhat abated." ELIZABETHAN LICENCE TO EAT FLESH (11 S. ii. 68).- The 5 Elizabeth, chap. v. section 37, is as follows: "And also such persons as have, or hereafter shall have, upon good and just consideration, any lawful licence to eat flesh upon any fish day (except such persons as for sickness shall for the time be licensed by the bishop of the diocese, or by their curates, or shall be licensed by reason of age, or other impediment, allowed heretofore by the ecclesiastical laws of this realm), shall be bound, by force of this statute, to have for every one dish of flesh served to be eaten at their table, one usual dish of sea fish, fresh or salt, to be likewise served at the same table, and to be eaten or spent without fraud or covin, as the like kind is or shall be usually eaten or spent on Saturdays." W. McB. and F. MARCHAM. The statute asked for is 5 Eliz. c. 5, "An Act touching Politick Constitutions for the Maintenance of the Navy." Sections 14 to 23 and 35 to 39 deal with "fish days 22 and their observance, together with penalties and licences. Section 39 declares that the statute "is purposely intended and meant politically for the Increase of Fishermen and Mariners, and Repairing of Port Towns and Navigation, and not for any Superstition to be maintained in the Choice of Meats." JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. In Gibson's 'Codex, 1761 edition, pp. 2557, will be found the essential portions of the Acts 5 Eliz., cap. 5, 27 Eliz., cap. 11, and 35 Eliz., cap. 7, which refer to the eating of fish. By the first of these Acts Wednesday was made a fish day in the same way as Saturday. In the case of a person in illhealth the bishop or the parish parson could grant a licence, which was to be in A. L. F. may be interested in the following extract from the parish registers of Mackworth, co. Derby : "Whereas the right worple Francis Munday of Markeaton in the parish of Machworth and countie of Derbie, Esq., for the avoiding of the penalties and dangers of the laws and statutes made for restrainte of eating flesh in Lent, and in consideration that he hath in his house at diett or table the right worp Mrs. Dorothy Poole, gentlewoman, about the age of three-score years, who is very weak and sickly, not able to go or stand without help, hath desired me to grant license to and for the said Dorothy Poole to eat flesh for and during the time of her sickness, which I have thought fitting, and in regard I know the considerations aforesaid to be most true, I do hereby grant license unto the said Dorothy Poole to eat flesh for and during the time of her sickness according to the laws and statutes of this realm in that case made and provided, and hereunto I have putt my hand the ninth day of February in the reign of King James of England the sixteenth and of Scotland the fifty-second, A.D. 1618. 6 By me, Edward Hinchcliffe, clerk." 'SHAVING THEM,' BY TITUS A. BRICK (11 S. ii. 27). -A later edition or reprint of Shaving Them,' undated, but about 1875, was issued by Messrs. Ward, Lock & Tyler, Warwick House, Paternoster Row. It was in illustrated wrappers, and contained a frontispiece and 230 pp. Titus A. Brick, evidently a pseudonym, is mentioned in a list of Ward, Lock & Tyler's publications as being also the author of Awful Crammers. I recollect reading in some literary journal about twenty years ago an account of the origin of 'Shaving Them. This stated that the three adventurers were Londoners, and not citizens of the great Republic. So far as recollection serves, John Camden Hotten and S. O. Beeton were mentioned as having something to do with the writing of the book. W. Scott. ELEPHANT AND CASTLE IN HERALDRY (11 S. i. 508; ii. 36). -Miss Emma Phipson in her 'Choir Stalls and their Carvings' (1896), p. 36, says of the stalls formerly belonging to the chapel of the Royal Hospital of St. Katherine by the Tower, mentioned by MR. MACMICHAEL and myself in our their eyes out." The probability is that Beckford's command of Portuguese was insufficient to enable him to follow what the sacristan told him. The two crows kept near the Cathedral of Lisbon in 1787 have a parallel in the bears kept at Bern at the present day. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. The descendants of "The Holy Crows" are still kept in the cloisters of the Cathedral at Lisbon, and I saw them there when visiting the Cathedral in March last. The legend, as told to us, is that St. Vincent was first buried at the cape which bears his name, where the crows watched continually over his grave. When his bones were removed to the Cathedral at Lisbon, the crows are said to have followed them. Killadoon Celbridge. H. J. B. CLEMENTS. Geese are kept in the cloisters of Barcelona Cathedral. Augustus Hare says this has been done 'JANE SHORE (11 S. ii. 66). There is a copy of this book here, undated, but seem. ingly published within the last twenty years. The publishers are W. Nicholson & Sons of 26, Paternoster Square, E.C., and also of the Albion Works, Wakefield, and the book with others is stated to be "printed by special arrangement with the authoress, Mrs. Bennett." The title-page describes the book (382 pp.) as follows : Jane Shore; or, the Goldsmith's Wife, an Historical Tale. By Mrs. Bennett, author of 'The Cottage Girl,' 'The Jew's Daughter,' &c. At the end of the book is the following advertisement : NEW TWO SHILLINGS SERIES (CONTINUED). Side. Water The Broken Heart; or, the Village Bridal. I have no further information, but no doubt Mr. H. T. FOLKARD, if he wrote to Messrs. W. Nicholson & Sons, could obtain other details if that firm is still in business. RONALD DIXON. 46, Marlborough Avenue, Hull. ROYAL TOMBS AT ST. DENIS (11 S. ii. 65). MR. ALECK ABRAHAMS may be interested to know that in 1681 M. Combes wrote a little handbook which was translated into English, and published in 1684, with the following title-page: "An Historical Explanation | of | What there is most remarkable in that | Wonder of the World, | The French King's | Royal House | at | Versailles, | And in that of Monsieur, at | St. Cloud. | Written in the French Tongue by the Sieur Combes, | And now faithfully done into English. | Together with | A Compendious Inventory of the Treasury of S. Denis. | London: | Printed for Matthew Turner, near Turn- | stile in Holborn. 1684." 12mo, pp. xxiv, 140, and leaf with list of books published by M. Turner. is here described as This little guide, a copy of which is in my possession, gives a very interesting account of all the marvellous relics John Evelyn enumerates, and of the various presses in which they are contained. The "Gundola "A of Chrysolite " Vessel inclining to the fashion of a great Drinking-cup, made of a Chrysolite, and enchast in Gold by St. Eloy. Given by the same Abbot Suger." Solomon's cup is also there, as well as another used in the Temple. The little book is quite entertaining, and is dedicated "To Madam the Dolphiness." JOHN HODGKIN. ROYAL MANNERS TEMP. WILLIAM IV. (11 S. i. 85).- These are further illustrated in the case of Prince Ernest Augustus, son of George III., Duke of Cumberland, afterwards king of Hanover, as amusingly recorded by the Rev. C. C. A. Wilkinson, domestic resident chaplain to King Ernest at Hanover. The King of Hanover was a younger brother of William IV., who used to say of him : "Ernest is not a bad fellow, but if any one has a corn, he is sure to tread on it." 2 See Reminiscences of the Court and D'ERESBY OR DE ERESBY? (11 S. i. 469.)It might be thought at first sight that less of learning than of ordinary intelligence was required to pronounce "D'Eresby, not "De Eresby," the correct form of the title. The leading newspapers, however, and most, it not all, peerage and genealogical writers agree in writing "De Eresby." The explanation, I fancy, is that De Eresby is not a surname, but a territorial designation. It refers to the barony of Eresby, bestowed upon Walter de Bec by William the Conqueror, and acquired in marriage by the Willoughby family in the reign of Henry III. Presumably the rule permitting the elision of a vowel when two came together does not apply in the case of titles. Hence we have Lord Willoughby de Eresby." SCOTUS. IN THE Misc. Book, vol. cxxiii. pp. 245-6) and with an entry of 1535-6 in the old churchwardens' accounts of South Tawton (fol. 91D). The surname Yetsweirt has a Dutch sound, and at the same time it is curiously like that of "De Yadeworth," which I find in lists of residents of South Tawton on the Lay Subsidy Rolls of 1337 and "1340 ?” I should be glad if the descent of Frende's little property could be traced. ETHEL LEGA-WEEKES. SIR HENRY DUDLEY (NOT AUDLEY) (11 S. i. 87, 171). The question asked by MR. EGERTON GARDINER and the answers to it illustrate the many pitfalls into which writers on genealogical subjects are apt to fall. "Sir Henry Audley," as pointed out by MR. A. R. BAYLEY, should be Henry Dudley-whether "Sir 22 Henry Dudley or not is questionable. At any rate, this Henry Dudley is not to be confounded with Sir Henry Dudley the conspirator, about whom two other correspondents write at the second reference, and who, according to the 'Dictionary of National Biography, was "apparently" third son of John Sutton de Dudley, seventh Baron Dudley. estionable. The Henry Dudley asked about appears to have been a son of John Dudley, Viscount 1. Henry, who died at the siege of Boulogne. 2. John, Earl of Warwick, who d.v.p. s.p. 3. Ambrose, created Earl of Warwick. 4. Lord Guilford (sic), who married Lady Jane Grey. 5. Robert, K.G., created Baron of Denbigh and Earl of Leicester. PRINTERS OF THE STATUTES SIXTEENTH CENTURY : SOUTH TAWTON, DEVON (11 S. i. 106, 238).-Ι was interested in learning of the grant to Nicholas Yetsweirt in 1577 of a monopoly for printing the common law books; and I think that the contributors on this subject may be equally interested in the fact that on the Patent Roll of 9 Eliz., 1566-7 (pt. 5, m. 3), there is recorded a grant to one Nicholas Yetswirt (not improbably the same man) and to Bartholomew Brokesby of a number of rents in Devon, Somerset, and other counties, mostly arising from ancient bequests, chantries, and gilds, which by the Act of 1547 were vested in the Crown. These included a tenement in the parish of K.G. South Tawton, Devon, which in 1530 had been given by John Frende of South Tawton, weaver, towards the maintenance of a priest for the Brotherhood of the Store of Jesus in the parish church, as appears from collation of this roll with another Record Office document (Court of Augmentations, 6. Henry, slain at St. Quintin (sic). 7. Charles, who died young. 1. Mary, who married Sir Henry Sidney, 2. Catherine, who married Sir Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon. The 'D.N.B. agrees with Burke in making Lord Guildford the fourth son; but, by a curious, though evident double error, it also designates Ambrose and Lord Henry (who died at St. Quintin) each as the fourth son of John, Duke of Northumberland. Two the bare or bleak hill. If Jamieson is of the sons were evidently lost sight of correct in saying that Melmont is a word owing to their early deaths. Were there used in Morayshire, it has there, presumably, yet other children ? MR. EGERTON GARDINER in his query says that John had thirteen children, of whom two were named Henry (this agrees with Burke, u.s.) and two Katherine. What is his authority for this statement? These Henries and Katherines are but further instances of the puzzling custom of giving the same name to two brothers or to two sisters which has recently been discussed in 'N. & Q.1 Let us come back to the eldest son, the elder Henry, who is stated to have been killed at the siege of Boulogne. This must have been on 14 September, 1544, when Boulogne was taken by King Henry VIII. (Haydn's 'Index of Dates'). As his father is believed to have been born about 1502 -only 42 years before-Henry must have been young, and probably unmarried, at the time of his death. He died nine years before the marriage of his brother Guildford with Lady Jane Grey (1553) and the conspiracy to place her on the throne, and could not therefore have been involved, as were his father and brothers, in the conspiracy. Is MR. GARDINER right in calling him "Sir Henry? Burke and the 'D.N.B.' do not give him this title. As to his younger brother Henry there is some confusion. G. H. W. in his reply calls him the "youngest " son (he was no doubt the youngest then living), and adds that "he was killed at St. Quentin in 1558." The 'D.N.B.' in the life of his father (xvi. 111) makes him the fifth son, and states that he was slain at the battle of St. Quentin in 1555. In the Supplement to the 'D.N.Β.' (ii. 160) he is designated the fourth son, and the date of his death is given as 10 August, 1557. This last date is evidently the correct one, for St. Quentin, Aisne, France, was captured by the Spaniards on the day of St. Lawrence, 1557 ('Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., xxi. 197; Supplement, xxxii. 376). FREDK. A. EDWARDS. MELMONT BERRIES=JUNIPER BERRIES (11 S. ii. 29). -The same entry about Melmont berries is given in the 'E. D. D.,' apparently taken from Jamieson. No explanation of the meaning is offered. So far as is known, Melmont as a place-name does not occur in Morayshire. There is, however, a hill in Galston parish, Ayrshire, which bears the name Molmont, sometimes called Melmont. In Gaelic the name would be derived from maol, bare, and monadh, hill= the Gaelic elic signification. Hence Melmont berries will mean literally bare-hill berries or berries, such as the juniper, growing wild on a hillside. W. S. S. Jamieson probably uses a local name for this fruit, as it is not mentioned by botanists. The only book, so far as I am aware, in which it appears (and then with a slight change in the spelling) is A. B. Lyons's (Detroit) 'Plant Names, which has "Juniper berries, Melmot berries." TOM JONES. PRINCE BISHOP OF BASLE, 1790 (11 S. ii. 68). - This, the last Prince-Bishop, was John Sigmund von Roggenbach, who, like all his predecessors, was a Catholic. His territory was turned into the Rauracian Republic, which after four months was incorporated (1793) in the French Republic. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna gave the territory of the diocese to the cantons of Bern and Basle, with the exception of the portion already belonging to Germany. The last Prince-Bishop to reside in Basle was Christopher of Utenham (1502-27). See the interesting article on 'Basle-Lugano, Diocese of, in the 'Catholic Encyclopædia. After the Reformation the capital of the bishopric was Porrentruy, where was the chief episcopal residence. The bishop also owned Buseck above Arlesheim, and after the beginning of the eighteenth century a summer residence at Delémont. It is surprising in a book published in 1816 to find the Prince-Bishopric treated as still subsisting. In 'The Swiss Tourist,* published by Samuel Leigh, 18, Strand, London, in that year, the writer, speaking of Bienne, says at p. 55: "The place is a sort of republic in itself, and in this capacity sends a deputy to the general diets of the Confederation. It is, at the same time, in some degree subjected to the Bishop of Basle. His privileges consist in appointing the mayor, who presides at the councils without having a deliberative voice, and in having his name, conjointly with that of the town, at the head of public deeds, over the contents of which he has no influence. Whenever a bishop is elected, he is bound to come hither, for the purpose of receiving an oath of submission on the part of the inhabitants; but the legislative power, the administration of justice, and the right of making alliances belong to the town itself. The inhabitants are of the reformed religion : they can go through their studies at Berne, which canton is the established protector of all Protestant subjects of the Bishop of Bâle." JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. ANGLO-SPANISH AUTHOR (11 S. i. 349). - that an exceptional case. I am informed With deference I venture to put forward by the Registrar, Mr. H. Farnham Burke, a theory on this subject. The man whom Borrow heard of was not the same as the man he saw at Madrid. There is considerable reason to believe that the secretary who "had acquired a name both in English and Spanish literature" was Don Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio. He, at all events, wrote a large number of novels and plays both in English and Spanish, all of them doubtless by this time completely forgotten. In this country he may still be remembered as the author of two volumes in "Constable's that dockets, and very often full records, Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, W. BIBLE: CURIOUS STATISTICS (11 S. i. 127, 276). - If readers of 'N. & Q. who are interested in Bible statistics will consult the excellent Indexes of the several Series of 'N. & Q. they will find such statistics in 3 S. xii. 412, 510; 4 S. i. 88; 7 S. xi. 207, 364, 452. to have occupied three years of his life Miscellany" (a 'Life of Cortes and a The statistics quoted at 11 S. i. 276 were 'History of Peru). He also wrote 'The compiled by George Horne, Bishop of Romance of History: Spain, 1830, 3 vols. Norwich (born 1730, died 1792), and are said Educated, and residing most of his life, in England, where he was extremely popular in fashionable society, he returned to his native country in 1834, was elected a member of the Cortes, and appointed by that body one of its secretaries. While residing in HEAVEN BLUE (11 S. i. 488; ii. 33). The England he was one of the Fraser group of writers, and his portrait finds a place in the 'Maclise Portrait Gallery. The likeness is something of a caricature, showing him admiring his own dancing shadow, while the letterpress accompanying it is distinctly unkindly. Don Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio, however, (see 7 S. xi. 364). PATRICK. "CANABULL BLUE SILKE": CANOPY-OF 66 name Canopy-of-heaven blue 2" is derived,. I should think, from the Chinese name for certain blue silk known as t'ien ch'ing, J. DYER BALL. cerulean blue. Hadley Wood, Middlesex. KEMPESFELD: KEMYS (11 S. i. 409, 478; ii. 13). Is not Kemys, properly Kemeys of the Welsh word "cemaes"? There is nok in the Welsh language. CURIOUS. cannot have been the secretary whom (Monmouthshire), the English corruption Borrow saw at Madrid. He was dead in COMMONWEALTH GRANTS OF ARMS (11 S. ii. 8). The statement made by L. S. M. that "none of the republican grants now remain in the Herald's College " is incorrect. The arms borne by my family were granted to my ancestor Robert Abbott, scrivener, on 9 August, 1654, and the grant is recorded at the Heralds' College in extenso. Nor is DR. JOHN HOUGH (11 S. ii. 48). - See his Notes on Books, &c. Scottish Historical Clubs, 1780-1908, with Subject-Index. By Charles Sanford Terry. (Glasgow, MacLehose & Sons.) PROF. TERRY has in this work laid all students of Scottish history under a heavy obligation. He gives us first a Catalogue of the publications of Scottish historical and kindred clubs and societies, including the Scottish publications of His Majesty's Stationery Office; and secondly a Subject Index to "the materials revealed by the Catalogue as bearing especially, though not exclusively, on Scottish institutions, events, reigns, characters, and historical periods, civil and ecclesiastical." The Scotch have always been great believers in and promoters of education, and their clubs and societies concerned with history and antiquities are a remarkable feature of this activity. Recent examples of new clubs are the St. Andrews Society, founded in 1906, and the Old Edinburgh Club in 1908.. |