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" A True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next Day after her Death, to one Mrs Bargrave, at Canterbury, the 8th of September 1705... "
Novels and Novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria - Pagina 81
door John Cordy Jeaffreson - 1858
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The Christian's defence against the fears of death, tr. by M. D'Assigny ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pagina’s
...at; Funerals, and of excellent Ufe to every Chrjltiar^ Reader. True RELATION OF THE APPARITION OFONE Mrs. VEAL, The Next DAY after Her DEATH, TO ONE Mrs. BARGRAVE, AT CANTERBURY, The Eighth of September 1705. Which APPARITION recommends the Perufal of DRE LIN C 0 UR T's Book of Confutations...
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of ..., Volume 2

Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 500 pagina’s
...the Piety of Princes; •with Remarks on a Book intitled A Form of Prayer ufed by King William. The True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal,...her Death, to one Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury, the Eighth of September, 1705. Firft Edition, 3705- Otlavo. Second Edition, 1707.—The tradition among...
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News from the invisible world; or, Interesting anecdotes of the dead

John Tregortha - 1800 - 462 pagina’s
...have handed it forward; and I have the truthof it affirmed in such a manner that I cannot doubt i'.A true relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death to one Mrs. Burgruve, at Canterbury, tbeStb September, 1705. THIS thing is so rare in all its circumstances, an...
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A Catalogue of the Books, Belonging to the Library Company of ..., Volume 1

Library Company of Philadelphia - 1807 - 684 pagina’s
...apparition of Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death, to Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, September 8,1705, which apparition recommends the perusal of Drelincourt's book of " Consolations against the fears cf death," 3d edit. London, 1707. 12 Francis Higgins's sermon preached at White-hall, on Ash-Wednesday,...
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The Christian's Defence Against the Fears of Death: With Seasonable ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1810 - 610 pagina’s
...shall think fit to summon us, and to take us to himself. MD A TRUE RELATION 01 sat APPARITION OT OKI MRS. VEAL, THE NEXT DAY AFTER HER DEATH, TO ONE MRS. BARGRAVE, AT CANTERBURY, the Sth SEPT. 1705t Which Apparition recommends the Perusal ef Drchncourfs Łaol of Consolations against...
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A descriptive catalogue of useful and valuable books

William Wood (bookseller.) - 1816 - 194 pagina’s
...8vo. very neat 4*. Drelincourt on Death, 1741. 8vo. 5s. Drelincourt did not sell till De Foe added " a True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal,...Apparition recommends the perusal of Drelincourt's book of Consolation against the Fears of Peath." The ghost, who appeared to Mrs. Bargrave in a riding habit,...
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Biographical memoirs

Walter Scott - 1827 - 506 pagina’s
...made of a cocoa nut shell, are, or were till lately, the property of hi* descendants at Largo. No. II. A true Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs Veal,...her death, to one Mrs Bargrave, at Canterbury, the eighth of September, 1705, which Apparition recommends the perusal of Drelincourfs Book of Consolations...
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The miscellaneous prose works of sir Walter Scott, Volume 4

sir Walter Scott (bart [prose, collected]) - 1827 - 500 pagina’s
...made of a cocoa nut shell, are, or were till lately, the property of his descendants at Largo. No. II. A true Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs Veal, the next day after lier death, to one Mrs Bargrave, at Canterbury, the eighth of September, 1705, which Apparition recommends...
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An Alphabetical Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of the Writings of ...

Daniel Defoe, Machell Stace - 1829 - 62 pagina’s
...called the Foreigners. The second Edition, corrected. Folio ........... J. Nutt, 1700 Veal (Mrs.) — A true Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal,...Death, to one Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, the 8th of Sept. 1705. Which Apparition recommends the perusal of Drelincourt's Book of Consolations against the...
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Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel De Foe: Containing a ..., Volume 1

Walter Wilson - 1830 - 562 pagina’s
...Constitution. London. 1705. 4to. 77. A Declaration without Doors. By the Author, &c. London. 1705. 4to. 78. A True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal,...of Drelincourt's Book of Consolations against the fear of Death. London. 1705. 4to. 79. A Review of the Affairs of France, with Observations on Transactions...
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