Will you not allow, Sir, that he draws very natural pictures of human life?" JOHNSON : " Why, Sir, it is of very low life. Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge... Novels and Novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria - Pagina 139door John Cordy Jeaffreson - 1858Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | James Boswell - 1791 - 558 pagina’s
...he was a blockhead;" and upon my exprefling my aftonifhment at fo ftrange an affertion, he faid, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was a barren rafcal." BOSWELL. " Will you not allow, Sir, that he draws very natural pictures of human life ?" JoHNSON.... | |
 | James Boswell - 1807 - 508 pagina’s
...he was a blockhead ; and upon my expressing my astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1807 - 526 pagina’s
...he was a blockhead ;" and upon my expressing my astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1817 - 466 pagina’s
...he was a blockhead ; and upon my expressing my astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was a barren rsscal." BOSWELL. " Will you not allow, Sir, that he draws very naturel pictures of human life ?" JOHNSON.... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 372 pagina’s
...and, upon lioswell's expressing his astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by being a blockhead is, that he was a barren rascal."...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 536 pagina’s
...astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he Avas a barren rascal." BOSWELL. " Will you not allow, Sir,...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 442 pagina’s
...astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, thut he wus a barren rascal." BOSWELL. " Will you not allow, Sir,...pictures of human life ?" JOHNSON. " Why, Sir, it is of stry low life. Richardson nsed to say, thut had he not known who Fielding was, J It mnst not be presumed... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 376 pagina’s
...he was a blockhead ;" and upon my expressing my astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | 1821 - 372 pagina’s
...and, upon Boswell's expressing his astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by being a blockhead is, that he was a barren rascal."...Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1822 - 472 pagina’s
...was a blockhead ; " and upon rny expressing my astonishment at so strange an assertion, he said, " What I mean by his being a blockhead is, that he was...Richardson: used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in... | |
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