I come off conqueror my spirits are fled 'tis a bad omen do not weep my dear Lady — your tears are too precious to shed for me bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn. Dearest, kindest, gentlest, and best of women ! may health, peace, and happiness... Novels and Novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria - Pagina 202door John Cordy Jeaffreson - 1858Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 366 pagina’s
...are fled — 'tis a bad omen ' — do not weep my dear Lady — your tears are too precious to fhed for me — bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn. Dcareft, kindeft, gentleft, and beft of women! may health , peace , and happinefs prove your handmaids.... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 284 pagina’s
...fpirits are fled — 'tis a bad omen — do not weep my dear Lady — your tears are too precious to ihed for me — bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn. Deareft, kindeft, gentleft, and bcft of women! may health , peace , and happinefs prove your handmaids.... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 194 pagina’s
...are fled — *tis a bad omen' — do not weep my dear Lady — your tears are too precious to flied for me — bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn. — Deareft, kindeft, gentleft, 4 and and beft of women ! may health.; peace, and happinefs prove your... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1794 - 282 pagina’s
...fpirits are fled — 'tis a bad omen — do not weep, my dear Lady- - your tears are too precious to fhed for me — bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn.— Deareft, kindeft, gentleft, and beft of women ! may health, peace, and happinefs prove your handmaids... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1805 - 324 pagina’s
...are fled 'Tis a bad omen Do not weep my dear lady your tears are too precious to shed for me bottie them up, and may the cork never be drawn. Dearest, kindest, gentlest, and best of women 1 may health, peace, and happiness prove your handmaids. — If I die, cherish the remembrance of me,... | |
 | Elegant epistles - 1812 - 320 pagina’s
...this wrestling I come off conqueror — my spirits are fled — 'tis a had omen — do not weep, my dear lady, — your tears are too precious to shed...the remembrance of me, and forget the follies which yon so often condemned — which my heart, not my head, betrayed me into. Should my ch\\d> my Lydia,... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1814 - 430 pagina’s
...wrestling I come off conqueror. — My spirits are fled : — 'tis a bad omen. — Do not weep, my dear lady ; — your tears are too precious to shed...remembrance of me, and forget the follies which you so oftea condemned, — which my heart, not my head, betrayed me into. Should my child, my Lydia, want... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1823 - 168 pagina’s
...I come off conqueror.—My spirits are fled;—'tis a bad omen.—Do not weep, my dear Lady;—your tears are too precious to shed for me ;—bottle them....—• Dearest, kindest, gentlest, and best of women t may health, peace and happiness, prove your hand' maids !—If I die, cherish the remembrance of... | |
 | 1874 - 898 pagina’s
...Lydia, and with faltering pen addressed an imploring supplication to his faithful friend, Mrs. James. " If I die, cherish the remembrance of me, and forget...which you so often condemned, which my heart, not my liead, betrayed me into. Should my child, my Lydia, want a mother, may I hope you will, if she is left... | |
 | 1865 - 376 pagina’s
...became chairman of the East India Company. On the 8th of March poor Yorick wrote to Mrs. James : " If I die, cherish the remembrance of me, and forget...— which my heart, not my head, betrayed me into." To her he commended his daughter, should she become an orphan. Mrs. Sterne's health had long been very... | |
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