
Hindoostanee and English, by J. B. Gilchrist. Calcutta 1800. 8. (12 Sh.)

C'est en partie l'abrégé de l'Oriental linguist.


The oriental linguist, an easy and familiar introduction to the popular language of Hindoostan, comprising the rudiments of that tongue, with an extensive vocabulary, English and Hindoostanee, and Hindoostanee and English; to which is added the English and Hindoostanee part of the articles of war (from W. Scott's translation) with practical notes and observations by J. Gilchrist. Calcutta (Ferris) 1798. 4. Ed. 2. Calcutta 1802. 4. [2913 A Grammar of the Hindoostanee language, or part third of vol. first of a system of Hindoostanee philology, by John Borthwick Gilchrist. Calcutta 1796. 4. [2914 GILCHRIST OORDOO RISALU. Calcutta (school book soc.) 1820. 8. ibid. 1831. 8. 1846. 8. Agra 1845. 8. (et souvent.) [2915 Risale ou traité sur la Grammaire Hindoustani, intitulé cö slid ou g, As, prétendu abrégé de la Grammaire de Gilchrist par Bahadur Ali Husaini.

The Hindee Roman orthoepical ultimatum, or a systematic, discriminative view of Oriental and Occidental visible sounds, on fixed and practical principles, for the languages of the East, exemplified in the popular story of Sukoontula Natuk; by John Borthwick Gilchrist. Calcutta 1804. S.

The Hindee-Roman orthoepical ultimatum

[2916 exemplified in

100 anecdotes, tales, jests, etc. of Hindustanee story teller, by J. B. Gilchrist. London 1820. 8. (1 £. 20 Sh.) [2917 Practical outlines, or a sketch of Hindoostanee Orthoepy in the Roman characters, by J. B. Gilchrist. Calcutta 1802. fol. [2918 New theory of the Persian verbs, with their Hindoostanee synonimes in Persian and English, published under the direction of J. B. Gilchrist. Calcutta 1801. 4. Ed. 2. 1804. 4. (15 Sh.) [2919 Grammatical remarks on the practical and vulgar dialect of the Indostan language, commonly called Moors, with a Vocabulary, English and Moors; the spelling according to the Persian orthography, wherein are references between words resembling each other in sound, and different in their significations, with litteral translations and explanations of the compound words and circumlocutory expressions, for the more easy attaining the idiom of the language. The whole calculated for the common practice in Bengal by George Hadley. London (T. Cadell) 1774. 8. 3 ed. corrected and enlarged with familiar phrases and dialogues. ibid. 1784. 8. ibid. 1797..



A short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Moors language. By George Hadley. London 1771. 8. [2921 A compendious Grammar of the current corrupt dialect of the jargon of Hindoostan (commonly called Moors) with a Vocabulary English and Moors, Moors and English, with references between words..... with notes descriptive of various customs and manners of Bengal.......... By George Hadley. Fifth edition corrected and much enlarged by Mirza Mohummud Fitrut, a native of Lucknow. London (Sewel) 1801. 8. 7th edition corrected, improved and much enlarged. London (Asperne) 1809. 8.

Caractères romains.


A Grammar of the pure and mixed East-India dialects, with dialogues affixed, spoken in all the eastern countries, methodically arranged at Calcutta, according to the Brahmanian system, on the Shamscrit language. By Herasim Lebedeff. London 1801. 4. [2923 A grammar of the three principal languages, Hindoostanee, Persian and Arabic, on a plan entirely new, and perfectly easy; to which is added a set of Persian dialogues, composed by Mirza Mohammad Saulih, accompanied with an English translation by W. Price. London (Kingsbury) 1823. 4. (1 £. 1 Sh.) [2924 A new Grammar of Hindoostanee language, to which are added familiar phrases and dialogues in the proper character. By William Price. London (Kingsbury) 1827. 4. (2 ff. & 96 pp.) .[2925 Anfangsgründe einer Grammatik der hindustanischen Sprache von J. Dettlow Prochnow. Berlin (W. Schultze) 1852, 8. (10 Ngr.) [2926 The Hindoostanee interpreter, containing the rudiments of grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and a useful collection of dialogues etc. by Th. Roebuck. Second edition; revised and corrected by Will. Carmichael Smyth. London 1824. 8. · Ed. 3. Paris and London

1841. 8.


A Grammar of the Hindustani language by John Shakespear. London 1813. 4. Ed. 2. 1818. Ed. 3. 1826. [2928 Le même : fourth edition, to which is added a short grammar of the Dakhani. London (Allen & Co.) 1843. 4. 5th edition. ibid. 1846. 4. ibid. 1858. 8.

Avec 5 planches, modèles d'écriture.


An Introduction to the Hindustani language by Joh. Shakespear. London 1845. 8. (564 pp.)


Benjamin Schulzii grammatica hindostanica, collectis in diuturna inter Hindostanos commoratione, in justum ordinem reductis ac larga exemporum (sic) luce perfusis regulis constans et missiona

riorum usui consecrata. Edidit et de suscipienda barbararum linguarum cultura praefatus est Jo. Henr. Callenberg. Halae Saxonum, in typ. instit. judaïci, 1745. 4. [2931 Introduction to the Hindoostanee Language in three parts, viz. Grammar, with a Vocabulary and Reading Lessons. By William Yates. Calcutta (Bapt. miss. pr.) 1827. 8. ed. 2. 1843. ed. 3. 1845. 8.


MAZDAR-I-FAYUZ. A Persian Grammar in Urdu. Agra. (School Book soc.)


English Grammar in Urdu. Translated by Pundit Moti Lál. Delhi. (Transl. soc.)


D. Grammaires des idiomes usités dans les contrées centrales et septentrionales de l'Hindoustan.

a. Mahratti.

Grammar of the Mahratta language and Dialogues. By William Carey. Serampore 1805. 8.

Grammar of the Marat, ha Language. 12. s. d.



Grammar of the Murat,hee Language, by Dadoba Pandurung Turkhudkur. Bombay 1836, 8.


Grammatica Marastta; a mais vulgar, que se practica nos reinos de Nizamaxa e Idalaxa. Lisboa 1825.


Réimpression de la Grammatica Marastta publiée pour la première fois dans Alphabeta varia. Romae, typ. prop. fid. 1778. vol. 2.

A Grammar of the Mahratta Language by J. R. Ballantyne. Edinburgh 1839. 4. [2939


Rudiments of Grammar by Gungadhur. Poona 1836. ibid. 1845. 16. [2940

Gungadhur's Grammar, or Balbodh. Bombay 1838. 16. [2941 The Principles of Mahratta Grammar by the Rev. J. Stevenson. Calcutta 1833. Bombay 1843. 8.


A Grammar of the Mahratta language by Mahomed Ibrahum Makba, revis. by Vans Kennedy. Bombay 1826. 8. [2943

A Help for the Murathees in acquiring a knowledge of the English Language. 3d edition revised. Bombay 1846. 12. (180 pp.) (3 Sh. 6 P.)



The Principles of English Grammar (in Mahratti) by J. Stevenson.
Bombay 1833. fol. (lithogr.)
Rudiments of Hebrew Grammar in Marathi, with the points, by
Jo. Wilson. Bombay 1832. 4.


b. Orissa.

Introductory Grammar of the Ooriya Language, by Amos Sutton. Calcutta 1831. 8.


c. Gujerati.

Illustrations of the Grammatical parts of the Guzerattee, Mahratta, and English Languages. By R. Drummond. Bombay 1808. fol.


Scholars Assistant voy. No. 2715.


Grammar of the Guzerati Language by Gungadhur. Bombay 1840.


Rudiments of Grammar. s. d. 16.

d. Sindhi et Afghani.



A Grammar of the Sindhee Language, with a vocabulary, English and Sindhi, by W. H. Wathen. Bombay 1836. 8.


A Grammar of the Pushtoo or Afghanee language by Lieut. R. Leach. Calcutta 1839. 8. [2953 A Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto or Language of the Afghans, in which the rules are illustrated by examples from the best writers, both Poetical and Prose; together with translations from the articles of war etc., and remarks on the Language, Litterature and Descent of the Afghan Tribes. By H. G. Raverty. P. I. Calcutta 1856. 4. [2954

e. Pendjabi.

Grammar of the Punjabee Language, by W. M. Carey. Printed at the miss. press. Serampore 1812. 8.


Grammar of the Punjabee Language, by Lieut. Leach. Bombay

1838. 8.

Bibl. orientalis.



f. Langues de l'Himalaya.

A Grammar of the Nepalese language, by J. A. Ayton. Calcutta 1820. 8.


[ocr errors]

E. Grammaires des langues Dravidiennes.

a. Tamil.

A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of Languages. By the Rev. R. Caldwell, B. A. London (Harrison) 1856. 8. (VIII. 528 pp.) Leipzig, Brockhaus. 81⁄2 Thlr. [2958 Grammatica damulica, quae per varia paradigmata, regulas et necessarium vocabulorum apparatum, viam brevissimam monstrat, qua lingua damulica seu malabarica, quae inter Indos orientales in usu est, et huc usque in Europa incognita fuit, facile disci possit.... concinnata a Barthol. Ziegenbalg. Halae Saxonum (litt. et impens. Orphanotr.) 1716. 4. [2959 Observationes grammaticae, quibus linguae tamulicae idioma vulgare illustratur, a Chr. Theodoro Walthero. Tragambarae, typis miss. Danic. 1729 (ou 1739). 8. [2960 A Grammar of the Damul or Tamul language. Tranquebar 1734. [2961 Grammatica latino-tamulica ubi de vulgari tamulicae linguae idiomate Kotun Tamil dicto tractatur. Auctore Const. Joseph Beschio. Tragambariae, typis missionis danicae, 1728. 8.



Const. Jos. Beschi, Grammar of the common dialect of the Tamulian language, translated by ... Horst. Vepery 1806. 8. [2963 Grammatica latino tamulica in qua de vulgari tamulicae linguae idiomate fusius tractatur, auctore P. C. J. Beschio. Apud Madras patnam 1813. 4. Nova editio Pudicherii 1843. 8. (15 Sh.) [2964 BESCHI SHEN-TAMIZH; A Grammar of the high dialect of the Tamil language, termed Shen Tamil; to which is added an introduction to Tamil poëtry, by the rev. father C. J. Beschi; translated from the original Latin by Benj. Gay. Babington. Madras (College press) 1822. 4.


Grammaire de Beschi, avec commentaire.



Grammar for learning the principles of the Malabar language, properly called Tamul, or Tamulian language; by the English

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