
USUL-I-ILM-I-HISAB (J). Calcutta (School-book


Éléments d'Arithmétique, en hindoustani.


Borah's Manual. Village banker's accounts. (Hindoui.) Agra. [4200
** Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic in Hindustani. Agra 1844.
⚫ [4201
*** An Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic in Hindustani. Cal-
cutta 1830. 8.

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Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic in Hindustani. Calcutta 1845. 8. [4203

Arithmetic by the Revd. M. T. Adam. (Hindustani.) Calcutta (School-book soc.).


Arithmetic, in Hindui, by the Rev. M. T. Adam. Calcutta (Schoolbook soc.) 1807. 8.


c. Arithmetic with tables of Logarithmes, by Brown. (Hindustani.) Calcutta (School-book soc.).


The oriental Calculator; or Tables for the calculation of interest,
exchange and commission. Bombay 1846. 8.

De Morgan's Arithmetic. Translated (into Hindustani) by Munshi
Herdeb Sing, Munshi Ashraf Ali, and Pandit Ujudhia Perchaud.
Dehli (Transl. soc.).

[4208 Algebra, by Kureem Buksh. Agra (School-book soc.). 8. [4209

»>A well executed digest from Hutton's and Wood's Algebras; being
a second and improved edition of that published by the Dehli Trans-
lation society.« General Catalogue.

Algebra: The Elements of Algebra (in Hindustani). Dehli 1845.

A Treatise on the Elements of Algebra, by Ram chander, of the
Dehli College. Dehli (Transl. soc.).


Treatise on جبر و مقابله RESALA JABUR O MUKABALA

Algebra. Agra. 2 Partt.


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*** Differential calculus. (Hindustani.) Dehli.


*** Practical Geometry. (Hindustani.) Dehli.


Euclid's first four books in two Parts. (Hindoustani.) (Mufaïd-Hind.-press).



*** Les mêmes. Trad. en hindoustani par Moulvi Mamluk Ali. Dehli (Transl. soc.)


Symbolical Euclid. Calcutta (School-book soc.).


REKHA GUNIT. Elements of Geometry. Translated from the English (hindoui). Agra. 2 vols.


Hutton's Trigonometry. Transl. into Hindustani by Ram Chander, of Dehli. Dehli (Transl. soc.).

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of the solar system, by Pandit Bunsidhar. soc.).

The solar system, in Hindoostanee. s. d.


), or brief account Agra (School-book



Il y en a deux éditions; une en caractères persans, et une en caractères romains. C'est un petit traité imprimé aux frais du dernier roi d'Aoude, par un savant Anglais. Voy. Garcin de Tassy, Hist. de la litt. Hind. Tom. I. p. 600.

*** Sketch of the solar system, intended for the use of schools, by the Raja Kali Krishna. Calcutta. (lithogr.) [4222

** An Easy Introduction to Astronomy, in Hindoostany, by Miss Bird. Calcutta 1833. 12. [4223 Astronomy of Fergusson, abridged by Brewster and translated in Hindi by Miss Bird, assisted by the Rev. Mill and Mr. J. Tytler.


Annoncé en 1834 comme étant sous presse, à Calcutta. James Fergusson's Introduction to astronomy. Translated (into Hindoostanee) by Abd ul-Islam, of Lucknow, at the order of Nasir ud-din Hyder, king of Oude. Calcutta. Illustrative plates of Fergusson's Astronomy. Calcutta (Schoolbook soc.). s. a.



Hershel's Astronomy. Translated (into Hindoostanee) by Pandit Ajudhia Pershaud and Ram Chunder. Dehli (Transl. soc.). [4227 or a Summary of the Coper

مجموعه شمسی) MUJMUA SHAMSHI

nican system of Astronomy, by Moulvi Ubul Khan and Dr. W. Hunter. (Hindustani.) Agra (School-book soc.).

4228 A comparison of the Pauranic and Siddhantic systems of Astronomy, with that of Copernicus. (Hindoostanee.) Agra (School-book soc.). [4229 Hutton's Statics and Dynamics, by Ram Chunder, of Dehli. Dehli (Transl. soc.). [4230 A Treatise on Mechanics (in Hindoostanee), from the Arabic by Munshi Ahmud Khan. Calcutta (School-book soc.). [4231 ILM-I-HIKMET JAR-I-SAKIL). Introduction to Mechanics. Calcutta (School-book soc.). [4232

; ((?) ماب قول MAP TOLE

A Treatise on Mensuration, by Ram Surn Dass. (Hindoui.) Agra. (Plusieurs cahiers.)


Land Surveying. Translated (into Hindustani) by Herdeb Sing and Kadir Ali. Dehli (Transl. soc.).

[4234 MISHAH UL-MISAHUT, A Treatise on Surveying, by Pandit Bunsidhur (urdu). Dehli (Transl. soc.). [4235

Cité dans le General Catalogue. Peut être faut il lire mashshak ulmisahat (☺lm)), c. à d. Le bien exercé dans l'art de géométrie.

D. Ouvrages Mahrattis et Gujeratis.

Charles Hutton's Course of Mathematics; translated into the Marat,ha Language by Capt. G. R. Jervis. Bombay 1827 (ou 1828). 4. 2 vols.

Le même. Bombay 1840. 8.



Le même. Translated into the Goojratee language, by Capt. G. R. Jervis. Bombay 1828. 4. 2 vols.


A Course of Arithmetic, in the Marat,hee language, translated from Hutton and Bonycastle, by Capt. G. R. Jervis.


Bombay 1838.


A Treatise on Arithmetic, in the Goojratee language, by Capt. G. R. Jervis. Bombay 1826. 4. 2 vols.

(4240 De Morgan's Elements of Algebra, translated into the Marat,hee language, by Col. Geo. R. Jervis. Bombay 1848. 8. [4241 *** Rudiments of Geometry (Marat,hee). Poona. 4. [4242

*** Arithmetic in three parts (Marat, hee). Bombay 1842. 8. ibid. 1850. 8.


Astronomy (Marat,hee). Bombay 1846. 8.


E. Ouvrages Tamils et Telugus. GOPALABATNAKABA. (a Tract on Astrology, Telugu.)

Madras... [4245

8. JATAKA CHANDRIKA. (a Tract on Astrology, Telugu.) Madras 1848. 16.


MUHURTA DARPANAM. (a Tract on Astrology, Telugu.) s. 1. [4247 YÖN SUVADI. ... 1829-30.


Manuel d'Arithmétique, traité des poids et mesures etc. en tamil.
Revu par Mamu püllei de Manapakkam, et publ. par Annamalei
Moodeliar. Cité par Mr. Graul.



A. Ouvrages Sanscrits.

The SUSRUTA or System of Medicine taught by Dhanwantari and composed by his disciple Susruta. Vol. I. containing the three divisions called Sutra, Nidana and Sharira. Edited by Sri Madhusudana Gupta, teacher of medicine in the Sanscrit College and printed in order of the Education Committee at the Education press. English Era 1835. Saka 1757.

Vol. II. containing the three divisions called Chikitsa, Kalpa and Uttaratantra. Edited by Sri Madhusudana Gupta, formerly teacher of medicine in the Sanscrit College; now attached to the new medical college. Commenced under the auspices of the general Committee of Public Instruction; transferred to the Asiatic Society with other unfinished oriental works in 1835 and completed by the Asiatic Society in 1836. Calcutta (Bapt. Miss. pr.) 1836. 8. (562 pp.) [4249

Voy. Gildemeister. Pag. 149, No. 367. SUSRUTAS AYURVEDAS Id est Medicinae Systema a Venerabili Dhanvantare demonstratum a Susruta discipulo compositum. Nunc primum ex Sanskrita (sic) in Latinum sermonem vertit, introductionem, annotationes et rerum indicem adjecit Fr. Hessler. Erlangae (Enke) 1844. 8. (VIII. 206 pp.) [4250 Commentarii et annotationes in Susrutae Ayurvedam, auctore Fr. Hessler. Erlangae 1855. 8. 2 vols.


AYURVEDA DARPANA. Calcutta. Çakabda 1762. Sana 1247 (a. Chr. 1840). ibid. 1852.


Extraits de l'Ayurveda, Charak, Sursruta, en Sanscrit et Bengali, par Srinarayan Ray; en 3 cahiers.

ÇARIRA VIDYA, a sanskrit translation of Hooper's Anotomists Va-
demecum, by Madhu Sudana Gupta. Calcutta. . .
Voy. No. 3283 et Gildemeister pag. 151, No. 369.


B. Ouvrages Bengalis.

ATMARAKHYA. Calcutta 1849. (69 pp.)


Règles de santé, tirés du Nidan Shustra, par Raj Krishna Mukarjya.
Practice of Medicine, translated into



Bengali by P. Kumar. Calcutta 1854. (285 pp.) Traité sur la diagnose, les symptomes et le guérison des maladies. AUSHADH KALPABALI. London pharmacopoeia of 1836, translated into Bengali by Madhu Sudan Gupta. Calcutta 1849. (244 pp.)

AUSHUDH PRASTUT VIDEA. Calcutta 1854. (19 pp.)


Ouvrage de Pharmacie, en bengali, par S. C. Karmakar. On cite
aussi: Materia Medica, by S. C. Karmakar, for the use of the
students of the Bengali Medical Class, impr. à Calcutta; qui est,
peut être, le même ouvrage.

AUSHADH SAR SANGRAHA. (Calcutta ou Serampore?) 1819.
(95 pp.)

Traité sur l'application de différents drogues comme médicaments,
par Ram Komul Sen.

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Bachelor's Medical Guide. (En Bengali.) Calc. 1854. (358 pp.) [4260


Traité sur le guérison de différents maladies par le Dr. Bramlay,
publié en bengali par Uday C. Adea.

BRAMLY BAKRITA. 1836. (99 pp.)

CHARU PAT. Calcutta 1853. 2 vols. (104 et 102 pp.)


Ouvrage qui traite sur différents matières de l'histoire naturelle,
d'astronomie, géologie etc. par Akhay Kumar Dut.




Traité sur les symptomes et le guérison des maladies, par Madhu-
sudan Gupta.

DRABYEA GUNA. (Calcutta) 1855.


Ouvrage de médecine, trad. du sanscrit en bengali, par Ishwar
Chundra Bhattacharjyea. C'est probablement le même ouvrage qui
se trouve dans le General Catalogue sous le titre de » Dribyagoona-
bhidan, Medicine (on Diseases and their cure). «

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