
Rand, E. K. Milton in Rustication, Studies in Philology,

XIX (1922), pp. 109-135.

Robertson, John G. Milton's Fame on the Continent, Proceedings of the British Academy, 1908, pp. 319–410.

Routh, James. English Iambic Meter, Publications of the Modern Language Association, XL (1925), pp. 921-932. Sampson, Alden. Studies in Milton. New York, 1913. Saurat, Denis. Milton: Man and Thinker. New York, MacVeagh 1925.

Sherburn, George. The Early Popularity of Milton's Minor Poems, Modern Philology, XVII (1920), Nos. 5 and 9.

Smart, John S. Milton and the King's Prayer, the Review of English Studies, I (1925), p. 265.

The Sonnets of John Milton. Glasgow, Maclehose, 1921. Sotheby, Samuel Leigh. Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton. London, 1861.

Spaeth, S. Milton's Knowledge of Music. Princeton, 1913.

Stevens, David H. The Order of Milton's Sonnets, Modern Philology, XVII (1919), pp. 25-33

Studley, Marian H. Milton and his Paraphrases of the Psalms, Philological Quarterly, IV (1925), pp. 264-372. Telleen, John M. Milton dans la Litterature Française, Paris, 1904.

Thaler, Alvin. Milton in the Theatre, Studies in Philology, XVII (1920), pp. 269-308.

The Shakespearean Element in Milton, Publications of the Modern Language Association, XL (1925), pp. 645-691. Thompson, E. N. S. Milton's "Of Education," Studies in Philology, XX (1918), pp. 159-175.

Warren, William F. The Universe as Pictured in Milton's "Paradise Lost." New York, The Abingdon Press, 1915.


Watson, Foster. A Suggested Source of Milton's Tractate "Of Education." Nineteenth Century, LXVI (1909), pp. 607-617.

Wood, L. A. The Form and Origin of Milton's Antitrinitarian Conception. Heidelberg, 1911.

Woodhull, Marianna. The Epic of Paradise Lost. New York, Putnam's, 1907.

Wright, William Aldis, ed. Facsimile of the Manuscript of Milton's Minor Poems. Cambridge, The University Press, 1899.


249 ff.
Adam, Milton's, 157 ff., 162 ff.,

in Milton's verse,

Addison, Joseph, his critique on

Paradise Lost, 257.
Aeschylus, 236.

Allusions, Milton's, 238-239.
Andreini, Giovanni Battista, in-

fluence on Paradise Lost, 199.
Angels, Milton's, 159, 194.
Anglesey, Earl of, 43.
Anonymous Biography, The, 4;
quoted, 28-30, 38-39, 47-48.
Apocrypha, The, Miltonic use
of, 191.

Apology for Smectymnuus, An,
31, 63-64; extract from,
273 ff.

Apposition, in Milton's style,

Archaism, in Milton's style, 235.
Areopagitica, writing of, 32;
occasion of, 72 ff.; summar-
ized, 74-75; influence of, 75-
76; form of, 76.
Ariosto, Miltonic source, 205.
Aristotle, 56, 222.

Aubrey, John, his account of

Milton, discussed, 4; extracts
from, 44 ff.

Augustine, Saint, 178, 193.
Avitus, Saint, 196, 197.

Bacon, Sir Francis, 55.
Bentley, Richard, editor of
Milton, 264-265.

Bible, The, Milton's use of, 93,
190 ff.; résumé of in Para-
dise Lost, 169 ff.

Bion, pastoral tradition in, 132.
Blake, William, inspired by

Milton, 267; inverts Milton's
ethics, 267-268.

Blank verse, Miltonic, in eigh-
teenth century poetry, 261.
Blank verse paragraph, The,
its nature, 245.
Bodin, Jean, 188.
Boehme, Jakob, 185.
Bonomatthai, Benedetto, 20.
Breton, Nicholas, 119.
Bridges, Robert, 248.
Brown, William, 115-116.
Bruno, Giordano, 185.
Bucer, Martin, his argument
for divorce, 68.
Buchanan, George, 89, 188.
Burton, Robert, 119.

Byron, his Satan worship,

Cabala, The, Milton's knowl-
edge of, 185.

Caedmon, 197-198.

Caesura, in Milton's verse, 251-


Calvinism, Milton's relation to,
178, 186.
Cambridge Manuscript, The,
order of the poems in, 120-

121; contains plans for Para-
dise Lost, 142 ff.
Caryl, Joseph, 69.
Casa, Giovanni della, 137.
Castiglione, 133.

Catharsis, Milton's interpreta-
tion of, 222.

Chorus, function of in Samson,
224 ff.

Christ, Milton's view of, 112,
114, 180; in Paradise Lost,
155, 170, etc.; in Paradise
Regained, 182, 215 ff.
Christian Doctrine, Of, men-
tioned by Phillips, 24; divorce
in, 69; interpretation of the
fall in, 167; on the represen-
tation of God, 178; on the
duties of man, 183; compared
with Paradise Lost, 177;
heresy in, 180.

Civil Power in Ecclesiastical
Causes, Of, 40, 95.
Claudianus, 196.
Comenius, Joannes, 71.
Commonplace Book, Milton's,
67, 103, 177, 215.
Comus, Wotton's admiration of,
18-19; date and occasion of,
124 ff.; as a masque, 125 ff.;
theme of, 126; sources of,
127 ff.; adaptations of, 259.
Copernicus, Milton's knowledge
of his system, 163, 172.
Cowley, Abraham, 209.
Cowper, William, influence of
Milton on, 263.

Cromwell, Oliver, Milton's
praise of, 86; dissatisfied

with his attitude toward
establishment, 94-95; Moloch
and, 153.

Dante, his cosmology com-
pared with Milton's, 175; his
angelology, 194; Milton's ad-
miration of, 275, 277.

Davis, Dr., Milton plans mar-
riage with daughter, 27.
Davity, Pierre, his geography
used in Milton's school, 23.
Decorum, Milton's observance
of, 223.

Defence of the English People,
The, writing of, 36; account
of, 82 ff.

Defence of the English People,

The Second, extracts from,
8-9, 12, 13, 39 ff., 283 ff.; writ-
ing of, 37; account of,
84 ff.

Derby, Countess of, Arcades
written for, 122.

Diodati, Charles, Milton's let-
ter to, 16-18. See Epitaphium
Damonis, Latin Elegies, Son-


Diodati, Giovanni, 21.
Divorce pamphlets, The, writ-

ing of, 29; discussed, 65 ff.
Dryden, John, 45, 256; his epi-
gram on Milton, 258-259;
declares Satan hero of Para-
dise Lost, 268.

Du Bartas, La Semaine, Mil-
tonic source, 161, 198-199.
See Sylvester.

Du Moulin, Peter, real author
of The Cry of the King's
Blood, 84.

Dunster, Charles, 266.
Durie, James, 92.

Ecclesiastical tracts, The, writ-
ing of, 30; discussed, 59 ff.
Eden, Garden of, 157.
Education, Of, writing of, 32.
See Milton's prose works.
Egerton family, The, Comus
written for, 122-123.
Eikon Alethine, 81.

Eikon Basilike, its authorship,

Eikon Episte, 82.
Eikonoklastes, writing of, 34-
35, 36; discussed, 80 ff.
Elegy I, extract from,
See Elegies.


Elegy VI, 107, 141, 277.
Elegies, Milton's Latin, 105 ff.,

Elision, in Milton's verse, 247.
Ellwood, Thomas, 147, 212-213.
Enoch, Book of, 191.
Epitaphium Damonis, 107, 132,
142, 279.

Epithets, Compound, in Para-
dise Lost, 236.
Euripides, 129, 196, 225.
Evc, Milton's, 158 ff., 192.

Fathers, The Church, 192-193.
Featley, Daniel, Dippers Dipt,

Fisher, Elizabeth, her testimony

in will proceedings, 51-52.
Fletcher, Giles, III, 112, 113,

Fletcher, John, 119, 129.
Fletcher, Phineas, 109, 112, 207-
209, 215.

Galileo, Milton's visit to, 3;
Milton's knowledge of his
system, 172.

Geoffrey of Monmouth, 278.

[blocks in formation]

Hakewell, George, Apologie,
Hakluyt, Richard, Voyages, 101.
Hall, Joseph, his episcopal
tracts, 58, 63.

Harrington, James, ideas on
rotation adopted by Milton,

Havens, Raymond, 234, 261,

Hayley, William, 266.

Hebrew, studied in Milton's
school, 23.

Heimbach, Peter, Milton's let-
ter to, 44-45.

History of England, Milton's,
39, 42, 89 ff.

Hobbs, Thomas, Paradise Lost
an answer to, 186-187.
Hog, William, 266.

Hume, Patrick, editor of Mil-
ton, 264.

Hybris, Milton's use of, 196,

Iliad, The, 194 ff.

Inversion, in Milton's style, 234-

Jesuits, English, plot against
Milton, 21.

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