SCHROEDER (J. F. L.) ELEMENTA MATHESEOS SYLLABUS of the Differential and Integral Cal- A work of great depth: in much esteem abroad. SIMPSON'S Miscellaneous Tracts on Mechanics, Physical-Astronomy, and Speculative Mathematics, 3 plates, 1757-Landen's Mathematical Lucubrations, 5 plates, 1775-Landen's Residual Analysis, 1758-Hoadly and Wilson's Electrical Experiments, 1756-in 1 vol. 4to. calf, 14s Doctrine and Application of Fluxions; second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cuts, neat, 7s 6d 1776 1790 Treatise on Algebra, 8vo. neat, 4s SIMSON (R.) Sectionum Conicarum Libri V.; editio secunda, auctior, 4to. 39 plates, neat, 5s Edinb. 1750 Opera Reliqua (Geometrica,) cura J. Clow, 4to. portrait, thick paper, fine copy in calf gilt, marbled edges, scarce, £1. Is Glasg. Foulis, 1776 SMITH'S (G.) LABORATORY; or School of Arts; containing a large collection of valuable Secrets, Experiments, and Manual Operations in Arts and Manufactures, 2 vols. 8vo. with 41 plates, calf, neat, 10s 6d 1799 SMITH'S (Dr. R.) Compleat System of Opticks, 2 vols. 4to. plates, neat, 18s Camb. 1738 Cours Complet d'Optique, traduit de l'Anglois, avec des Additions considérables sur toutes les nouvelles Découvertes, par Pezenas, 2 vols. 4to. very neat in calf, with a 4to. atlas of 73 plates, hf. bd. 12s Avignon, 1767 OPTICKS, Elementary Parts of, for the Use of Students, royal 4to. 17 plates, sewed, 3s Camb. 1778 SOMERSET'S (Duke of) Treatise, in which the Elementary Properties of the Ellipse are deduced from the Properties of the Circle, 8vo. with diagrams, (pub. at 9s 6d) cloth bds. 5s 1842 the same, 12mo. cloth bds. 3s SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) MECHANISM 1843 OF THE HEAVENS, thick 8vo. bds. scarce, £2. 1831 the same, 8vo. cloth boards, Presentation copy of the Author to the Duke of Sussex, with her Autograph, £2. 2s 1831 Connexion of the Physical Sciences, 12mo. cloth boards, 7s 1835 1846 the same, seventh edition, 12mo. plates, cloth bds. 10s 6d SPRAT'S (Bp.) History of the Royal Society of London, third edition, sm. 4to. neat, 4s 1722 SQUIRES' (T.) Popular Grammar of the Elements of Astronomy, 18mo. 37 plates, neat, 3s 1820 STEVENSON'S (R.) Newton's Lunar Theory, exhibited Analytically, 8vo. plate, sewed, 1s 6d Camb. 1834 STURMII PHYSICA ELECTIVA, Sive Hypothetica, cum pref. Chr. Wolfii, 2 thick vols. 4to. plates, hf. bd. vellum, uncut, with the autograph of Wyttenbach on the title page, 14s Norimberga, 1697 Principles of Linear Perspective, by Colson, 13 plates, 1749-Hugenii de Terris Cœlestibus Conjecture, 5 plates, Hag. 1669-Priestley's Familiar Introduction to Electricity, 5 plates, 1769-Simpson's Trigonometry, 1765 -- in 1 vol. 8vo. half bound, 4s (M.) Tables of Logarithms of all Numbers from 1 to 101,000; and of the Sines and Tangents to every Second of the Quadrant; with a Preface and Precepts for the Explanation and Use of the same by N. Maskelyne, impl. 4to. very neat in calf, scarce, £2. 10s 1792 TAYLOR'S (Thos.) Theoretic Arithmetic, in 3 books, 8vo. cloth bds. 3s 6d 1816 TONSTALL (CUTHEBERT) DE ARTE SUPPUTANDI, 4to. woodcut title, by Holbein, old red morocco, £1. 11s 6d London, Pynson, 1522 From the Library of the Duke of Sussex. Relating wholly or in part to subjects of Natura ACTA ERUDITORUM (publicata Lipsia), ab anno the same, (publicata Lipsia), from the commencement in 1682 to 1694, 14 vols. 4to. neat, 14s Lipsia. - ACTA (NOVA) REGIE SOCIETATIS SCIENTIARUM UPSALIENSIS, 6 vols. 4to. 52 plates, bds. £1. 10s Upsal. 1795-99 Containing many valuable papers on subjects of Mathematics, Astronomy, Philology, Natural History, &c. – ASIATIC RESEARCHES; or Transactions of ATTI DELLA REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE ; TRANSACTIONS-continued. TRANSACTIONS-continued. BONONIENSIS SCIENTIARUM et Artium MEMOIRS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF Bulletin de LA SOCIÉTÉ D'ENCOURAGEMENT POUR-MEMORIAS DA ACADEMIA - BULLETIN (NOUVEAU) des Sciences, par la Société Paris. - GEOLOGICAL TRANSACTIONS.-See CLASS Natural History. GOTTINGEN TRANSACTIONS, viz. Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiæ Scientiarum Gottingensis, 1769-1777, 8 vols.-Commentationes, 1778-1808, 16 vols. (vol. 4 wanting)Commentationes Recentiores, 1808-1811-together 24 vols. 4to. plates, uncut, £5. Containing many valuable Physical, Mathematical, Philological, Historical, and Archæological Tracts, by Haller, M. Gesner, Meiners, Gatterer, Haller, and others. - HISTOIRE DE L'ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES ET DES BELLES LETTRES DE BERLIN, 19 vols. 4to. plates, hf. bd. £3. 13s 6d et Berlin, 1745-64 HORTICULTURAL TRANACTIONS-See CLASS Natural History. MEMOIRES DE L' INSTITUT NATIONAL des Sciences et des Arts, viz. ANCIEN INSTITUT: Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques, jusqu'en 1815, 19 vols.; Sciences Morales et Politiques, 5 vols.; Littérature et Beaux Arts, 5 vols.; Savans Etrangers, Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques, 2 vols.; Base du Systême Métrique Décimal, par Delambre, 3 vols. (this portion is often deficient in sets; Recueil d'Observations Géodésiques, Astronomiques et Physiques, faisant suite au troisième volume de la Base du Système Métrique, par Biot et Arago, 1 vol.; Rapports sur les Progrès des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques et sur les Progrès de l'Histoire et de la Littérature Ancienne, depuis 1789, par Cuvier, Delambre Dacier, 3 vols.; Rapport sur le Concours pour les Prix Décennaux, 1 vol.; NOUVELLE DIVISION, Academie Royale des Sciences, années 1816 à 1832, 11 vols.; Savans Etrangers, Académie des Sciences, 2 vols. ; Histoire et Littérature Ancienne sous ce titre jusqu'au 4e vol. et depuis sous le titre d'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, années 1815 à 1827, 8 vols.-together 60 vols. 4to. plates, (pub. at upwards of £80.) bds. uncut, (from the Duke of Sussex's Library) £25. Paris, 1798-1832 - another set, viz. Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques, 18 vols.; Sciences Morales et Politiques, 5 vols.; Littérature et Beaux Arts, 5 vols.; Savans Etrangers, 2 vols.; Base du Système Métrique décimale, par Delambre, 3 vols.; Histoire et Littérature Ancienne, 2 vols. ; in all 35 vols. 4to. bds. £12. 12s ib. 179-1815 - another set, viz. Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques, 18 vols; Savans Etrangers, 2 vols. -together 20 vols. 4to. plates, hf. bd. calf, £7.75 ib. 1798-1824 Sciencias de Lisboa, 11 vols. folio, sewed, £7. 17s 6d Lisboa, 1797-1831 -PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE,from its commencement in June 1798, to December 1820, comprehending the various branches of Science, the liberal and fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, by Alex.Tilloch, 56 vols. 8vo. plates, neatly hf. bd. £6. 6s 1798-1820 the same, from the commencement in June 1798, to June 1825, together 65 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. bd. calf, £8. 8s 1798-1820 - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS of the ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, from the commencement in 1665 to 1750, abridged by Lowthorp, Jones, and others; with the Trans. actions at Large, from 1751, (vol. 47) to 1803, (vol. 94) and Maty's Index to the first 70 vols. -in all 67 vols. 4to. plates, uniform in calf, £25. 1722-1803 the same, from 1804 to 1838 inclusive, bound in 33 vols. 4to. plates, neat in calf, £21. 1804-1838 This series happens to be exactly the continuation of the preceding, and together they would form the set complete to 1838. the same, for 1818 to 1840 inclusive, 24 vols. 4to. plates, hf. bd. calf, £15. 1818-1840 the same, from 1793 to 1803, in 22 parts, 4to. plates, sewed, £4. 4s the same, for 1788, pt. 2; 1789, pt. 1; 1791 pt. 2; 1794, pt. 2; 1798; 1800, pt. 1; 4to. plates, bds. £1. 5s the same, for 1808 and 1809, 2 vols. 4to. plates, russia extra, £1. 1s -the same, for 1821 to 1827, pt. 1, inclusive; 1836, pt. 1; 1837, pt. 1; 1838, pt. 2; 1842, pts. 1, £5.5s - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY of LONDON, from the commencement in 1665 to 1800, abridged, with Notes and Biographical Illustrations, by Drs. Hutton, Shaw, and Pearson, 18 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, many plates, (pub. at £42. 10s in bds.) very neat in brown calf, £8. 18s 6d bds. 15s 1809 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from its Institution in 1665 to 1735, abridged by Baddam, 10 vols. 8vo. plates, 1739-41 Philosophical History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; the Papers relating to Natural Philosophy, translated and abridged by Martyn and Chambers, 5 vols. 1742 8vo. plates, bds. uncut, 15s HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. TRANSACTIONS-continued. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL 4to. plates, some coloured, (pub. at £14. 14s) in - TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITE RATURE-See English Books. TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, MANU- the same, from 1783 to 1836, 51 vols. in 26, 8vo. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY of EDIN- TRANSACTIONS of the MILAN ACADEMY: Opus- Milano, 1778-1801 TRANSACTIONS OF THE BATAVIAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, at Haarlem: Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Bataafsche Maatschappy der Weten schappen, 5 vols. 8vo. with 62 folding plates, cloth bds. £1.10s TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORWAY ASSOCIATION, at Amst. 1799-1809 Drontheim: Schriften der Drontheimischen Gesellschaft, 4 vols. in 3, 8vo. with 47 plates, chiefly of Natural History, hf. hd. calf, 10s 6d TURNER'S (E.) Elements of Chemistry, thick Kopenhagen, 1765-70 8vo. cuts, (pub. at £1. 1s) hf. bd. calf, 9s 1831 TYCHONIS BRAHE Astronomiæ instauratæ Mechanica, folio, plates, calf, 10s 6d Noribergia, 1602 URE'S Philosophy of Manufactures, being an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral, and Commercial Economy of Great Britain, second edition, enlarged, 8vo. with wood-cuts and steel plates, (pub. at 10s 6d) extra cloth bds. 7s Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain, Syste1835 matically investigated and illustrated by 150 original Figures on wood and steel; with an Introductory View of its comparative state in Foreign Countries, drawn chiefly from personal survey, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £1. Is) extra cloth bds. 12s Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, 1836 containing a clear exposition of their rinciples and practice, thick 8vo. illustrated with 1240 engravings on wood, cloth bds. £2. 10s VETERUM MATHEMATICORUM, (Athenæi, 1843 Apollodori, Philonis, Bitonis, Heronis, et aliorum) Opera, Gr. et Lat. (studio Boivin, Thevenot, et De la Hire), folio, neat, £1. 11s 6d VIETE Opera Mathematica, studio Schooten, fol. Paris, 1693 old calf, 78 6a L. Bat. Elzevirii, 1646 Canon Mathematicus, seu, ad Triangula, cum Appendicibus. Item Canonion Triangulorum Laterum Rationalium, unà cum Universalium Inspectionum ad Canonem Mathematicum libro singulari, folio, neat, £2.5s Lutet. Par. 1579 Very rare. Dr. Hutton says that "the copies of this work are so rare, that he never saw one besides that which was in his own possession, nor ever met with any other person at all acquainted with such a book." VINCE'S (Professor) Complete System of As tronomy, 3 vols. royal 4to. plates, (pub. at £6. 6s) half bound russia, £1. 18s Cambridge, 1797-1808 the same, 3 vols. in 4, 4to. plates, neat in calf, £1. 18s ib. 1797-1808 Elements of Astronomy, 8vo. bds. 4s ib. 1810 Elements of the Conic Sections, as preparatory to the Reading of Sir I. Newton's Prin cipia, 8vo. 3 plates, sewed, 28 ib. 1781 Treatise on practical Astronomy, royal 4to. 8 plates, calf, 7s ib. 1790 WALLIS'S (John) English Works, viz. Treatise of Algebra; Cono-Cuneus, or the Shipwright's Circular Wedge; Treatise of Angular Sections; with Caswell's Doctrine of Trigonometry, folio, portrait, &c. old calf, 5s 1685 WARING, MEDITATIONES ALGEBRAICE, Cant. 1782 -MEDITATIONES ANALYTICE, ib. 1785-Proprietates Algebraicarum Curvarum, ib. 1772— 3 vols. in 2, 4to. very neat in calf, rare, £1. 10s Meditationes Analyticæ, 4to. bds. 16s Cantab. 1785 Equationibus ib. 1762 Miscellanea Analytica, de Algebraicis et Curvarum Proprietatibus, 4to. 3 plates, very neat in calf', 18s WATSON'S (R. Bp. of Llandaff) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. 12mo. Etruscan calf, gilt edges, bound by Edwards of Halifax, fine set, 15s 1787-89 WESLEY'S Compendium of Natural Philosophy, WHEWELL'S (Rev. W.) Astronomy and General 3 vols. 12mo. (Family Lib.) cloth boards, 10s 6d 1836 Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology, 8vo. (Bridgewater Treatise), cloth bds. 98 6d 1833 History of the Inductive Sciences, from the earliest to the present Times, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. £1. 18s 1837 Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences founded upon their History, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, £1. 8s Treatise of Dynamics: Vol. 1. On the Free 1840 Motion of Points, and on Universal Gravitation, including the principal Propositions of Books 1. and III. of the Principia-Vol II. On the Motion of Points Constrained and Resisted, and on the Motion of a Rigid Body2 vols. 8vo. 9 plates, new edition, (pub. at £1.3s) bds. 15s Camb. 1832-34 Introduction to Dynamics, containing the Laws of Motion, 8vo. 2 plates, sewed, 2s 6d Elementary Treatise on Mechanics; 6th ediib. 1832 tion, with Improvements and Additions, 8vo. 9 plates, bds. 6s ib. 1841 First Principles of Mechanics, with Historical and Practical Illustrations, 8vo. bds. 4s 6d ib. 1832 Analytical Statics. Fourth Edition of an Elementary Treatise on A Supplement to the Machanics, 8vo. 3 plutes, bds. 6s ib. 1833 Doctrine of Limits, with its Applications; namely, Conic Sections, the first three Sections of Newton, the Differential Calculus, 8vo. bds. 6s ib. 1838 1802 WHISTON (Gul.) Prælectiones Astronomica; WOOD'S Elements of Algebra; designed for the PERSPECTIVE-See p. 216. WOOD AND VINCE'S Complete Course of Treatise on Astronomy, Theoretical and Prac- 1818 Plane and Physical Astronomy, together Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 8vo. (pub. at 12s) bds. 5s YOUNG'S (T.) COURSE OF LECTURES ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, and the Mechanical Arts, 2 vols. 4to. many plates, some coloured, boards, scarce, £4.4s 1807 (J. R.) Elements of the Differential Calculus; comprehending the General Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature, 12mo. (pub. at 8s) cloth bds. 4s 1831 Z METAPHYSICS, Moral Philosophy, Schoolmen, Eisionaries, Free-Thinkers, Mystics. The Essayists and subjects of Morals and Education, popularly treated, will in general be found in the Miscellaneous Classes. AHRENS, Cours de Philosophie; partie contenant: la Psychologie, 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s Paris, 1838 ALBERTI MAGNI Opera, edente Jammy, 21 vols. ALES (Alex. de)-See Latin Miscellanies. ib. 1817 ANDRONICUS RHODIUS-See Gr. et Lat. Classics. ARISTOTLE'S WORKS and Commentaries thereonSee Classics. ASTROLOGY-See page 302. AYLEWORTH (Guil. Anglus), Metaphysica Scholastica, in qua Philosophiæ et Theologiæ difficultates elucidantur, folio, vellum, 15s Colon. 1675 BACON'S WORKS-See English Books. BARCHOU DE PENHOEN (Le Baron) Histoire de la Philosophie Allemande, depuis Leibnitz jusqu'à Hegel, 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 12s Paris, 1836 BATTEUX, Histoire des Causes Premières, ou Exposition sommaire des Pensées des Philosophes sur les Principes des Etres, 8vo. very neat, 3s 6d ib. 1769 BAYLE, Oeuvres Diverses, 4 vols. folio, very neat, in old gilt calf, £2. 2s La Haye, 1727-37 1817 the same, and Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. ninth edition, 1820, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, marbled edges, 18s BEHMEN'S (Jacob) Works, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, with Figures illustrating his Principles. Left by the Rev. W. Law, 4 vols. 4to. neut, £4. 14s 6d 1764-81 BENTHAM'S Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, (pub. at £1. 1s) bds. 14s 1823 BERGIER, Examen du Materialisme ou Rétutation du Système de la Nature, 2 vols. 12mo. veau fauve, 12s Paris, 1772 BERKELEY'S (Bp.) Works-See English Books. 1752 Alciphron, or, the Minute Philosopher, an Apology for the Christian Religion against Free-Thinkers, 8vo. neat, 3s BOSANQUET'S New System of Logic, 8vo. bds. 7s BOYLE'S WORKS- See Physics. 1839 BROWN'S (John) Essays on the Characteristics of the Earl of Shaftesbury, 8vo. calf, 3s 6d 1751 BROWN'S (Dr. Thomas) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 4 vols. 8vo. bds. £2. Edinb. 1845 the same, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. with a Memoir by Welsh, fourteenth edition, bds. 16s ib. 1844 the same, 8vo. calf extra, £1. "An inestimable book."-Dr. Parr. ib. 1830 the same, 8vo. calf gilt, 15s 1835 "If ever there was a system which deserved the appellation of intelligible, compact, consistent, simple, this is the one.”—N. A. Quarterly Review. BRUCKERI Historia Critica Philosophiæ, 6 vols. 4to. portrait, fine paper, very neat in Dutch vellum, £3. 13s 6d Lips. 1742-67 the same, 6 vols. 4to. hf. bd. old calf, £3.38 ib. 1767 Both these editions contain exactly the same." Miscellanea Historia Philosophicæ Literariæ Criticæ, 8vo. neat, 5s Aug. Vind. 1748 the same, vellum, 5s ib. 1748 |