Spanish Law-continued. Spanish Law-continued. AGRARIAN LAW.-Quaderno de Leyes y Privilegios del honrado Concejo de la Mesta, con Indice y Concordantes de Leyes Reales, &c. 3 vols. in 1, folio, neat, 7s 6d Madrid, 1731 This is the collection of privileges granted to the corporation of Sheep-owners. Sisternes, Idea de la Ley Agraria Española, sm. 4to. calf, gilt edges, silk insides, 4s 6d Valencia, 1786 ALBORNOZ (Bartolomé de) Arte de los Contractos, folio, the title damaged, limp vellum, 3s 6d ib. 1573 - CAMPOMANES' LAW OF MORTMAIN. Tratado de la Regalia de Amortizacion, en el qual se demuestra el uso constante de la autoridad civil para impedir las ilimitadas enangenaciones de bienes raizes en Iglesias, Comunidades y otras manos muertas; con una noticia de las leyes fundamentales de la monarquia española sobre este punto, folio, red morocco, gilt edges, royal arms on the sides, 18s Madrid, 1765 - CAPMANY Costumbres Marit.-See Spanish Books. · CASTRO (Alcaraz) Instruccion del metodo y practica de los Quatro Juicios, Civil Ordinario Sumario de Particion, Executivo y General de Concurso de Acreedores, 4to. limp vellum, 6s Madrid. 1794 -CONSTITUTIONS y altres Drets de Cathalunya, compilats en virtut del Capitol de Cort LXXXII, &c. 3 vols. in 1, large thick folio, finely printed, vellum, £1. 16s Barcelona, 1704 A valuable collection of the laws and usages of Catalonia, of which Brunet appears to have had no knowledge: see his description of the first edition of a portion of it, discovered in the Bibliothèque of San Geneviève; Nouvelles Recherches, p. 368. Valued by Salva at £5. 5s: see his Catalogue, part 2, article Cortes. - CORTES.-Actos de Cortes del Reyno de Aragon, con todas las Annotaciones y Escolios de Fueros, &c. A los quales se han añadido los Actos de Corte de Monçon Taraçona, etc. folio, limp vellum, 10s 6d Caragoçu, 1608 the same, folio, limp vellum, 7s 6d ib. 1664 Fueros de Santa Maria de Albarrazin, de Teruel, de la Villa de Mosqueruela, e de otras Villas convezinas, folio, fine copy, vellum, rare, Valencia, 1531 Fueros de Aragon, folio, fine copy in limp vellum, very rare, £2.2s Caragoça, 1548-94 15s This copy has all the parts, including the "Union y Concordia general," which is usually wanting. DE ARAGON, CARAGOCA, 1624, with several Supplements in Latin and Spanish, printed at different times up to 1661, in one thick volume folio, Spanish binding, rare, £1.8s - FUEROS de Guipuzcoa, folio, fine copy, very neat, rare, £1. 1s Tolosa, 1696 FUERO JUZGO, en Latin y Castellano, publicado por la Real Academia Española, folio, best edition. hf. bd. calf, £2. 2s Madrid, Ibarra, 1815 "The Visigothic Code, Fuero Juzgó, (Forum Judicnm) originally compiled in Latin, was translated into Spanish under St. Ferdinand. This compilation, notwith-tanding the apparent rudeness and even ferocity of some of its features, may be said to have formed the basis of all the subsequent legislation of Castile," Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. FUEROS DE NAVARRA, desde su Creacion hasta su feliz Union con el de Castilla, y Recopilacion de las Leyes promulgadas desde dicha Union, thick folio, with a curious large plate of the Coronation of the King of Navarre. limp vellum, rare, £1. Is Pamplona, 1686 - Fuero Real de Espana, DILIGENTE- Madrid, 1569 "At the head of these distinguished jurisconsults, undoubtedly must be placed Dr. Alfonso Diaz de Montalvo, noticed more than once in the course of this History. He illustrated three successive reigns by bis labours, which he continued to the close of a long life, and after he had become blind. The Catholic sovereigns highly appreciated his services, and settled a pension on him of 30,000 maravedies.' " Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. - FUEROS. FORI REGNI VALENTIÆ, 2 vols. in 1, Valentia, Jo. de Mey, 1547-48-Furs e Actes de Cort de Valencia, 1537-1626, 8 parts, bound in 2 very large thick volumes, folio, vellum, £4. 14s 6d Valencia, 1545-1635 A very remarkable collection of these important Fueros de Valencia. It has evidently belonged to some great jurist or public office, being filled with VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT NOTES. - FUEROS. Ginart, Reportori general dels Furs de Valencia fins les Corts del Any 1604, sm. 4to. wormed, calf neat, 7s 6d Valencia, Mey, 1608 In the Valencian dialect. At the end of this volume is Reportori dels Furs de les Corts de Monço de 1626, anadditional treaty in Manuscript, upwards of two centuries old. Mr. Salva valued this copy in his catalogue at £1. 11s. 6d. 3s - HEVIA BOLANOS (Juan de) Curia filípica quo trata de los Juicios civiles y criminales y de la Mercancía y Contratacion de Tierra y Mar, in 1, folio, limp vellum, 7s 6d Madrid, 1700 INSECULACION y Ordinaciones de la Comunidad de Teruel y Villa de Mosqueruela, por el Doctor Jeseph de Sesse, folio, limp vellum, Zaragoça, 1625 Leyes de todos los Reynos de Castilla abreviadas e reducidas en forma de Reportorio decisivo por la Orden del A. B. C. por Hugo de Celso. Valladolid, 1538 —Noba Lectura sibe Declaratio Legum Caurinarum, edita a Michaele de Cifuentes, Salmanticæ, Jo. de Junta, 1536-2 vols. in 1, folio, fine copy, vellum, rare, £1. 5s The first portion alone is valued by Salva at £3.3s. ORDENANZAS de la Ciudad de Murcia, folio, limp vellum, 3s 6d Murcia, 1695 etc. de los Señores Reyes Catholicos, y Emperador Don Carlos, Filipe II. y III. concernientes a la facil administracion de la justicia, y buena governacion de la Ciudad de GRANADA, thick folio, limp vellum, 7s 6d Granada, 1601 Ordenances Realles de Castilla; por las quales primaremente se an de librar todos os Pleytos Civiles y Criminales, folio, limp vellum, 7s 6d Burgos, Juan de Junta, 1536 Salva values this at £2. 28. Spanish Law-continued. RECOPILACION, (NUEVA) LAS LEYES DE, 3 vols. folio, fine paper, Spanish binding, scarce, £3. 13s 6d Madrid, 1775 The great code of Spanish Laws, valuable to civilians. - RECOPILACION. Juicio critico de la Novisima Recopilacion, por Martinez Marina, small 4to. sewed, 7s ib. 1820 - RECOPILACION de los reales Privilegios, Cedulas, Sentencias, y Declarationes, a favor de la fidelissima Ciudad de Alcudia, Lat. y Espan. folio, vellum, 4s 6d Alcudia, 1743 RECOPILACION detodas las Cedulasy Ordenes reales, que desde el año 1708 se ban dirigido à la Ciudad de Zaragoza, folio, vellum, 10s 6d Zaragoza, 1730 SIETE (LAS) PARTIDAS del Rey D. Alonzo el Sabio, glossadas por GREGORIO LOPEZ; con Indice de las Leyes y Glosas, vols. royal folio, vellum, £2. 12s 6d Salamanca y Valladolid, 1576-87 the same, 4 vols. in 3, royal folio, wormed; very neat in calf, £1. 11s 6d Madrid, 1611 the same, 4 vols. royal folio, uncut, £5. 5s ib. 1789 the same, 4 vols. royal folio, limp vellum, from the library of the late Duke of Sussex, £5. 10s ib. 1789 "Edition la plus belle que l'on ait de cet ancien corps de droit espagnol." Salva values this edition at £11. 11s. and says that copies have already become very scarce. - TRATADOS DE PAZ. Coleccion de los Tratados de Paz, Alianza, Neutralidad, Garantia, Proteccion, Tregua, Mediacion, Accesion, Reglamento de Limites, Comercio Navegacion, &c. hechos por los Pueblos, Reyes, y Principes de España, con los Pueblos, Reyes, Principes, &c. de Europa, y otras Partes del Mundo. (A. D. 1598-1700) fielmente sacados de los Originales por D. Joseph Antonio de Abreu y Bertodano, 12 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, neat in calf, (excepting vols. 1 and 2, which are small paper, and unbound) Madrid, 1740-52.—Prontuario de los Tratados de Paz, 4 vols. 12mo. Madrid, 174952, sewed-together 12 vols. folio, and 4 vols. 12mo. £5.5 A complete set of this important collection of Spanish State Papers. Ebert mentions only the 12 vols, which he values at 360 riz dollars, usually considered equivalent at upwards of SEVENTY POUNDS; but it is evident the small vols. are a necessary part of the series. STAUNTON'S (Sir G. T.) Ta Tsing Leu Lee, being the Fundamental Laws, and a Selection from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China, translated from the Chinese, and accompanied with an Appendix of authentic Documents and Notes, royal 4to. engraved facsimile, (pub. at £3. 3s) bds. £1. 1s 1810 STEPHEN'S Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions, fourth edition, 8vo. (pub. at 18s) bds. 9s 1838 STRANGE'S Elements of Hindu Law; referable to British Judicature in India, 2 vols. royal 8vo. calf extra, marbled edges, £1.7s 1825 SUTHERLAND'S Dattaka-Mimansâ and DattakaChandrika, two original Treatises on the Hindu Law of Adoption, translated from the Sanscrit, 8vo.calf extra, morocco grained calf, broad borders, Madras, 1825 15s 1769 1769 the same, 4to. bright calf gilt, 18s TAYLER'S LAW GLOSSARY, an Alphabetical explanation of the Latin, Greek, Norman, French, and other Terms which occur in Legal Forms, 8vo. (pub. at 9s) cloth, 5s 1833 TAYLOR'S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, interspersed with a copious selection of curious and instructive cases at Coroners' Inquests, with an Analysis of the legal and medical Opinions delivered there, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1843 TERMES de la Ley, or certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common and statute Laws expounded and explained, 8vo. very neat, 3s 6d 1721 TERRASSON, Histoire de la Jurisprudence Ro maine, folio, scarce, 15s Paris, 1750 Highly praised by Gibbon. TEX (C. A. Den) Encyclopædia Jurisprudentiæ, 8vo. hf. bound russia, marb. edges, 10s 6d Amst. 1839 THAMES, GRIFFITHS on the Jurisdiction and Conservacy of the, with a Description of the Fish, &c. 8vo. neat, 3s 1746 THOMPSON, Juris Quiritium vetustissimi Reliquiæ, 18mo. bds. 1s 6d Ayr, 1831 THORPE's Ancient Laws of England-See Language, Anglo-Saxon. TOLLER on the Law of Tithes, 8vo. bis. 3s 6d 1816 TOMLIN'S LAW DICTIONARY. Fourth edition. with extensive additions embodying the whole of the recent Alterations in the Law, by T. C. Granger, 2 vols. 4to. bds. (pub. at £4. 4s) £3. 3s 1835 the same, 2 vols. 4to. law calf, £3. 13s 6d TOULLIER, Le Droit Civile Français avec une Table générale; cinquième edition, 15 vols. (complete)- Continuation par J. B. Duvergier, 5 vols., together 20 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £10.) £4. 4s Paris, 1839 TREATIES. General Collection of Treaties, Declarations of War, and other Public Papers relating to Peace and War, from 1648 to the present time, 8vo. nent, 3s 6d 1710 - ALMON'S Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance, and Commerce between Great Britain and other Powers, from the Revolution in 1688 to the present time, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, 7s 1772 This copy has successively belonged to Sir James Mackintosh and the Duke of Bedford. another copy, 2 vols. 8vo. very neat, 7s 1772 12mo. vellum, 3s Lugd. Bat. 1653 VOCKESTAERT, Dissert. hist. jurid. de L. Cornelio Sulla Legislatore, 8vo. sewed, 3s 6d TREATIES. General Collection of Treaties, Decla- | VINNII Selectarum Juris Quætionum libri II.. rations of War, Manifestos, and other Public Papers relating to Peace and War, from 1648 to 1731, 4 vols. 8vo. old calf, 8s 1732 CHALMERS' Treaties, from 1259 to 1788-See Ante. of the Spaniards-See Spanish Law. TRIALS-See English Books. ib. 1816 VOET, Commentarius ad Pandectas, 2 vols. folio, vellum, £1. 11s 6d Hage, 1723 WAMESII Responsa sive Consilia de Jure Pontificio, 2 vols. folio, portrait, old calf, 15s Lovanii, 1643 WELLS' Bedford Level-See page 238. WHEATON'S Elements of International Law, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 16s 1836 IN-WILKINS, Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ ecclesiasticæ et civiles (cum Vers. Lat.) acced. Leges Edvardi (Confess.) Latina, Guilielmi Conquest. GalloNormannicæ, et Henrici I. Latinæ : subjungitur Spelmanni Codex Legum veterum Statutorum Regni Angliæ ab. Guiliel. I. ad annum nonum Henr. III. folio, with a few Manuscript Notes, WOTTONI Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu calf, £1. 16s Lond. 1721 Leges Wallica Hoeli Boni, &c. (Welsh and Latin, with a Glossary, folio, very neat, £2. 2s TUSCAN Criminal Law: Edict of the Grand VATTEL, le Droit des Gens, ou Principes de la the same, royal 8vo. fourth edition, hf. bound russia, marbled edges, 14s 1811 the same, 8vo. WITH MANY CURIOUS AND INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT NOTES BY THE DUKE OF SUSSEX, law calf, £2. 2s 1811 VICAT, Vocabularium Juris Utriusque, ex variis ante editis, præsertim ex Scoti, Kabl, Brissonii, et Heineccii Accessionibus, editio secunda, auctior, 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. hf. bound, 18s Neapoli, 1760 A valuable and much esteemed work, useful as well to the general scholar as to the jurist. Gibbon studied the Law of Nature and Nations under Vicat, whom he calls a "professor of learning and reputation." VINNII OPERA, viz. Institutionum Imperialium Commentarius, recensuit, notulasque adjecit J. G. Heineccius, Tractatus quinque: 1. Jurisprudentiæ Contractæ, sive Partitiones Juris Civilis; 2. de Pactis; 3. de Jurisdictione; 4. de Collationibus ; 5. de Transactionibus -together 3 vols. in 2, 4to. vellum, £1. 4s Lugd. 1747-48 MEDICINE, Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Phrenology, Pharmacy, &c. ABERCROMBIE'S Pathological and Practical | and Introductory Surgical Observations on the Constitutional Origin, and Treatment of Local Diseases, and on Aneurisms, 1814-Physiological Lectures, 1817-2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 6s 1780 ACCUM'S Treatise on Adulterations of Food and The above is a complete set of all the Anatomical ALEXIS OF PIEDMONT, his Secretes, contayning excellent remedies agaynste divers Dyseases; with the manner to make Dystillations, Perfumes, Confectures, Colours, Fusions, Meltings, &c. translated by Ward and Androse, 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. BLACK LETTER, calf, 1568-69 gilt edges, fine copy, £1. 18s the same, 4 parts in 1 vol. wanting all before page 8, in the first part, and the last leaf of the fourth, 8s 1595 ALIBERT, TRAITE DES MALADIES DE LA PEAU, observées à l'Hospital Saint-Louis, et Exposition des meilleures Méthodes suivies pour leur Traitement, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. with 53 finely coloured plates, (pub. at £10. 10s) morocco extra, Brux. 1825 gilt edges, by Lewis, £3. 13s 6d NOSOLOGIE NATURELLE, ou les Maladies du Corps Humain, distribuées par Familles; in one large volume, impl. 4to. portrait and 33 coloured Paris, 1838 plates, hf. bd. calf, £1. 10s Eloges historiques (de Spallanzani, Galvani, etc.) composés pour la Societé Médicale de Paris; suivis d'un discours sur les rapports de la Médicine avec les Sciences Physiques et Morales, 8vo. blue morocco, gilt edges, 9s ib. 1806 AMESBURY'S Remarks on the Nature and Treat ment of Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, (pub. at £1. 5s) bds. 1831 14s ANDRAL, Cours de Pathologie Interne, recueilli et redigé par A. Latour, 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, 18s Paris, 1837 ANNESLEY'S (Sir Jas.) ON THE DISEASES OF INDIA, their Causes, Nature, and Treatment, and of Warm Climates, 2 vols. imperial 4to. with 40 large and beautiful coloured plates of Morbid Structures, (pub. at £14. 14s) hds. £7.7s ARETEUS-See Greek and Latin Classics. ARNOLD'S (F.) Kopftheil des Vegetativen Nervensystems beim Menschen, 4to. 20 anatomical engravings of the nervous system of the Head, Heidelb. 1831 (pub. at £1.10s) bds. 10s 6d AYRE'S Pathological Researches into the Origin, Nature, and Treatment of Dropsy, and its Cure under a new Treatment, 8vo. (pub. at 9s) 1829 bds. 3s 6d 1828 BAILLIE'S Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d 1793 BARDSLEY'S Medical Reports, chiefly derived 1749 1845 An exceedingly cheap, elegant, and valuable work, necessary to every medical practitioner. BATEMAN AND WILLAN ON CUTANEOUS DISEASES, a Series of Delineations exhibiting the Characteristic Appearance of the principal Genera and Species comprised in the Classification of the late Dr. Willan, with a completion of the Series of Engravings begun by that Author, 4to. containing 72 plates, beautifully and very accurately coloured under the superintendence of an eminent Professional Gentleman, hf. bd. morocco extra, top edges gilt, (pub. at £12. 12s) £5. 5s 1840 the same, a second hand copy, rather soiled, half bound, £4, 4s "Dr. Bateman's valuable work has done more to extend the knowledge of cutaneous diseases than any other that has ever appeared.”—Dr. A. T. Thomson. on the Diseases of London, 8vo. cloth, (pub. at 9s) 3s 6d 13s 1819 Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases according to the arrangement of Dr. Willan, exhibiting a concise View of the Diagnostic Symptoms and the Method of treatment, edited by Dr. A.T. Thomson, 8vo. coloured plate, cloth, 1836 BATHS. MARTELLI, delle Acque Caje ovvero de' Bagni di Viterbo, 4to. plate, richly bound in old red morocco, gilt edges, 5s Roma, 1777 BEDDOES' Observations on the management of the Consumptive; on the Cure of Schrophula; and on Digitalis Purpurea, 8vo. hf. bd. 2s 6d 1801 BELL'S (Sir Charles) Illustrations of the Great Operations of Surgery, Trepan, Hernia, Amputation, Aneurism, and Lithotomy, folio, with 20 COLOURED PLATES, (pub. at £5. 5s) hf. bd. morocco, £1. 10s 1821 Engravings of the Arteries, royal 8vo. coloured plates, (pub. at £1. 1s) bds. 10s 6d 1824 Exposition of the Natural System of the Nerves of the Human Body, 8vo. with 2 large plates, bds. 7s 1824 (John and Charles) Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, (pub. at £2. 12s 6d in bds.) calf extra, £1. 8s 1829 BELL'S Kalogynomia, or the Laws of Female Beauty, 8vo. with 16 of the plates of Anatomy, bds, scarce, £1. Is 1821 BENDZ de Connexu inter Nervum Vagum et Accessorium Willisii, 4to. 3 plates, sewed, 3s Haun. 1836 BIBLIOGRAPHY. - Bernstein's Medico-Chirurgische Bibliothek; a Classed Catalogue of Medico-Chirurgical Works published in Europe, from 1750 to 1828, (in German) thick 8vo. sd. 10s 6d Frankf. 1829 BIBLIOTHECA Anatomica, Medica, &c.containing a Description of the several parts of the Body, each done by some eminent Physician or Chirurgeon, wherein are all the Tracts of Use contained in the Bibliotheca Anatomica of Mangetus; and many others, 3 vols. 4to. plates, neat, 9s 1711-14 BICHAT, Anatomie Générale, appliquée à la Physiologie et à la Médecine, 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s Paris, 1812 BIENVILLE'S Nymphomania; a Dissertation on the Furor Uterinus and its Remedies, translated by D. Wilmot, 8vo. calf, 78 1775 BISCHOFF, Experimenta Chemico-physiologica de BLANCARDI Lexicon Medicum, editio Schulzii, Respiratione, 4to. sewed, 2s Heidelb. 1837 (a Polyglott Dictionary: Latin, Greek, German, Dutch, French, English, etc.) 8vo. calf, 5s Lovanii, 1754 -Lexicon Medicum, editio novissima, multum emendata et aucta a Kühn, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 16s BLUMENBACH'S Short System of Comparative Lips. 1832 Anatomy, translated by W. Lawrence, with numerous additional Notes, 8vo. neat, scarce, 12s 1807 the same, translated by Lawrence, edited by Coulson, 8vo. plates, bds. 12s 1827 Collectiones suæ Craniorum diversarum Gentium illustratæ, 7 parts complete, 4to. 65 plates, sewed, 18s Gott. 1793-1828 Specimen Physiologia Comparatæ, 4to. plate, sewed, 2s 1789 Institutiones Physiologica, edit. quarta, 8vo. Gottinga, 1821 Elements of Physiology, translated by Dr. Elliotson, fourth edition, 8vo. bds. 6s sewed, 4s 1828 BLUNDELL'S (Dr.) PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF OBSTETRIC MEDICINE; comprising the Structure of the Female Generative System; the Process of Parturition in all its Details; the After-Management of the Puerperal State; the Physiology and Diseases of the Unimpregnated Generative System; and the Physiology of Conception, and Diseases of Utero-gestation. NEW EDITION, carefully revised and corrected, with numerous Additions and Notes by DR. ROGERS and ALEX. LEe, very thick vol. 8vo. (1172 pages) (pub. at f.1. 4s) extra cloth, 12s 1846 This new and greatly enlarged edition of Dr. Blundell's excellent work should be called a "CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL MIDWIFERY,' the additions are so extensive and judicious. Every author of eminence has been taxed in its preparation, and yet the materials have been arranged and combined in the most skilful manner, and with the utmost clearness, conciseness, and intelligibility. It is entitled to our warmest recommendation, as the contribution of one of our best teachers on the subject, and one who to the most extensive practical knowledge added a classic elegance of style...... The introduction by Dr. M. Hall, on Puerperal Diseases, is one of the clearest and most comprehensive sketches we have ever read. The Physiology of menstruation, generation, conception, and all those affections which are peculiar to the female organization, derived chiefly from Sir Charles Clarke add very great value to the work. On the whole it is the most comprehensive and complete manual extant. "The 'getting up' demands our entire approval. Every possible care seems to have been taken in its preparation; a copious Table of Contents and an Index has been prepared; and the whole has been carefully elucidated by numerous explanatory notes.” Medical Gazette. BOYLE'S Medical Receipts; or a Collection of choice and safe Remedies, 12mo. calf, 2s 6d 1731 BOSTOCK'S (Dr.) Elementary System of Physiology, first edition, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. 12s 1824-27 -the same, second edition, 3 vols. 8vo, bds. 12s 1828-30 |