

[1] Of the [2] Worde or Sonne of God [3] which was made [4] very Man.


HE Sonne [5], [6] which is the [7] worde of the father, begotten from [8] everlastyng of the father, the [9] very and eternall God, of one [10] Subftaunce with the father, [11] toke mars nature [12] in the wombe of the [13] bleffed Virgin [14], of [15] her [16] Subftaunce [17]: fo that two whole and [18] perfect natures, that is to [19] fay [20] the Godhead [21] and [22] manhood [23], [24] were joyned [25] together in one [26] perfon [27], [28] never to be [29] divided,

[1] read That the MS. A. B. [2] Word A. F.

[3] full Point MS. Comma I. L. whiche I. L.

omit which A. B. MS.

[4] verie MS.

[5] no Comma MS. I.
[6] whiche I. L.
[7] word A. F.

woorde L.
[8] everlafting MS. F.
19] verie MS.
[10] fubftance MS. F.
[11] tooke MS. F. H. I. L.
[12] Here beginneth the fourth
Page of that Copy which this Text
expreffeth, as alfo of A. C. D. E.
G. H. 1. K.

[blocks in formation]

unus Chriftus, verus Deus [21], & verus homo [22], qui vere paffus eft, cruci[23]fixus, mortuus, & fepultus, ut patrem nobis reconciliaret, effetque [24] hoftia [25], non tantum pro culpa originis, [26] verumetiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum peccatis. [27]

[21] no Comma MS. W. [22] Colon W.

[23] P. 4.

and with the fame Ink. The word hoftia is alfo here added with a Pen in Bod. 2. with this Note

etiam corrigitur, referring to the
printed Erratum at the End of

[25] no Comma MS.
[26] verum etiam W.

[24] omit hoftia, W. but this--ic etiam rigitur, for fic Miftake of the Prefs is corrected at the end of W, as this Collation will fhew. The Word hoftia is here added with a Pen in Bod. 1. but this Correction (as also another in the 25th Article) feems to have been made with paler Ink, and in a different Hand from the rest, which are all in the fame Hand

[27] the Word Sacrificium is here added, but a Line is drawn thro' it, fo that 'tis ftruck out again. Bod. 1.




De Defcenfu Chrifti ad inferos.

Uemadmodum Chriftus pro nobis mortuus eft [2], & fepultus, ita eft etiam credendus ad inferos defcendiffe [3].

[1] Quemmadmodum W. [2] no Comma W.

[3] Comma MS. and then follow thefe Words (but ftruck through | with a red Led Pencil) viz. Nam corpus ufque ad refurrectio

nem in fepulchro jacuit, fpiritus ab illo emiffus, cum fpiritubus qui in carcere five in inferno, detinebantur, fuit, illifque predicavit, quemadmodum teftatur Petri locus.

[30] whereof is one [31] Chrifte, [32] very God [33] and [34] very man, [35] who [36] truely [37] fuffered, was crucified, dead [38], and [39] buried [40], to [41] reconcile his father to us [42], · and to be a facrifice [43], not [44] only for [45] originall [46] gylt, but alfo for [47] all actuall finnes of men.

[30] wherof MS. [31] Chrift F. H. I. 132] verie MS. 133] Comma A. B. [34] verie MS. [35] whoe MS. [36] truly A.

truelie MS.

[37] fuffred A. MS.
[38] no Comma MS. B.
[39] buryed A. B. I. L.
[40] no Comma MS.
[41] reconcyle A.

[42] full Point MS.
[43] no Comma MS.

The Article ends thus, for all Synne, both Originall and actuall. A. B.

[44] onelie MS.

onely F. G. H. I. K. L.

[45] original F.

[46] gilte MS.

gylte I. L.

guilt F.

[47] al L.


[1] Of the [2] goyng downe of [3] Chrifte into


[4] Hell.

S[s] Chrifte [6] dyed [7] for us [8], and was [9] buryed [10]: fo alfo [11] it is to be [12] beleved that he [13] went downe into hell.

[1] bere beginneth p. 2. MS. P. 4. L.

[2] going MS. F. [3] Chryft A.

Chrift F. I. L.

[4] hel B. L.

[5] Chrift L.

Chryft A.

[6] died MS. F.
[7] omit for us, A. B.
[8] no Comma MS.
[9] buried MS. F. G. K.
[10] infert for us A. B.
[11] read is it F.
[12] beleeved F. L.
[13] wente MS.

[ocr errors]



[1] De Refurrectione Chrifti.

Hriftus vere a mortuis refurrexit, fuumque corpus cum carne, offibus, omnibufque ad integritatem [2] hu[3]manæ [4] Naturæ pertinentibus, recepit [5] cum quibus in [6] cœlum afcendit, ibique refidet, quoad [7], extremo die [8], ad judicandos homines reverfurus fit.

[1] Refurrectio MS. W..

[2] humane MS.

[3] P. 5. W.

[4] nature MS.

[5] Comma MS. W.
[6] celum MS.
[7] no Comma MS. W.
[8] no Comma W.



Of the Refurrection of [1] Chrifte [2].


Hrifte [4] dyd [s] truely [6] aryle [7] agayne from death, and [8] toke [9] agayne his [10] body [11], with [12] Hefh, bones [13], and all [14] thinges [15] apparteyning to the perfection of mans nature, [16] wherewith he [17] afcended into heaven, and there. [18] fitteth, [19] untyll [20] he [21] returne to judge [22] all men at the laft [23] day.

[ocr errors]

[1] Chryft A.

Chrift F. G. K. L:

[2] no Point MS. [3] Chryft A.

Chrift F. H. I. L.

[4] did MS. F. H. I.
[5] truelie MS.
[6] arife MS. H.
ryfe A. B.
rife F.

[7] againe MS. F.
[8] tooke F. L.
[9] againe MS. F.
[to] p. 5. A.

bodye MS. A.

[11] no Comma Ai

[12] flefhe A. B. H. I. [13] no Comma MS.

[14] thynges A. B.
things MS. F.

[15] apperteynyng A.
apperteining MS. B.
apparteyning G. K.~~
apparteynyng L.

Jappertaining F.

[16] wherwith MS. A. B. L.

[17] affended L.
[18] fytteth A. L.
[19] untill MS. F.

untyl H. I.
until L.

[20] hee F.
[21] retorne MS:
[22] al B. H. I. L.
[23] daye MS.

[ocr errors]
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