
down all other Confiderations, and to determin on either fide, whether any Edition appear'd before the 25th of March, or no. If the Reader will give me the Liberty of Conjecture, I own my felf inclined to think, that no Edition appear'd till after the Second Tome of Homilies was publish'd, and that the Latin Edition bearing Date 1563, was the very firft; and that the feveral Impreffions of the English Tranflation followed foon after. For that the English Tranflation was undoubtedly publish'd. before the Sitting of the Parliament in 1566, will appear in the following Section.


Some Paffages relating to the Articles in the
Year 1566.

HE Convocation met again in 1566; but Dr. Heylyn's Abstract fhews us, that no Bufinefs was done or propofed, except what related to a Subfidy, which they granted to the Queen.

But the Parliament had the Articles before them. For the Commons brought in a Bill to oblige the Clergy to fubfcribe them. This Bill (a) had its first reading on Thursday, Dec. 5. its fecond reading on Tuesday Dec. 10. and its third and last on Friday Dec. 13. 'Twas then fent to the Lords on Saturday Dec. 14. and read by them the first time on that Day. Now this Bill was the fame with that for found Religion, which was paffed in the thirteenth of Eliz. and makes the twelfth Chapter of that Year; as will more fully appear afterwards. And confe

(a) See Sir S. D'Ewer's Journal, p. 111, 132, 133, 184, 185. S


Chap. XVIII. quently there was a Defign then on foot to oblige the inferior Clergy in general to fubfcribe the English Tranflation of the Articles; for the Title of the Articles is in that Bill recited in English. From whence it follows, that, the English Translation, tho' it might poffibly have been published in 1563. was undoubtedly publifh'd by that time.

But this Design mifcarried. Sir S. D'Ewes, if I understand him right, (b) imputes it to fome finifter Counsel given to the Queen. Who gave the Queen that finifter Counsel, he does not tell us. I am apt to think, it might as well be faid of Queen Elizabeth, as of Lewis the Eleventh of France, that all her Council rode upon one Horfe; that is, tho' fhe heard the Opinions of others, yet fhe followed her own Advice. And probably fhe did fo in this very Cafe. However, 'tis obfervable, that the Bifhops were zealous for the Paffing of this A&t. For there is in the Library of St. John's College in Cambridge, a rough Copy of a Petition (bestow'd upon that Society by the Reverend Mr. Harbin, whom I have already mention'd, p. 166.) interlined with Archbishop Parker's own Hand, and marked with his red Lead Pencil, which the Bishops then prefented to the Queen for that Purpose. I will exhibit it at large. Only I must first advertise the Reader, that thofe Words which are printed in a different Character, are the Interlineations of Archbishop Parker, and that Strokes of the red Lead Pencil do fometimes guide to, and distinguish, the Interlineations.

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To the Quenes moft excellent Majestie.

Moft bumblie befechen your most excellent Majestie, your faithfull loving and obedient Subjects, the Archeby (b) p. 184...

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fhops and Byfhops of both the Provinces within this your Majefties Realme, whos Names are herunder written, that it wold please your Highnes according to your accustomed benignitie, to have gracious Confideration of their humble Sute infuyng.

Wheras a Bill bath lately paffed in your Majefties lower Howfe of Parliament concerning Uniformitie in Doctrine and Confirmation of certeyn Articles agreed upon by thole Clergie of this your Majefties Realme, in the late Convocation called together by Commandement of your Majefties Writt accoftomed and therby bol den in the fifth Yere of your Majefties most happie Reigne, which Bill was lately exhibited to your Highnes upper Howfe of Parliament, with Special Recommendation as wel at the firft Delivery therof as agayn of late by Recommendation renuyed from the faid lower Howfe and therupon was ones red in the faid upper Howfe, fo it is, that we understande that the further reading of the faid Bill in your upper Howfe is stayed by your Majefties Speciall Commaundement. Wherupon we your Highnes humble and faithfull Subjects thinke our 'C felves bound in Confcience as wel to the Sacred Majeftie of Almighti God as in refpecte of our Ecclefi afticall Office and Charge, toward your Hignes and lovyng Subjects of your Realme to make our severall and most bumble Sute unto your Majeftie, that it may pleafe the fame to graunte, that the faid Bill by Order from your Majestie may be red examined and judged by your Highnes faid upper Howfe with all Expedition, and that if it be allowed of, and do paffe by Ordre there, it wold please your Majestie to give your Royall Affent ther unto The Reasons that enforce us to make this bumble Peticion, are thies: First, The matter it felf toucheth the Glorie of God, the Advauncement of true Religion and the Salvation of Chriftian Sowlles, and therfor owght principally and chieflie and before al other S 2

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thinges to be fought. Secondlie, In the Boke, which is now defired to be confirmed, are conteyned the principall Articles of Chriftian Religion, most agreable to Gods Worde, publicklie fynce the begynnyng of your Majesties Reigne profeffed, and by your Highnes Authoritie fet furth and maynteaned. Thirdly, Diverfe and fundry Errors, and namely fuche as have been in this Realme wickedly and obftinately by the Adversaries of the Gospell defended, are by the fame Articles condemned. Fourthlye, Thapprobation of thies Articles by your Majestie fhal be a verie good Meane to estably she and confirme all your Highnes Subjects in one Confent and Unitie of true DoEtrine, to the great Quiete and Safetie of your Majestie and this your Realme, wheras now for want of a plays "Certentie of Articles of Doctrine by Law to be declared great Distraction and Diffention of Myndes is at this prefent among your Subjects and dailie is like more and more to encreafe, and that with verie great Daunger < in Policie the Circumftances confidred, if the faid Boke of Articles be now fteyd in your Majefties Hand or (as God forbid) rejected. Fifthlye, confidering, that this matter fo narrowlie toucheth the Glorie of God, the Synceritie of Religion, the Helth of Chriftian Sowlles, the godlie Unitie of your Realme, with the Utilitie therof, and the Daungers on the contrarie, we thought it our moft bounden Dueties, being placed by God and your High nes, as Paftors and chief Ministers in this Churche, and fuche as are to give a Reckenyng before God of our Pa ftorall Office, with all humble and earnest Sute to befeche your Majeftie to have due Confideration of this Matter, as the Governour and Nourfe of this Churche; having also an Accompt to rendre unto Almightie God, the King of Kings for your Charge and Office. Thus moft gracious Sovereyn Ladie, your faid humble Subjects moved with the Caufes above reberfed, befides diverfe others here for Brevitie fake omitted, befeche your most excellent Maje

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• ftie

ftie that this our Petition may take good Effecte, as the Weightynes of the Caufe requireth and that "before then de of this prefent Seffion of Parliament. And we according to our most bounden Dueties fhall dailye pray to God, for the Prefervation of your Majestie in Honor Helth and Profperitie long to reigne.

Now the rough Copy of the Petition above recited is written on three Sheets of Paper, the Lines being very diftant the one from the other, according to the Cuftom of Lawyers; and at the top of the inner Margin of the firft Sheet are thefe Words (written, I am perfuaded, with Archbishop Parker's own Hand, only with a different Pen and Ink) viz. Exhibited to the 2. Majeftye the 24th of Decembre anno 1566. And a little lower on the fame Margin are thefe Words (written by the fame Archbishop) viz. The Bill of Religion frift red of the lower How fe and fent up to the bier Howfe and ther onys red and afterward fteyd by Commandement from the Q.Majeftie. From all which it is plain, that the Spiritual Lords did not perfuade the Queen to prevent the Paffing of this Bill; but us'd their best Endevors to promote it, and obtain the Royal Affent. The Neceffity of proving this Point will appear in the Sequel.


Proceedings of the Convocation in 1571, relating to the Articles.

I which the Articles were revi bald in 1571, in


The Ads of this Convocation perished in the Fire of London; but Dr. Heylyn's Abftract furnishes us with some imperfect Notices.

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