




IN pursuance of the directions of an Act, passed in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled "An Act to repeal so much of two

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Acts, made in the tenth and fifteenth years " of the reign of His present Majesty, as au"thorises the Speaker of the House of Commons

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to issue his warrant to the Clerk of the Crown " for making out writs for the election of Mem"bers to serve in Parliament in the manner "therein mentioned; and for substituting other

provisions for the like purposes:" I do hereby give notice, that the death of the Hon. Charles Herbert, late Member serving in this present Parliament for the borough of Wilton, hath been certified to me in writing under the hands of two Members serving in this present Parliament; and that I shall issue my warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to make out a new writ for the electing of a Member to serve in this present Parliament for the said borough of Wilton, at the end of fourteen days after the insertion of this notice in the London Gazette.

Given under my hand, the 15th day of October 1816, CHAS. ABBOT, Speaker.


Crown-Office, October 19, 1816. MEMBERS returned to serve in this present


City of Gloucester.

Edward Webb, Esq. in the room of Robert Morris, Esq. deceased.

Borough of Dunwich.

The Right Honourable Joshua Lord Huntingfield, of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, in the room of Joshua Lord Huntingfield, deceased.

Carlton-House, October 16, 1816.

This day His Excellency the Count de Fernan Nunez, Duc de Montellano, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from His Catholic Majesty, had an audience of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to deliver a letter from his Sovereign announcing his marriage with the Infanta of Portugal, Donna Maria Isabel, daughter of His Majesty the King of Portugal; His Excellency was introduced to the audience by Earl Bathurst, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and conducted by Robert Chester, Esq. Assistant-Master of the Ceremonies.

Whitehall, October 18, 1816.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to appoint James Clarke, Esq. Barrister at Law, to be His Majesty's Attorney General in the Isle of Man.

His Royal Higliness the Prince Regent has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to constitute and appoint Mr. William Baillie to be Commissary of the Commissariat of Dumfries, vacant by the death of Mr. James. Gilchrist.

Whitehall, October 16, 1816.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent hath been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant unto the Honourable Arthur Percy Upton, Colonel in the Army, a BrigadierGeneral on the Continent, and Companion of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, His Majesty's royal licence and permission, that he may accept and wear the cross of a Knight of the Royal Bavarian Military Order of Maximilian Joseph, which His Majesty the King of Bavaria, hath been pleased to confer upon that Officer, in testimony of His Royal approbation of the distinguished services rendered by him in the field, while attached to the Bavarian Army in the last campaign; particularly in the action at the passage of the Saare on the 23d June 1815; provided nevertheless, that His Majesty's said licence and permission doth not authorise, and shall not be deemed or construed to authorise, the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining unto a Knight Bachelor of these realms :

And His Royal Highness hath been further pleased to command, that the said royal concession and declaration be registered in His Majesty's College of Arms.

Whitehall, October 18, 1816.

The Lord Chancellor has appointed Thomas Chater, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Gent. to be a Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery.

ERRATUM in the Gazette Extraordinary of the 15th
September 1816.

For George W. Gunning, Acting Lieutenant of the
Superb, severely wounded,
Read George Wm. Cumming, &c.

Whitehall, October 18, 1816.

Whereas it hath been humbly represented unto His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, that about four o'clock on Saturday morning the 13th instant, a fire broke out in a barn belonging to W. H. Whittington, Esq. at Broadwater, near Hitchin, Herts, which consumed the same, together with its contents, and sundry corn and hay ricks adjoining, and that there is every reason to believe that the same was wilfully and maliciously set on fire by some evil-disposed person or persons;

His Royal Highness, for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the persons concerned in the said felony, is hereby pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to promise His Majesty's most gracious pardon to any one of them (except the person who actually set fire to the said barn), who shall discover his, her, or their accomplice or accomplices therein, so that he, she, or they may be apprehended and convicted SIDMOUTH.


And, as a further encouragement, a reward of


ONE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered by the County Fire-Office to any person (except as is before excepted) who shall discover his, her, or their accomplice or accomplices therein, so that he, she, or they may be apprehended and convicted thereof, or to any person or persons who shall apprehend and bring the said offenders, or any of them, to conviction, or cause them, or any of them, so to be apprehended and convicted as aforesaid; such reward to be paid by T. Barber Beaumont, Managing Director.



Lord Chamberlain's-Office, October 21, 1816.

NOTICE is hereby given, that Her Majesty's birth-day, which falls on the 18th of January, will be celebrated by a Drawing Room at the Queen's Palace, on the 6th of February; and that the birth-day of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent will also be celebrated by a DrawingRoom at Her Majesty's Palace, on St. George's Day, the 23d of April.

It is most earnestly recommended and desired, that the Nobility and Gentry, and all persons attending upon those occasions, will appear in dresses entirely of British manufacture.




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