FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of APRIL 23, Carlton-House, April 20, 1816. THIS day His Excellency the Duke de la Chartre, Ambassador from His Most Christian Majesty, had his audience of leave of the Prince Regent; and His Excellency the Marquess D'Osmond, his successor in the same character, had his first private audience of His Royal Highness: Also the Prince de Castelcicala, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, being deputed by His Sicilian Majesty to invest the Prince Regent with the Illustrious and Most Distinguished Orders of Saint Januarius and of Saint Ferdinand and Merit, had audience of His Royal Highness for that purpose: : Likewise the Count de Beroldengin, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Majesty the King of Württemburg, had an audience of His Royal Highness to deliver a letter from His Sovereign, announcing the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Württemburg with Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Catherine of Russia: And the Baron de Just, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pienipotentiary from His Majesty the King of Saxony, had his first private audience of His Royal Highness to deliver his credentials : To which several audiences they were respectively introduced by Lord Viscount Castlereagh, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Foreign Affairs, and conducted by Robert Chester, Esq. Assistant-Master of the Ceremonies. Carlton-House, April 20, 1816. This day His Royal Highness the Prince Regent was pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to invest Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Tyler with the ensigns of a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath. By command of the Prince Regent, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Tyler was conducted, with the usual reverences, to His Royal Highness, preceded by Sir George Nayler (the Officer of Arms attendant upon the Knights Commanders), bearing upon a crimson velvet cushion the star, ribband, and badge of the second class of the Order. The sword of state was thereupon delivered to the Prince Regent, and Sir Charles Tyler, kneeling, was knighted therewith, after which he had the honour to kiss His Royal Highness's hand. Then His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, having received from the Officer of Arms the ribband and badge of a Knight Commander, was pleased to invest Sir Charles Tyler with the same. The Vice-Admiral having again had the honour to kiss the Prince Regent's hand, and having received from His Royal Highness the star of a Knight Commander, retired. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent was also pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to confer the honour of Knighthood upon the following Officers, Knights Commanders of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath: Captain Sir Michael Seymour, Bart. Royal Navy. Colonel Sir Robert Barclay, of the East India Company's Service, Horse Horse-Guards, March 10, 1816. The Prince Regent has been graciously pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to command, that, in commemoration of the brilliant and decisive victory of Waterloo, a medal shall be conferred upon every Officer, Non-Commissioned Officer, and Soldier of the British Army present upon that memorable occasion. His Royal Highness has further been pleased to conmmand, that the ribband issued with the medal shall never be worn, but with the medal suspended to it. By command of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, H. TORRENS, Maj. Gen. and Mil. Sec. FREDERICK, Commander in Chief. Whitehall, April 22, 1816. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to constitute and appoint the Right Honourable Francis Lord Napier to be His Majesty's Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. 1816. M Crown Crown-Office, April 23, 1816. MEMBERS returned to serve in this present City of Peterborough. The Honourable William Lamb, in the room of the Right Honourable George Ponsonby, who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. County of Wicklow. The Right Honourable George Ponsonby, one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, in the room of William Tighe, Esq. deceased. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of APRIL 27, Whitehall, April 4, 1816. HIS Royal Highness the Prince Regent hath been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to give and grant unto Sir John Hamilton, Bart. Lieutenant-General of His Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the 2d Ceylon Regiment, and Governor of Duncannon Fort, His Majesty's royal licence and permission, that he may accept and wear the insignia of a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Portuguese Military Order of the Tower and Sword, which His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal has been pleased to confer upon him, in testimony of the high sense that Prince entertains of of the great ability and signal intrepidity displayed by that Officer in several actions with the enemy, during the recent arduous campaigns in the Peninsula: And His Royal Highness hath been further pleased to command, that the said royal concession and declaration be registered in His Majesty's College of Arms. Whitehall, April 4, 1816. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent hath been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant unto the undermentioned Officers His Majesty's royal licence and permission, that they may respectively accept and wear the insignia of a Knight of the Imperial Military Orders of Maria Theresa of Austria, of St. George of Russia of the fourth class, of the Royal Bavarian Order of Maximilian Joseph, and of an Honorary Knight Commander of the Royal Portuguese Military Order of the Tower and Sword, which their Imperial Majesties the Emperors of Austria and Russia, His Majesty the King of Bavaria, and the Prince Regent of Portugal have been pleased to confer upon them, in testimony of their approbation of the distinguished conduct and intrepidity displayed by these Officers throughout the recent arduous campaigns in the Peninsula, and at the memorable battle of Waterloo : And His Royal Highness hath been further pleased to command, that the respective royal concessions and declarations be registered in His Majesty's College of Arms. Sir Colin Campbell, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Colonel in the Army, Captain in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, Assistant QuarterMaster M2 |