No. 95... ANTIGONISH PUBLIC BUILDING :-Return to Order; Statement of the amount expended in connection with, also copies of all correspondence relating to the public building at Antigonish, from November 1st, 1881, to the 15th January, 1884. (Not printed.) 96... BREAKWATERS:Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence and all engineers' reports for the past two years, regarding the Ingonish Breakwater. (Not printed.) 96a. 966. Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence, etc., with the Government, in relation to the construction of a breakwater at Point Escuminac, in the Bay of Miramichi, N.B. (Not printed.) Return to Order; Copies of contract entered into by John Sinnot for the building of a breakwater at the mouth of St. Peter's Harbour, King's, P.E.I.; statement of all amounts paid for such work; also the names of the sureties and inspector. (Not printed.) 97. ESQUIMALT NAVAL STATION:-Return to Address; Copies of all correspondence between the Dominion and the Imperial Governments in reference to the continued maintenance of the Naval Station at Esquimalt and the continuous presence of at least one of Her Majesty's ships in British Columbia waters. (Not printed.) 98. ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK:-Return to Address; Copy of Order in Council passed in September, 1883, providing for the payment of $130,000 to British Columbía, on account of Esquimalt graving dock. (Distribution only.) 99. JEMSEG, QUEEN'S, N.B., DREDGING AT:-Return to Order; Copies of report of surveys made with a view to dredging at Jemseg, Queen's Co., N.B., and all correspondence, etc., relating thereto. (Not printed.) 100.. SWAN CREEK, N.B. :-Return to Order; Copies of all reports of surveys made with a view of improving the navigation of Swan Creek and Swan Creek Lake, Sun bury, County, N.B., by dredging or otherwise, and all correspondence referring thereto. (Not printed.) 101. MCCOURT, D., DISMISSAL OF :--Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence, etc., with reference to Daniel McCourt, lately dismissed from his office as lock tender on the Cornwall Canal, with the date of his appointment, and his age at the time of his dismissal. (Not printe 1.) 102. ADMINISTRATION OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE N.W T. :-Return to Address; Copies of all representations, etc., of the North-West Council, sent to the Government of Canada, on the subject of the administration of the affairs of the NorthWest Territories, and the complaints made by, and the grievances of the inhabitants of such Territories. (Not printed.) 103. CHAPLEAU, S. J. Sr. O. :-Return to Address; Copies of all correspondence, etc., respecting the appointment of Samuel J. St. Onge Chapleau, as a Sheriff in the North-West Territories; also, all complaints and charges, etc, against him while an employé in the Department of Railways and Canals, and the resolutions dispensing with his services in that department. (Not Printed.) 104. RICHELIEU AND ONTARIO NAVIGATION CO. :-Return to Address (Senate); Copy of the lease by which the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company is in possession of the land upon which are built the barracks situated in the town of Sorel, P.Q. (Not printed.) 105. RAILWAY RESERVE ON VANCOUVER ISLAND :-Return to Address; Copies of all correspondence, etc., relative to the rights of settlers or squatters on the railway reserve, Vancouver Island. (Not printed.) 106 IMMIGRANTS:-Return to Order; Return showing, approximately, the number of immigrants who are supposed to have settled in Ontario in the years 1879, '80, '81, '82 and '83, respectively. (Not printed.) 106a Return to Order; Return of the number and names of the Immigration Agents employed during the year 1883, with the dates of their appointment, etc.; also, the number still employed, with their salaries and expenses. (Not printed,) No. 1066 IMMIGRANTS :-Return to Order; Statement of the number of persons entering, also leaving, Manitoba by rail, during each month of the year, 1883; also, copies of all correspondence, etc, on which are based the estimates made by the Government of the number of immigrants who have settled in each Province, and in the North-West Territories, during the year; also the number of Canadians who have left the Dominion during the year. (Not printed.) 107... LIGHTS ON THE ST. LAWRENCE BELOW, QUEBEC :-Return to Address; Copies of all petitions, etc., asking for the placing of lights on the River St. Lawrence, north of the Island of Orleans, in the County of Montmorency, in order to protect and facilitate navigation. (Not printed.) 1076. Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence in relation to the placing of gas floating lights in the River St. Lawrence, below Quebec, for the better guidance of steamers and sailing vessels navigating the said river. (Not printed.) 108... MILITIA :-Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence regarding the purchase of tents during 1883, by the Department of Militia and Defence. (Not printed.) Return to Order: Copies of all correspondence, etc., in connection with the purchase of Moccasins by the Department of Militia and Defence, during the year 1883. (Not printed.) 1384. 1086. 108c.. 1081. 108e. Return to Order; Return showing the number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men at present comprising A, B and C Batteries, the Cavalry School and the Schools of Infantry. Also, a Return giving the names, dates of appointment, etc., of the commissioned officers of A, B and C Batteries, the Cavalry School and the three Infantry Schools, distinguishing such as are graduates of the Royal Military College. (Not printed.) Return to Order; Copies of all accounts and vouchers, including transport requisitions, rendered by the Canadian Express Company to the Department of Militia and Defence, for transport during the months of May, June, July, August and September, of 1883. (Not printed.) Return (in part) to Address; Copies of all letters of complaint, and replies thereto, etc., respecting the conduct of Major-General Luard at Cobourg, or elsewhere, sent by Lieut.-Col. A. T. Williams, M.P., or any other person, to the Government. (Not printed.) Supplementary Return to the preceding. (Not printed.) 109... DEWDNEY, LIEUT.-GOV. N. W. T.:-Return to Address; Copies of all correspondence, etc., respecting the appointment of an Administrator of the Government of the North-West Territories in the absence of Lieutenant-Governor Dewdney. All correspondence respecting any mission entrusted to said Lieutenant-Governor, the nature, and the instructions given, etc. (Not printed.) 110... KINGSVILLE HARBOUR WORKS:-Return to Order; Copy of all petitions, etc., respecting the Kingsville Harbour Works. (Not printed.) 111... DRAINING OF LAND IN MANITOBA --Return to Address; Copies of all reports, etc., not already brought down, in reference to the improvement of Fairford River, the outlet of Lake Manitoba; the removal of the sand bar at the mouth of Red River, and the obstructions in Nelson River, the outlet of Lake Winnipeg, with a view to draining the submerged lands in the Province of Manitoba. (Not printed.) 112... AMERO, ROGER, ARREST OF, ETC. Return to Address; Copy of despatches in reference to the arrest and indictment of Roger Amero, a French Acadian, belonging to Digby, N.S., discharged from custody on an indictment for murder, in Massachusetts, U.S. (Not printed.) 113... PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS :-Return to Order; Return showing the names and salaries of Public Health Officers appointed in the various cities of Canada; also, copy of instructions issued to and all reports made by such officers. (Not printed) 114... LAKES HURON AND SUPERIOR HARBOURS :--Return to Address; Return of all correspondence between the Governments of the Dominion and Ontario, in reference to the disposal by the latter of lots, covered by water in the harbours of Lakes Huron and Superior, to private individuals. (Not printed.) No. 115. WELLINGTON BRIDGE, MONTREAL:-Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence relative to the necessity of further accommodation for foot passengers at Wellington Bridge, Lachine Canal. (Not printed.) 116. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPANY :-Return to Address; Copies of all correspondence between the Government of Canada, Sir John Rose, and Messrs. Baring & Glynn, the Financial Agents of the Dominion, in 1875, in relation to the conduct of Mr. Potter, the President of the Company, in decrying the credit of Canada, also the credit of the Province of Quebec, in relation to the effort of the latter to effect a loan in London, or the credit of that Province for the construction of railways therein; also, copies of all correspondence etc., written by Mr. Potter, as President of the Company, reflecting upon or discrediting the credit of Canada, or the Province of Quebec, which led to the writing of the letter or letters to Sir John Rose, before referred to (Not printed.) 116a Correspondence respecting an agreement for the sale of the western section of the Quebec lines of the North Shore Railway to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. (Sessional Papers only.) 117. THE QUEEN vs. MERCER :-Return to Address; Copies of the short-hand writers' notes of the proceedings before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the case of the Queen and Mercer, and of the judgment of the court in that case; also, copies of all correspondence and the costs incurred by the Government in connection therewith; also, statement of any proceedings taken by the Government in matters of escheat in any of the Provinces, and for copies of all correspondence, etc., connected with all applications to the Government as to escheated lands, since Confederation, not already brought down. (Sessional Papers only.) 117a Supplementary Return to the preceding. (Not printed.) 118. JUDICIAL SALARIES, RE-ADJUSTMENT OF:-Return to Order; Copies of any correspondence on the subject of the increase or re-adjustment of the judicial salaries, from the 1st January, 1882. (Not printed.) 119. ROBERTSON AND WALLACE, CLAIMS OF: Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence, etc., connected with the disposal of the west half of Section 6, Township 2, Range 14, west of the principal meridian, Manitoba, and particularly of all papers connected with the claims of John Robertson and of one Wallace to the said lot. (Not printed.) 120. FORT MCLEOD TOWN SITE : Return to Address; Copies of all Orders in Council, etc., respecting a town site at Fort McLeod. (Not printed.) 121. YAMASKA RIVER AND LAVALLIERE BAY :-Return to Order; Copies of the report of Mr. Guerin, Civil Engineer, respecting the explorations made by him on the Yamaska River, and in the neigbourhood of Lavallière Bay (Not printed.) 122. LAVAL UNIVERSITY:-Return to Address (Senate); Copies of all correspondence addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, through the Secretary of State for Canada, concerning Laval University of Quebec, since March, 1880 to date. (Not printed.) 123. LIFE SAVING CREW AT PORT ROWAN :-Return to Order; Copies of correspondence in reference to a charge against the Captain of the Life Saving Crew at Port Rowan, Norfolk, Ontario, in not saving the lives of the crew of the barque "Fitzgerald," in November, 1883. (Not printed) 124. WHARVES:-Return to Order; Copies of tenders for the extension of the wharf at St. Jean 124a 1246 Port Joli, also, of the contract awarded, if such contract was awarded; a Return to Order; Report and plans of the surveys made last summer, in St. Retura to Order; Copies of all correspondence in reference to the erection of No. 126. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND :-Return to Address; Copies of all Orders in Council relating to any 1261. claim made by the Government of Prince Edward Island for compensation for money expended in constructing or repairing piers in that Province, and to the examination of, and report upon the piers of that Province. (Not printed.) Return (in part) to Order; Copies of all contracts or agreements entered into by the Postmaster General, since the last session of the late Parliament, for the conveyance of the mails to and from Prince Edward Island, and all correspondence relating to steam communication between the Island and the Mainland while the navigation remains open, and, also, to the winter crossing between Capes Traverse and Tormentine. Return of all trips made by the "Northern Light" during the winter of 1881-82, with her receipts for freights and passage moneys, and the expenses of her management and running; also, copies of all instructions_issued to the agent of the Marine and Fisheries Department in Prince Edward Island, relating to the running of the "Northern Light" during the present season, and all correspondence on that subject. Copies of all correspondence, etc., relating to the survey or construction of the railway authorized to be built between Cape Traverse and the main line, on Prince Edward Island. (Distribution only.) 127... ALPHONSE AUDET, APPOINTMENT OF:-Return to Address; Copies of Orders in Council appointing Alphonse Audet to his present position in the Civil Service. (Not printed.) 128... LAKE ERIE HARBOURS :-Return to Order; Return of all reports of Government engineers, respecting the construction of a harbour of refuge at Port Stanley or Port Burwell, on Lake Erie, together with the estimated cost of each. (Not printed.) 128a. Return to Order; Return of all reports of engineers, respecting the construction of a harbour on Lake Erie, in Essex, whether at Leamington, Kingsville or elsewhere, together with the estimated cost of said harbour at each place. (Not printed.) 129.. SKIFFINGTON vs. MICHAUD & DUMAIS :-Return to Address; Copies of all reports, etc., in relation to the action brought_by_one Skiffington against Thomas Michaud and Florian Dumais, of St. Pascal, in 18-1, before the Justices of the Peace, together with copies of the complaints, etc.; also, charges made against the said Skiffington, or respecting him, as to the non-payment of the costs attending the actions by him instituted and dismissed with costs against him. (Not printed.) 130... DOMINION ARBITRATORS:-Return to Address; Statement giving the names of the Official Arbitrators and secretaries to Arbitrators, appointed to office, with date, salary and duration of office, since 1st July, 1867. up to the present time. In case of appointment having been made, or salaries increased, by Order in Council, copies of such Orders to be annexed to the Statement. (Not printed.) 131... RIVER ST. FRANCIS, EXPLORATIONS ON:-Return to Order :-Copies of the report of Mr. C. Michaud, Civil Engineer, as to the explorations made by him last autumn on the River St. Francis, with the object of establishing booms upon it. (Not printed.) 132... CARON, CLOVIS, FISHERY OVERSEER:-Return to Order; Copies of all complaints, etc., made against Clovis Caron, Fishery Overseer, for the Counties of Bellechasse, Montmagny, L'Islet and Kamouraska; also of all documents relating to his appointment to that position, and his duties as such. (Not printed) 133... SIIIP "BRItannia," Loss oF:-Return to Address (Senate); Copies of all papers connected with the enquiry into the loss of the ship "Britannia," which struck on the North East Bar of Sable Island on the night of the 3rd September, 1883 (Not printed) 131. NOVA SCOTIAN RIVERS:-Return to Address (Senate); Copies of all Reports made between 1st March, 1881, and 31st December, 1882, by F. H. D. Veith, Esq., upon the condition of the rivers in Nova Scotia, and in connection with the Fisheries in that Province. 135... GEOLOGY OF VICTORIA, INVERNESS AND RICHMOND COUNTIES:-Return to Order; Copies of the Geological Reports nade by Mr. Hugh Fletcher, of the Counties of Victoria, Inverness and Richmond, with the maps accompanying the same (Not printed.) No. 126. DRUMMOND AND MACLEAN, ROGER & Co. :-Copy of an indenture relative to certain contracts entered into by George P. Drummond, and transferred by the said Indenture to Messrs. Maclean, Roger & Co., with the assent of Her Majesty. (Not printed.) 137... PERSONS CONFINED AFTER SENTENCE IN 1882 :-Return to Address (Senate); Return showing, for the year 1882, the number of persons confined after sentence in the prisons, reformatories and gaols, under the control of the local authorities of the several Provinces, the offences of which they were convicted, and the length of the sentence. (Not printed.) 138... G. B. BURLAND & Co. :-Return to Order; Copies of all correspondence in reference to any contract or contracts for lithographing entered into between G. B. Burland & Co, of Montreal, and the Dominion, showing what offers, if any, have been made by other parties for the performance of similar work, the names and addresses of such parties, and the scale of prices upon which such offers were based; also, the scale of prices agreed upon between the Government and the said G. B. Burland & Co., or any other person. (Not printed.) 139... HUGHES, D. J., JUDGE:-Return to Address; Copies of all petitions, etc., preferring charges in regard to the official conduct of D. J. Hughes, County Judge of Elgin, and asking for an inquiry into the same. Also, a copy of the report or judgment on inquiry into the conduct of the said Judge. (Not printed.) 140... ST. CROIX COTTON FACTORY:-Return to Order; Statement showing the value of machinery imported for the St. Croix Cotton Factory at St. Stephens, N.B., the date of import, the amount of duties chargeable on the same, the amount paid, also still due, and the security held therefor, and copies of all correspondence on the subject. (Not printed.) 140a.. Supplementary Return to preceding. (Not printed.) 141... SHIPPING ON LAKES SUPERIOR AND HURON :-Return to Order; Return showing what vessels navigating the waters of Lakes Superior and Huron were inspected during the past season of navigation, under the authority of the Government, with the names of the Inspectors; also, a Statement of vessels lost or stranded on these lakes, within Canadian waters, showing the localities where disasters occurred and the number of lives lost in each case, during the season of 1883. (Not printed.) 142... GOVERNMENT STEAM TUGS AND DREDGES, ETC. :-Return to Order; Return showing the number of steam tugs, steam dredges and dumping scows bought by the Government or built for the Government, during the year 1883, for use in the Dominion of Canada, showing where they were built, the builders' names, and the price paid for the same. (Not printed.) 143... METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE AT ST. JOHN, N.B. :-Return to Order; Return of the amount of salary or allowance made to Mr. George Hutchinson as the person in charge of the Meteorological Service at St. John, N.B.; also, amount of expenses of Mr. R. J. Stupart, going from Toronto to St. John, and other expenses preparing and fitting up office and instruments; also, any instructions from the Department of Marine and Fisheries to the Superintendent at Toronto, in reference to the change of officers at St. John, and the removal of Mr. Gilbert Murdock; also, copies of all correspondence between Mr. Gilbert Murdock and the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent of the Meteorological Service at Toronto; also, copies of any petition, memorial or other documents in regard to the above changes. (Not printed.) 144... WATSON, T. C. :-Return to Order; Statement of all moneys paid to T. Charles Watson by the Government, showing also the services, if any, performed by said Watson since 1881. (Not printed.) 145... ONTARIO BOUNDARY AWARD :-Correspondence in connection with, between Ontario and Manitoba 146... LIFE SAVING STATIONS :-Return to Order; Return showing the location of the Life Saving Stations of Canada, with description of life-boats, buildings, wreck-guns and other life saving apparatus of each station; also, name and salary of captain, number of men in each crew and their pay, the articles of enlistment, the months during which such enlistment or engagement is binding; also, copy of instructions and regulations issued for the guidance of life saving crews, and reports received from captains of crews and others, as to number of imperiled mariners rescued, and amount of property saved during the year 1883. (Distribution only.) |