Dominion Lands............ 25 to 25w Fishery, Porpoise, Rivière Ouelle. 65 66 Dominion Money on deposit. 28 66a 152 38 Dominion Money spent in the Provinces.... Fishing, Regulations prohibiting, in Ontario Dominion Steamers................................................................... 45 to 45e Flour imported and exported...... Dorion, E., Claim of...... Draining of land in Manitoba...... 83 ....................... Flour exported, Frauds on bonded.... Drawback, exported sugar.................... 48 & 48c 88 52 37 129 142 G Dustan, Mr., Claim of...................................................... 49 & 49a Galt, Sir A T, High Commissioner Duties on Agricultural Implements... 36 Gosselin, E., Petition of.. Government Herd Cattle in N.W.T.......... Duties on Lumber imported into Manitoba, from 1880 to 1882..... 36 Duties, Specific and ad valorem ported from U.S.......... Duty on Freight charges..... Duty on Grain, Flour and Coal.. Governor General, Commission appointing 61 60 63 616 3 120 25d 79a 506 60 53n 68 76 to 76e 59 154 142 77a 150 20 I No. L No. 776 123 146 Immigrants settled in Ontario............ 106 & 1068 Lieut.-Governors, Quebec, Commissions of 106a Immigration to Canada, Reports, etc., 76c & 76e & 1066 Immigration to Manitoba and N.W.T... 318 & 1066 Imports and Exports for January and Feb ruary, 1883 and 1884 Imports and Exports, last half 1882 & 1883. Infantry School, No. of men comprising........ Inland Marine Insurance, Abstract for 1883 296 46 136 39 4 91 79 74 148 river Luard, Major-General, Complaints against 108d fe 506 Lumber imported into Manitoba, Duties on, from 1880 to 1883....................................................................... 79a 1086 96 11 3 11 11 21f Insurance, Report of Superintendent......... 30 to 30 Inverness County, Geology of................... Jacques Cartier Union and St. Martin's Jones & Co, E. A., Claim of, against I.C.R K Kaministiquia and Prince Arthur's Land- Kearney, Chas., Appointment of...47 L Lachine Canal, Wellington Bridge........ Lake Ontario, Islands leased in...... 135 75 M 61a 21 Matte, A., Claim of, against I. C. R......... & 99 ....... ..........117 & 117a Metapediac to Paspebiac, Subsidy to a 21/ 143 79a 67 129 Meteorological Service at St. John, N.B... Metlakatla, Troubles with Indians at....... Mexico, Reciprocal Trade with.......... Michaud and Dumais, Skiffington vs........ Mile Belt, Lands in............................. 251 § 258 53n Military Districts, Employés in............... 23 53n Militia....... ....... ...............................................108 to 108 e Militia, Annual Report. Militia Staff, Officers of the paid........ Mineral Lands. 118 110 8 33 256, m, n f 147 147 147 21ƒ 108a 88a 31h Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway... Moose Jaw Town Reserve.............. Mc 25a 258 Macdonald, D., Claim of, against I. C. R... 53n 136 53n 101 122 83 43 17 77 McDonell & Co., Alex., Claim of, against McGillivray, Archibald..... McGreevy, R. H., Claim of, against I.C.R. Ontario Boundary Award........................ 56 145 Railway Accidents in Canada.......... ...... 35, 53c Ontario, Immigrants settled in...........106 & 1066 Railway, Intercolonial, Accidents on....... 53c Ontario, Indian Agencies in.... ...... 10 153 Railway Reserve, Vancouver Island......... 105 79 Ontario, Lake, Islands leased in............... 72 Ontario & Pacific Railway, Sudsidy to...... 21 31h Ontario, Regulations prohibiting fishing in 66a 90 25d ...... 25v 505 105 Section B., C.P.R.............................. ............................................. .31j, 317 Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway............ S No. T No. Salaries, Judicial, Re-adjustment of Salmon Fishing Licenses from Murray Bay to River au Canard........................ 118 Secretary of State, Annual Report.. 666 Timber Licenses........ 31h 71 Town Reserves in N.W.T. on line of C.P.R. 250 120 42 Town Sites...... .. .......... .25b, m & n 91 31u Trade and Navigation, Annual Report....... 1 67 25c Seizures at Ports of Entry Sessional Returns, Expenditure for........... Transfer of Lands in N.W.T., Simplifica tion of...... 53n Tupper, Sir Charles, High Commissioner. 76 to 76e Turgeon, F., Claim of, against I.C.R......... 104 Shipping on Lakes Superior and Huron... Statistics, Criminal, for 1882... ment in 1883.............. Steam Tugs bought or built for Government in 1883......... 53n 18 .25ƒ, 311 78 69 1216 United States National Distillers' Assoc'n. 53n 41 14 7 Steam Dredges bought or built for Govern 142 142 Temperance Act (Canada) in Halton Co.30 & 30c Yamaska River, Explorations on LIST OF SESSIONAL PAPERS. ARRANGED NUMERICALLY AND IN VOLUMES. CONTENTS OF VOLUME A. CENSUS OF CANADA, 1880-81, Vol. II. CONTENTS OF VOLUME No. 1. No. 1... TRADE AND NAVIGATION :-Tables of, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1883. CONTENTS OF VOLUME No. 2. 2... PUBLIC ACCOUNTS:-For the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1883. ESTIMATES:-Of sums required for the service of the Dominion, for the year ending 30th June, 1885. Supplementary Estimates of sums required for the service of the Dominion, for the year ending 30th June, 1884. Supplementary Estimates of sums required for the service of the Dominion, Further Supplementary Estimates of sums required for the service of the CONTENTS OF VOLUME No. 3. 3... INLAND REVENUE :-Report, Returns and Statistics of, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1883. Supplement No. 1:-Canal Statistics for the season of Navigation, 1883. Supplement No. 2:-Weights and Measures, 1883. Supplement No. 3: -Adulteration of Food, 1883. 4... INDIAN AFFAIRS :-Annual Report of the Department of, for the year ended 31st December, 1883. CONTENTS OF VOLUME No. 4. 5... POSTMASTER GENERAL:-Report of, for the year ended 30th June, 1883. 6... AUDITOR GENERAL:-Report of, on Appropriation Accounts, for the year ended 30th June, 1883. CONTENTS OF VOLUME No. 5. 7... MARINE AND FISHERIES:-Report of the Department of, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1883. Supplement No. 1:-Report of the Chairman of the Board of Steamboat Supplement No. 2:-Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries, for the year ended 31st December, 1883. |