do Travelling Immigration Agent............... on Manitoba Colonization........ Special Richmond Agent. ..... .W. C. B. Grahame. .Thos. Bennett. J. E. Têtu. A. J. Baker. ....... .... A. O. Kellam. ... C. Lalime. ...........John Taylor. ...........J. H. Dyson. ....... A. S. Gerald. ........ John Jessop. British Columbia Immigration Agent.................. Special Agent in charge of Irish Immigrants............J. Hoolahan. on Emigration from the United Kingdom and Europe : HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR CANADA................Sir C. TUPPER. do on Halifax Quarantine................................................. St. John (N.B.) Quarantine............. A. Rowand, M.D. W. N. Wickwire, M.D. ................. No. 36. Report of Charlottetown (P.E.() Quarantine....................... ..W. H. Hobkirk, M.D. do Inspecting Physician, Tracadie Lazaretto.................. A. C. Smith, M.D. do on Halifax Cattle Quarantine............ A. McFatridge. 37. 38. 39. R. Bunting, V.S. .... D. McEachran, F.R. C. V.S. ....................... A. Smith, V.S. Alleged Disease amongst Canadian Cattle................Sir C. Tupper. MISCELLANEOUS. on Mattawa and Nipissing Districts for settlement.........M. W. Kirwan. of Welsh Delegates on their visit to Canada............. ...W. J. Williams and J. Owen. on Bow River District................. of German Delegate......... ....... Alex. Begg. APPENDIX No. 1. ANNUAL REPORT OF QUEBEC IMMIGRATION AGENT. (MR. L. STAFFORD.) GOVERNMENT IMMIGRATION AGENT, QUEBEC, 31st December, 1883. SIR,-I have the honour to enclose to you herewith, my Report for the calendar year ending 31st December, 1883. The total arrivals at the Port of Quebec, in 1883, were: The arrivals, compared with those of 1882, show an increase of 1,116 sɔuls. Showing an increase of 983 in the immigration from the United Kingdom, and 133 vid United States, odd ships, &c. The total number of steamships which arrived with passengers was 142. The average passage of the Allan Line was: Mail steamers from Liverpool, 9 days; Londonderry, 8 days; Glasgow steamers from Glasgow, 12 days; from Ireland, 11 days; Dominion Line from Liverpool, 11 days; from Belfast, 10 days; Beaver Line from Liverpool, 11 days; from Ireland, 10 days. Temperley's London Line, 14 days; Ross London Line, 14 days; Bristol Line from Bristol, 12 days; White Cross Line from Antwerp, 17 days. THE number of Cabin and Steerage by each Line of Vessels was as follows : Line. THE Nationalities of the Passengers brought out by each line were as follows: The nationalities of the immigrants of 1883, compared with those of 1882, were sa follow : The number of single men arrived was 15,151. The number of single women arrived was 5,899. Table No. 2 gives the number of passengers from each port in 1882 and 1883. The trades and callings of the male steerage passengers, as per passenger lists, were as follows: Table No. 3 gives the number of immigrants arrived at the Port of Quebec from 1829 to 1883 inclusive, showing a total of 1,556,896, or a yearly average of 28,307. 3 |