No. 24. OCEAN MAIL OFFICERS REPORT. (F. P. BENT.) PUGWASH, NOVA SCOTIA, 31st December, 1883. SIR,-I beg to submit my second Annual Report as follows: During the past year, I have again distributed large quantities of books and other printed information to the emigrants on the several steamers in which I have made passages to Canada. The number of persons emigrating this year will, I think, compare favourably with last year, while as a class I believe they will be found superior. Another most noticeable feature is the large number of children coming to Canada, who in a few years will become the nucleus of a most desiarble class of colonists after having had the advantage of developing and maturing in the country. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, The Honourable The Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. FRANK P. BENT. No. 25. OCEAN MAIL OFFICERS REPORT. (J.FERGUSON.) PORT HOPE, 31st December, 1883. SIR,-I beg leave to state that during the past twelve months I have distributed all the pamphlets that were furnished by the Immigration Department, both at Liverpool and Ottawa, to the steerage passengers on all the westward trips of the steamships I sailed on, besides setting forth, on every opportunity that occured, the great fertility of the soil of the North-West and Manitoba. No. 26. BRITISH MAIL OFFICERS REPORT. (A. WALMSLEY.) MONTREAL, 31st December, 1883. SIR,--In compliance with orders from your Department, I have kept the Mail Officers on the Allan steamers supplied with books in English, French and German, to be distributed to the immigrants on board the steamers coming out to this country. As these books contain valuable information, I am given to understand they are highly appreciated by intending settlers. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, The Honourable The Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. A. WALMSLEY, MIC No. 27. OCEAN MAIL OFFICERS REPORT. (S. T. GREEN.) LEVIS, 8th January, 1884. SIR,-Your requisition for Annual Report, having only reached me after my departure eastward, 15th December last, I was unable to comply sooner. In conformity with instructions, I have zealously distributed the printed matter sent me from your Department, with a selected supply of pamphlets, &c., from the Immigration Office at Liverpool, amongst our steerage and intermediate passengers bound westward. And as I found there were a goodly number of people amongst our saloon passengers who were seeking a home in the western world, I not only supplied them with printed information, but I made it a duty to give them all verbal information as to the advantages of a settlement in Canada, its present resources and future certain prosperity. I have the honour to be, Sir, The Honourable The Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. SAMUEL T. GREEN. No. 28. OCEAN MAIL OFFICERS REPORT. (J. O'HARA.) HALIFAX, N. S., 18th December, 1883. SIR,-I beg to submit to you my report of the work I have done during the year for the Immigration Department and I feel satisfied that the interest I have taken in distributing information about Canada has not been thrown away. Besides the numerous pamphlets in English, and maps of the Canadian Pacific Railway which I have supplied to all classes of passengers on board the Allan steamers, I have received from Mr. John Dyke, of Liverpool, a large number of very nicely got up pamphlets, printed in Swedish, Norwegian and German. By means of the interpreter-one always being on board-I have been enabled to disseminate much useful knowledge to foreigners, who otherwise would have had no opportunity of hearing anything about Canada, these people having been in many instances booked through from the north of Europe to places in the Western States. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, JOHN LOWE, Esq., Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. JAMES O'HARA. |