The advantages possessed by the Eastern and Western Provinces he considers well adapted for intending settlers having sufficient means to furnish homesteads for themselves in the improved and settled districts. By instructions from the Department, views have been prepared and forwarded direct to him since his return. Since my last report, immigrant sheds and offices have been erected here, which will add comfort to those sent to this agency, in addition to providing efficiency and economy in the distribution and location of the immigrants. During the year past a large number of the immigrants have been assisted to come out here by money remitted to them, or by prepaid certificates sent by their friends. Farm labourers and female domestic servants are, and will be in great demand during the coming year, but it would be advisable to adopt the necessary means to prevent immigrants being sent to Canada that are not capable of supporting themselves, especially the old and infirm that are sent out so as to relieve the unions and poor law guardians from supporting them. Statement "A" shows the reported number of arrivals and their destination. Statement "B" shows the reported number of arrivals in the district of the Hamilton Agency, and the nationality of those remaining in Ontario. Statement "C" shows the reported number of arrivals and their general destination, the increase to Manitoba being 852, as compared with the previous year; also an increase of 2,222 to Ontario, and a decrease of 266 to the Western States. Statement "D" shows the number of children sent out by the different philanthropic societies, all of them being settled in comfortable homes, the work of settling and watching over them being well and faithfully performed by the officials of the respective societies. Statement "E" shows the number of immigrants that have been assisted, with the number of meals and lodgings, and the number of free passes granted. Statement "F" shows the amount of capital reported. Statement "G" shows the number of passes issued and the destination of the immigrants. Statement "H" shows the destination of the immigrants settling in the Dominion. Statements" I," " J,” “K,” “ L" and "M", show the number of immigrants reported by the Customs Port of Entry and the value of their effects. Statement "N" shows the total number of immigrants arriving and settling in the Dominion and their destination. Statement "O" gives the rate of wages paid in the district of the Hamilton Agency. Statement "P" gives the retail prices of the ordinary articles of food and raiment required by the working classes. I have the honour to be, Sir, JOHN SMITH, Dominion Immigration Agent. The Honourable The Minister of Agriculture. A.-RETURN of Immigrant Arrivals and Departures in the District of the Hamilton Agency, for the Year ending 1 STATEMENT B.-Showing the number of Immigrant Arrivals and Departures at the Hamilton Agency, their Nationality, the number of Free Meals, Lodgings and Free Passes by Railways and other conveyances, from this Agency to the respective places of destination, for the year ending 31st December, 1883. 8001 3753 58932 3122 1581 925 735 1017 621 2064 1008 597 330 5779 2901 59198 2509 850 924 584 882 30 1043 524 264 113 STATEMENT C.-Showing the Number of Immigrant Arrivals and Departures in the District of the Hamilton Agency, for the Year ending 31st December, 1883. STATEMENT D.-Showing the number of Children received in the Hamilton District of the Hamilton Agency from the Societies engaged in Emigration, for the Year ending 31st December, 1883. STATEMENT E.-Showing the number of Immigrants Assisted, the number of Meals, Lodgings and Free Passes issued by Railway, from the Hamilton Agency,for the Year ending 31st December, 1883. STATEMENT F.-Showing the Amount of Capital brought to Canada by Immigrants and Settlers, in the District of the Hamilton Agency, for the Year ending 31st December, 18 3. STATEMENT G.-Showing the Number and Destination of Immigrants forwarded by Free Passes from the Hamilton Agency, for the Year ending 31st December, 1883. |