
Europe, continued.

edited by the Hon. Mrs. E. Stuart Wortley

with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sir Rennell Rodd. London: J. Murray, 1925. ix, 357 p. illus. 8°. ск

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. Survey of international affairs, 1920-1923. Published under the auspices of the British Institute of International Affairs. London: H. Milford, 1925. xv, 526 p. maps. 8°. BAF Troup, Sir Charles Edward. The Home Office. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 12°. (The Whitehall

Ltd. [1925.] 267 p. series.)

CM Turquan, Joseph. Les sœurs de Napoléon. Paris: J. Tallandier (1925). 2 v. illus. 8°. (Bibliothèque historia.) DGP [Tome] 1. Les princesses Élisa et Pauline. [Tome] 2. La princesse Caroline Murat.

Vaucher, Paul. Robert Walpole et la politique de Fleury (1731-1742). Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie. [1924.1 3 p.1., xi, 473 p. 8°. BAF

Vermeil, Edmond. L'Allemagne contemporaine (1919-1924), sa structure et son évolution politiques, économiques et sociales. Paris: F. Alcan, 1925. vii, 255 p. 12°. EDG

Villat, Louis. La Corse de 1768 à 1789... Besançon: Millot frères, 1924-25. 2 v. 8°. DRT

Contents: [v.] 1. La réduction à l'obéissance. [v.] 2. Le Despotisme éclairé et Le don de la Corse à la France.

Volkmann, Erich Otto. Der Marxismus und das deutsche Heer im Weltkriege, unter Benutzung amtlicher Quellen dargestellt von Erich Otto Volkmann... Mit einem Urkundenanhang. Berlin: R. Hobbing, 1925. 319 p. 8°. BTZE Wentzcke, Paul. Rheinkampf... Berlin: K. Vowinckel, 1925. 2 v. 8°. EKP

Contents: Bd. 1. Tausend Jahre deutscher Schicksalsgemeinschaft. Bd. 2. Im Kampf um Rhein und Ruhr, 1919-1924.

Wildhagen, Karl. Der englische Volkscharakter; seine natürlichen und historischen Grundlagen. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., 1925.


224 p. CBA

Wright, Peter E. Portraits and criticisms. London: E. Nash & Grayson, Ltd. [1925.1 vii, 214 p. illus. CLH

Contents: Mr. Asquith and the war. Mrs. Asquith and her times. Mr. Baldwin and his 1923 ministry. Mr. Lloyd George and his foreign policy. Mr. Ramsay Macdonald and British socialism. Lord Balfour and Zionism. Lord Birkenhead and the conservatives. Mr. Churchill and the war. Lord Curzon's career. Lord Robert Cecil and the league of nations. Thomas and imperialism. Mr. Edwin Montagu and India. Lord Darling and the law. The centenary of Byron's death. Anatole France. The triumph of Dr. Marie Stopes. Memorials of war.



* Duff, A. Wilmer. College physics. London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1925. xii, 484 p. illus. 8°. $3.80. PAF (117)

"Intended as a text-book for a beginning course, of which demonstration lectures form a part. The book is therefore concise, and does not contain a great deal of purely illustrative material or technical applications. The topics treated...are clearly presented and the phenomena described are intimately connected with the principles to be illustrated." J. R. Collins in Physical review, Sept., 1925. Author is Professor of Physics in Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

* Eagle, Albert. A practical treatise on Fourier's theorem and harmonic analysis for physicists and engineers. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1925. xiv, 178 p. diagrs. 8°. $2.75. OIH (117)

Presupposing elementary knowledge of trigonometry and of calculus on the part of the reader, an attempt is made "to give a fairly complete account of the practical methods of analysing any given curve or set of observations into its harmonic constituents, if it be a periodic function, and of detecting any periodic component in it if it is not a periodic function.". Preface.

Reviewed in Electricity, Oct. 16, 1925.

*Fisher, R. A. Statistical methods for research workers. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1925. ix, 239 p. diagrs., tables. 8°. 15s. OFX (117)

"To put into the hands of research workers, and especially of biologists, the means of applying statistical tests accurately to numerical data accumulated in their own laboratories or available in the literature. Such tests are the result of solutions of problems of distribution, most of which are but recent additions to our knowledge and have so far only appeared in specialized mathematical papers." — Introduction.

*Hartough, E. W. Handbook of wooden car repairs. New York: Simmons-Boardman Publishing Company, 1925. v. p. illus. 12°. $2.50. TPD (121)

Describes in detail the construction of, and repairs made to wooden cars, gondolas, box and stock cars, refrigerators and cabooses. Two sections are devoted to freight car roofs and car doors for all classes of house cars, both wooden and steel.

* Irwin, J. T. Oscillographs. A concise treatise on the theory, construction, and use of electro-magnetic, hot-wire, electro-static and cathode ray oscillographs. London and New York: Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1925. xii, 164 p. 12°. $2.25. VGK (121)

"Suitable for any technical student of ordinary ability, as the mathematics do not go beyond the simplest integral and differential calculus.". -Preface.

Jacoby, Henry S., and R. P. DAVIS. Foundations of bridges and buildings. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1925. xix, 665 p. illus. 8°. $6.00. VDF (121)

Complete revision and rewriting of work first published in 1914. New material on marine borers and mechanical protection, new types of piles, pulling sheet piles. use of followers, new types of cofferdams and caissons, new standard designs of piers and abutments, spread foundations, and the pretest method in underpinning. References have been brought down to 1922.

Reviewed in Engineering news-record, Nov. 19,


Industries and Industrial Arts, continued.

Lester, Katherine Morris. Historic costume. A résumé of the characteristic types of costume from the most remote times to the present day... Illustrated by Ila M. McAfee. Peoria: The Manual Arts Press, 1925. 244 p. illus. 8°. $2.50. MMC

Excellent descriptive text, with numerous drawings, many of which are accompanied by color details according to the Munsell system of notation. Three chapters on the development of American costume. Author is Director of Art Instruction, Public Schools, Peoria, Illinois.

Modern motor boat designs and plans. A collection of up-to-date designs for motor boats, cruisers, sailing craft and dinghies. Every design is complete, with all drawings reproduced accurately, complete building instructions and valuable hints on the construction. Designed exclusively for Motor Boating by William Atkin and other prominent designers... Edited by Charles F. Chapman and F. W. Horenburger. New York: Motor Boating, 1925. illus. 4°. $3.00. † VXHN (121)

Several of the 32 designs include complete blueprints.

Selvidge, R. W., and ELMER W. CHRISTY. Instruction manual for sheet-metal workers. Peoria, Illinois: The Manual Arts Press, 1925. 167 p. illus. 8°. (Selvidge series of instruction manuals.) $1.50. VND (121)

Well-illustrated apprentice book emphasizing fundamental operations rather than particular jobs. Bibliographical references and questions at chapter endings. Authors are teachers in the University of Missouri and the public schools of Cincinnati respectively.

* Veen, R. W. van der. Mineragraphy and ore-deposition, with an introduction by J. F. Kemp. v. 1. The Hague: G. Naeff, 1925. xv, 168 p. illus. 8°. PWH (117)

Treats of the investigation of polished slabs of opaque minerals by means of reflected light. Describes technique, identification of minerals, and the characteristics of the principal semi-metals and metals. Author, now deceased, was Professor of Economic Geology in the Polytechnical University of Delft, Holland.

Weber, Gustavus A. The Bureau of Standards, its history, activities and organization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1925. xv, 299 p. illus. 8°. (Institute for Government Research. Service monographs of the United States government. no. 35.) $2.00. VBDI (121)

"As the individual activities each year are numbered by the thousands, they cannot all be described or even listed here, but an endeavor is made to give a fairly accurate idea of the general nature and scope of the bureau's work... The service which the bureau renders to the national government is of the greatest importance. In its work on specifications, testing, scientific and technical researches, standardization, and housing, it acts as a great consulting laboratory for the other branches of the government and is instrumental in effecting great savings in government purchases and services." · p. 79-80.

Stewart, Oliver. The strategy and tactics of air fighting...with an introduction by

[blocks in formation]

Borenius, Tancred. Four early Italian engravers: Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Andrea Mantegna, Jacobo de' Barbari, Giulio Campagnola. London: The Medici Society, Ltd., 1923. vii, 114 p. illus. 4°. (The masters of engraving and etching.) MDBF

"Devoted to the four masters who, among the early Italian engravers known to us by name, easily come first in importance... The locality of each impression reproduced in the present volume has been stated." Preface.

Brown, Mrs. Louise Norton. Block printing & book illustration in Japan. With forty-three plates (eighteen in colors), and copious indexes of titles and artists. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd.; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1924, xiii. 261 p.. 43 pl. f°. † MDBV

"A splendid book... Its real splendor is due less to the fine form...than to the humility and ardor with which the subject has been pursued by the author... The underlying passion for truth and art is felt through the restraint of the style." — N. Y Times, June 1, 1924.

Courboin, François. Histoire illustrée de la gravure en France. Paris: M. Le Garrec, 1923-24. 2 v. illus. f°. † MDBF Contents: Partie 1. Des origines à 1660. Planches 1 à 486. Partie 2. De 1660 à 1800. Planches 487 à 908.

The work will be complete in three volumes, giv ing. in 1,200 fine reproductions, a record of French engraving such as has not before existed.

Delen, A. J. J. Histoire de la gravure dans les anciens Pays-Bas et dans les provinces belges, des origines jusqu'à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Première partie: Des origines à 1500. Paris et Bruxelles: Librairie nationale d'art et d'histoire, G. Van Oest, éditeur, 1924. 149 p., 66 pl. illus. 4°.


Like Schretlen's book, this is in some part a rehabilitation, a restoring to the Netherlands of old prints which had been claimed for other lands. With much documentation, and patriotic enthusiasm, the author traces the development of engraving in the Netherlands, in this volume to the year 1500.

Delteil, Loys. Catalogue raisonné of the etchings of Charles Meryon, with the addition of many newly discovered states and edited by Harold J. L. Wright. New York: Winfred Porter Truesdell, publisher, 1924. 101 1. illus. 4°. † MDG

Prints, continued.


Derschau, Hans Albrecht van. schnitte alter Meister gedruckt von den Originalstoecken der Sammlung Derschau im Besitz des staatlichen KupferstichKabinetts zu Berlin; hrsg. von Max J. Friedlaender... Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1922. 4 v. illus. f°. ††† MEF

Finberg, Alexander Joseph. The history of Turner's Liber studiorum, with a new catalogue raisonné. London: E. Benn, Ltd., 1924. xciv, 373 p. illus. 4°. + MDG

Funck, M. Le livre belge à gravures; guide de l'amateur de livres illustrés imprimés en Belgique avant le xvIIe siècle. Paris: G. Van Oest, 1925. xiii, 428 p. illus. 4°. MDT

Includes bibliographies.

Graphic art in the Netherlands is the subject of a number of recent books. The present one is a useful work on one phase of the subject.

Furst, Herbert E. A. The modern woodcut; a study of the evolution of the craft, by Herbert Furst (Tis'), with a chapter on the practice of xylography by W. Thomas Smith... London: J. Lane [1924]. xxviii, 271 p. illus. 4°. † MDO

"Mr. Furst has brought together, a typical rep. resentation of [English and foreign] work... The reader, whether he agrees with the author's views or not, will find him an admirable cicerone." - Connoisseur, Aug., 1924.

"Handsomely generous to Americans. The choice recalls by its striking omissions the finely comprehensive exhibition of American woodcuts at the New York Public Library." The Arts, Aug., 1924.

Geisberg, Max. Der Meister E. S. Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann [1924]. 79 p. illus. 2. ed. f°. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 10.) † MDG

Hassam, Childe. Catalogue of the etchings and dry-points of Childe Hassam... with an introduction by Royal Cortissoz. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925. 96 p. illus. 4°. + MDG

A notable monograph on an American artist who has carried into his etchings the same problems of light and atmosphere which occupied him in his painting, but with full realization of the difference in aim which the difference in medium imposes.

Leipnik, F. L. A history of French etching from the sixteenth century to the present day. London: J. Lane [1924]. xviii, 214 p., 107 pl. 4°. † MDN

"An exhaustive volume, illuminating and sympa thetic." Evening Post, Nov. 29, 1924.


Lumsden, Ernest S. The art of etching; a complete & fully illustrated description of etching, drypoint, soft-ground etching, aquatint & their allied arts, together with technical notes upon their own work by many of the leading etchers of the present time. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1925. 376 p. illus. 8°. (New art library.) MDN

"The best small textbook on the art of etching since that by Sir Frank Short." -Joseph Pennell, in N. Y. Times, May 24, 1925.

Rumpf, Fritz. Meister des japanischen Farbenholzschnittes. Neues ueber ihr Leben und ihre Werke. Mit 18 Tafeln und 70 Textabbildungen. Berlin und Leipzig: W. de Gruyter & Co., 1924. vii, 142 p., 1 1. illus. 8°. MDBV

Preface points out that this is not a continuous history of the Japanese woodcut. "Examination of contemporary Japanese literature, hitherto hardly considered, has enabled the author to discover a large number of misleading statements." The works of previous authors, especially Kurth, are subjected to close criticism.

Schretlen, M. J. Dutch and Flemish woodcuts of the fifteenth century, with a foreword by M. J. Friedlaender. London: E. Benn, Ltd., 1925. viii, 71 p., 84 pl. f°. † MDO

Smith, Ralph Clifton. The wood engraved work of Timothy Cole. Washington, D. C.: Privately printed Press of Gibson Brothers, Inc., 1925. 5 p. 1., 9-107 p. illus. 4°. MDG

Stewart, Basil. Subjects portrayed in Japanese colour-prints; a collector's guide to all the subjects illustrated, including an exhaustive account of the Chushingura and other famous plays, together with a causerie on the Japanese theatre by Basil Stewart; illustrated with reproductions of over 270 prints from the author's collection and other sources: 22 in colour. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 1922. 2 p. 1., vii-xvi, 381 p., 1 1. illus. fo. †† MDBV

Strange, Edward Fairbrother. The colour-prints of Hiroshige; with 52 plates including 16 in colour. London, New York: Cassell & Co., Ltd. [1925. xvi, 205 p. illus. 4°. +MDBV

"Indispensable, fascinating... The amazing catalogue of Hiroshige's signed colour-prints at the end of the book-sixty pages of it."-Apollo, Oct., 1925.

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* In addition 1,740 books were read at agencies of the Extension Division.

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