

Villaseñor y Sanchez, José Antonio de.

"Icomismo hidroterreo ó Mapa Geographico de la America Septentrional. Delineado y observado por el Contador de Reales azogues Don José Antonio de Villaseñor y Sanchez Año 1746." "En la figura 2 (in a corner of the map) sigue el Nuevo México, desde 3 grados." 68 x 48 cms. Ms.

Original in Arch. Gen. de Indias. Sevilla. Est. 62; Caj. 1; Leg. 41. Forms part of a report upon the settlement of the Gulf of Mexico. No. 161 in Lanzas, "Mapas de Mexico y Florida." Tomo 1.

384 NOTE. For a notice of the life and works of Villaseñor y Sanchez consult José Mariano Beristain y Souza's Biblioteca hispano americana septentrional. . Amecameca, 1883, v. 3, pp. 286-287.

In this notice are mentioned two items of special interest:

(1) Mapa geográfico de la provincia de la Compañia de Jesus de la N. E., en que se expresan las casas, colegios y misiones pertenecieates a los Jesuitas, desde Honduras hasta Californias. Delineado en Mégico año 1751 y gravado en Roma por Juan Petreschi en 1754 dedicado por el autor al rmô, general Ignacio Vice-Cómes.

(2) Theatro americano, descripcion general de los reynos, y provincias de la Nueva-España. 2 v. 1746-1748.

He says of this work:

"Esta obra se mandó escribir por Cédula del sr. Felipe V. dada en el Buen Retiro á 19 de junio de 1741, y dirigida al Virey de Mégico, Conde de Fuenclara, quien informado de los talentos, conocimientos y aplicacion de nuestro autor, le encargó su formacion. Este tomo comprende la descripcion del arzobispado de Mégico y del obispado de la Puebla de los Angeles, con una noticia exâcta, geográfica, moral y política de ambas capitales, y de mas de 90 alcaldías, mayores y pueblos principales do sus respectivos territorios, con expresion de sus limites y comercio interior."

Mexico, 1905, v. 2,

For references and full collation of this last work consult also:
Bibliografia mexicana del siglo XVIII por dr Nicolas Leon.
pt. 2, no. 5, title 966. Copy in the Library of Congress.
In this work reference is made to Fernando Consag's exploration of the upper
gulf coast in 1746. A reproduction of his map showing the coast is found in
H. H. Bancroft's North Mexican states, v. 1, p. 463.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Étienne. Bibliothèque mexico-guatemalienne

Paris, 1871, pp. 154–155.

Bancroft, in his History of Mexico, v. 3, pp. 510-511, has this to say of Villa-
Señor y Sanchez:

"About the middle of the eighteenth century the Spanish crown, feeling the
need of a full and detailed account of the actual extent of its increasing domin-
ions in the new world, and the civil and the religious condition of their inhabi-
tants, issued a royal decree dated July 19, 1741, demanding from the alcaldes
mayores and justices a complete report on their respective districts. The
compilation of these data in New Spain was confided by Viceroy Feunclara,
to the auditor-general of the department of quicksilver, José Antonio de Villa-
Señor y Sanchez. Villa-Señor, according to Alcedo, Bib. Am., MS., ii. 1158,
was a native in Valladolid in Michoacan, but Brasseur de Bourbourg, Bib.

Mex.-Guat., 154, gives Mexico as his birthplace, describing him as 'un mathé-
maticien distingué, un historien exact et un bon citoyen.' Villa-Senor lost
no time in beginning his labors, and published in Mexico the first volume of
his work in 1746, and the second two years later, under the title of Theatro
Americano, Descripcion General de los Reynos, y Provincias de la Nueva España.
After a brief and general account of the early history of America and the Aztecs,
with an outline of the physical geography of New Spain, the text proper follows,
in six parts, corresponding to the six dioceses, with the history of their towns,
parishes, and missions, classified by districts, together with some information
regarding their relative situations, actual population, condition, products, and
industries. Volume i., containing books i.-ii., with 382 numbered pages, is
devoted to the archbishopric of Mexico, and the see of Puebla, including a
full description of the city of Mexico, its public buildings, general and local
government departments, and revenues. The second volume is equally divided
between the remaining bishoprics. Though at the time of its publication this
work enjoyed a high reputation for accuracy, it was subsequently found to
contain many errors. Alcedo, Bib. Am., MS., ii. 1159. Approaching, in its
nature, a geographical and historical dictionary, it was the first of its kind
relating to New Spain; and notwithstanding its defects, which later publica-
tions have served to rectify, it is invaluable for the history of this period, and
has been freely used by subsequent writers. Villa-Señor is said to have been
the author of several other works, likewise printed in Mexico, Brasseur de Bour-
bourg, Bib. Mex. Guat., 155, but I have been unable to find any mention of
such works, excepting that given by Alcédo, Bib. Am., MS., ii. 1159-60, entitled
Respuesta á la Apologia, Mex. 1742, relating to the monopoly of quicksilver."
In Medina's mexican imprints, a list of Villa-Señor y Sanchez's works, previous
to this, is given. Consult also, H. H. Bancroft's Arizona and New Mexico,
pp. 252-253.


Escandon, José de, conde de la Sierra Gorda.

Mapa de la Sierra Gorda, y Costa del Seno Mexicano, desde la Ciudad de Queretaro situada serca (sic) de 21 grados hasta los 28 en que esta la Bahia del Espiritu Santo, sus Rios, Ensenadas, y Provincias, que Circumbalan la Costa del Seno Mexicano, reconozida, Pazificada, y Poblada en la mayor parte, por Dr Joseph de Escandon Conde de la Sierra gorda, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Coronel del Reximiento de Queretaro. Tent de Cap Gnral de la Sierra gorda sus Misiones, Presidios y Fronteras y lugar Thente del Excmo S: Virrey de esta Nueva España, en dha Costa, de cuyo orden se hizo la referida expedicion. 59 x 76 cms.

Original in Brit. Mus. Add. Ms. 34. 240 C. Shows the south eastern extremity of Texas with the rancherias and settlements along the Rio Grande. The "Presidio de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo" is the only place shown north of the Rio Grande (in Texas) Also a copy with the same title and dimensions in: Acad. de la Hist. Madrid. Col. Boturini. to 29, bet. fols. 177-178. 58 x 74.7 cms. An interesting map in colors, showing the Indian missions and with descriptive legend. There are six settlements on the N. bank of the Rio Grande: Laredo, Dolores, with a mission,

Escandon, José de-Continued.

Ranchos de Revilla, De Mier, De Carmaga and De Reinosa, which is nearest its mouth. There is an unnamed Mission no. 94 near mouth of the Nueces. The Mission of Sta Dorotea no. 95 is near the mouth of the Rio San Antonio, which flows into the Bahia del Espiritu Santo, and about 5 leagues to the N. W. of it is the Presidio y Mision de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo, in the vicinity of the Rio Guadaloupe, which lies N. of it and also empties into the same bay. A section of this map including that part N. of the mouth of the Rio del Norte gives all of the U. S. territory and would be about one third of the map. It will bear reduction to about one fourth its present size. The date may be about 1747. Brit. Mus. Add. Ms. 34,240 C. appears to differ as to the number of Missions shown in Texas N. of the Rio Grande, although the title is identical.

LC 385
NOTE.-A reproduction of this map 29 x 21 inches is found in Alejandro
Prietos' Historia, geografia y estadistica del estado de Tamaulipas
1873, bet. pp. 152–153.

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In the same work is found a Mapa de las fundaciones hechas en la Colonia del Nuevo Santander Costas del Seno Mexicano establecidas por D. José de Escandon, Caballero del órden de Santiago, Coronel del Regimiento de Querétaro, Teniente de Capitan general de la Sierra Gorda . . . 1748 . . . 1755” . . . Several chapters in this work are devoted to Escandon's expeditions.

Consult also:


Hubert Howe Bancroft's History of Mexico, v. 3, pp. 340-344.

Bethel Coopwood's The route of Cabeza de Vaca in the Quarterly of the Texas state historical association, october 1899, and january 1900.

Herbert E. Bolton's The founding of mission Rosario in the same Quarterly for october 1906.

See also title 395.


· Escandon, José de, conde de la Sierra Gorda.

Mapa de la Cierra (sic) Gorda y costa del Seno Mexicano desde la Cuidad de Queretaro, que se halla situada en los 21 gros de Latit boreal asta los 28 g 30 mos. en que está la Bahia del Espiritu Santo con sus Rios Ensenadas, y fronteras, echo por Dr Joseph Escandon Coronel del Regimiento de Queretaro Theniénte y Capitan Xeneral de la Sierra Gorda sus Misiones, Presidios, fronteras y lugares; Thente de el Excelentisimo Birrey desta Nueva España p el Reconosimo pacificacion y Pueble de la expresada costa y las suias, que de orden de su excelencia Reconocio el año de 1747. Ms. 57 x 72 cms.

Original in Direc. de Hid. Madrid. Sec. 9. Cart. 3. Ms. origs. The upper r. h. and both 1. h. corners are torn off, but not much. An interesting map showing N. of the Rio Grande a number of salt lagoons and the "Camino de la Tropa de la B del

Espiritu Santo." Also a ms. copy in colors on parchment with the same title and dimensions. 59 x 75 cms. In Arch. Gen. de Indias. Sevilla. Est. 62; Caj. 44. No. 162 in Lanzas, "Mapas de Mexico y Florida." Tomo 1.


NOTE. For information relating to this map and the author consult title 385.


Escandon, José de, conde de la Sierra Gorda.

Mapa de la Sierra Gorda, y Costa del Seno Mexicano desde la Cuidad de Queretaro que se halla Situada cerca de los 21 gr y medio, hasta los 28 en que esta la bahia del Espiritu Sto Sus Rios, ensenadas y frontera Echo su Original por Dr Joseph de Escandon Coron! del ReJimito de Queritaro Then: de Cap Gene! de la Sierra Gorda Sus miciones (sic) precidios, lugares y fronteras Then: del Exmo Uirrey y desta Nueva España para el Reconocimiento pacificacion, y pueble de la esprezada Costa del Seno mexicano, y las suyas: que de Orden de su Exsel reconocio este Año pasado de 1747. Traducido del dho Original Por Manuel Antonio Moro Piloto de la frata la Bizarra en Bera Cruz en este Año de 1748. Original in Brit. Mus. Add. Ms. 17.650-K. 57.5 x 71.5 cms. on parchment in colors.

The northeast corner shows part of Texas as described in the title. Bears reduction to one quarter its present size.


NOTE. For information relating to this map and the author consult title 385.

Sedlmayer, Jacob, 1703-1779.


Carta del P. Jacobo Sedelmair al P. Rector José de Echeverrai sobre unos mapas de Nuevo Mejico hechos por los P. P. Franciscanos. Tubutama, 20 Marzo 1747. Original in Acad. de la Hist. Madrid. Col. Boturini. t°. 16, fol. 343-345.

This is a ms. copy of a letter on the subject, as the title indicates.


NOTE. This "carta" is found republished in Documentos para la historia de
Mexico. Tercera serie. Mexico, 1856. 3e partie, pp. 841-2. For a sketch of the
life and works of the author consult Backer's Bibliothèque de la compagnie de
Jésus. . . v. 7, col. 1041–1042.

Consult also Manuel Orozco y Berra's Apuntes para la historia de la geografia en
Mexico... Mexico, 1881, pp. 232-238.

Also Bancroft's History of Arizona and New Mexico, pp. 365–368.

In the Documentos para la historia de Mexico. Quarta série. v. 1, pp. 18-25, is republished Sedlmayer's Entrada a la nacion de los yumas gentiles por el mes de octubre y noviembre del año de 1749.

See reference to the Sedlmayer expedition of 1744, in United States. Senate documents, 33d congress, 2d session, no. 78, 1853–4, v. 3, pt. 3, p. 116.

Sedlmayer, Jacob-Continued.

In the collection of the Library of Congress is a photographic reproduction of a
manuscript map of about this date, entitled "Travajo Personal que en la Inspe-
sion de esta corta Obra tubo el Ro Pe F. Juan Miguel Menchero como Visitador
General de la Nueva Mexico y lo dedica ã el Exmo Sr Dn Juan Franco Guemes y
orcasitas Virrei Gobernador y Captain General de Nueva España para que su
Exa proteja su maior Incremento de estas Misiones." 22 x 18 inches.
The map which bears much ornamental work, cartouches, coat of arms, etc.
includes the territory from Santa Fé west to the Colorado river and south to
Chihuahua, with pictorial representation of the missions of the country.
The original is in the Kartensammlung der Königliches Universitäts Bibliothek.
In answer to a letter of inquiry regarding the map, the director, dr. Heinrich
Meisner states that no date is known for it, that it was received with other
american maps in 1863, and that no text accompanied it.

For references to Menchero's expeditions at this time, consult H. H. Bancroft's
Arizona and New Mexico, pp. 245–248.

The Library of Congress has in its manuscript collection the order of june 22,
1747, from conde de Revilla Gigedo to governor Codallos regarding the first
military exploration of this region, containing several references to Menchero.
Also Menchero's testimony of july 30, 1752, regarding the indian missions.
For notices of Juan Francisco Guemes y Orcasitas, conde de Revilla-Gigedo,
consult Alaman's Disertaciones historicas . . . appendix p. 50–60; and H. H.
Bancroft's Mexico, v. 3, pp. 358-359.


Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1726–1786.

La Floride divisée en Floride et Caroline Par le S Robert de Vaugondy Fils de Mr Robert Géogr. ordin. du Roi. Avec Privilege. 17 x 16.5 cms. Colored outline. Undated.

WL 389

NOTE. This is the same map, without date, as the one mentioned with date
1749 in title 390. It is found in G. Robert de Vaugondy's Atlas portatif . .
Paris, 1748-[1749] described in Phillips' List of Geographical Atlases, title 608.
Consult title 364 for references to the family of Robert de Vaugondy.


Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1726-1786.

La Floride divisée en Floride et Caroline Par le S Robert de Vaugondy Fils de M: Robert Géogr. ordin. du Roi. Avec Privilege. 1749. 17 x 16.5 cms.

WL 390

NOTE. This is the same map as the one described in title 389, which consult. The Library of Congress has in its collection a ms. map of this date, 28 x 30 inches, which is of sufficient interest to note, entitled "Carte particulière du cours du fleuve st louis depuis le village Sauvage jusqu'au dessous du détour aux anglois. Les lacs Pontchartrain & Maurepas, & des rivières & Bayouc qui y aboutissent. À La Nelle Orléans le 6 Mars 1749. J. Janvier' [sic]



Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1726–1786.

Partie du Mexique ou de la Nouve Espagne où se trouve l'Aud

de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Nouvelle Navarre, Californie

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